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  After a few days of supervised training, Addie finally had some time alone to assess their powers. Last time she used them, her healing white dust was malfunctioning--just like before they turned to music therapy. It seemed logical that music would help again, but that wasn't the case. Now, the power wouldn't even start up, whereas it was just splotchy before. This would definitely be a problem... "It's happening again, isn't it?" A voice asked from behind Addie. Startled, they turned around and spotted Genji. They relaxed upon realizing who was there, and sighed instead of responding. "Addie... That's not good. Do you know why this is happening?" Genji asked, seeming concerned. "If I knew why, then it wouldn't be happening," Addie replied quickly, "And besides, I have replacements regarding the White Dust... It's not really a big deal, so keep this between us." Genji didn't immediately reply to this, but he did eventually nod. It was Addie's choice if others knew about her issues, after all, and Genji himself only found out on accident. Least he could do was keep a secret... For now. "I'm worried about you, but if you want me to keep this on the low... Then I will, unless I feel like you're in danger." "The only danger I'm in," Addie began, "Is losing track of Tracer on our recon today. She's practically bouncing off the walls." Genji chuckled a bit at this, replying, "Well, she doesn't like to sit still. I can imagine she's been looking forward to going on missions again." "I'll do my best to keep up. But after that... It's been a while since we've had dinner together. Would you be interested?" Addie asked, making a little gesture with their hands. "Aw, I thought you'd never ask! We could go to Rikimaru, it's a ramen shop!" Genji exclaimed, seeming happy. "Oh! I've never had ramen shop ramen before... I'd love to!" Addie replied with an enthusiastic nod. Now that their schedule was filled, Addie needed to get started on her mission with Tracer.

  Tracer and Addie headed out to a rural area where reports of suspicious activity were recorded. Tracer suspected Talon's numerous agents were up to something, since the likeliness of Null Sector being the culprit here were...slim. "I had no idea a place like this existed over here," Addie began, looking around. This area was barren, except for a ravine and a single, very old-looking bridge spanning across it. "That's precisely why Talon would use it for illegal stuff--nobody knows it's here!" Tracer exclaimed. "Well, I don't see any signs of human--or omnic activity. So, I'd assume we might have to look down there," Addie said, gesturing at the ravine. "Good observation! I'm... Not sure how to get down there, though," Tracer replied, glancing down. For a moment, it was silent while the two thought, but suddenly a thought jumped in Tracer's head like a flash. "Wait a minute, love! You can fly!! Why didn't you remind me?" "I...was just seeing if you remembered. Yeah," Addie began, "Memorizing your colleague's skills is important." "Hm. If you say so," Tracer replied, raising a brow. Addie was acting odd... "So, then, can you fly down there and scout a way down?" Tracer asked. "Yeah... Totally," Addie said slowly, gazing down into the ravine. It's not like their Black Dust was malfunctioning any, but Addie couldn't shake their nervousness. Still, since Tracer was here, Addie did a small test, which worked, before jumping over the edge and floating down. "That was wicked!! Okay, now try to find a way for me to join you!" Tracer called, waving over the edge. From where Addie was, she looked like a tiny silhouette... Tracer wouldn't be able to zip her way down from that height, so Addie searched for any way for the latter to join her. After what felt like forever, Addie spotted a felled bridge, which could likely be used as a ladder... If careful. "Hey, Tracer, I found a bridge that looks like it broke a long time ago, but it's still intact on the side we entered from. If you're careful about it, you should be able to make your way down," Addie explained through their communicator. "Wicked! Be there soon!" Tracer replied. Soon enough, Addie could see Tracer making her way down, though she did save some time by zipping downwards on the ladder. "Cheers love! I'm here!" Tracer greeted, striking a pose with her hands on her hips. "Good to see you, Lena. Now let's get looking," Addie replied, turning around after. Now that they were both down here, the two could tell that someone was definitely using this space--which meant there was another way in and out. "Looks like discarded weapons. Maybe there was a fight?" Tracer commented, gesturing to a pair of shotguns. "Maybe, but why would they be left here? ...Maybe someone committed a crime and tried to get rid of the evidence," Addie replied, snapping a picture to add to a file. "Ooh, what if we stumbled into a murder mystery!" Tracer exclaimed, chuckling after while nudging the latter. "That sounds pretty nerve-wracking, to be honest," Addie replied, trying to go along with Tracer but suddenly feeling overstimulated. There was something... Ominous about how these weapons were left. Upon further examination, they weren't damaged at all, only empty. This implied that they weren't thrown from over the edge, but rather were dropped by someone down here recently. Besides a bunch of other discarded supplies and some empty cargo crates, there was... Nothing. "Well. I guess it's empty! Someone's definitely using this place, though, so we should let Winston know that we need eyes here," Tracer said, beginning to head back. Addie turned to follow, but something caught in their peripheral vision, making them jerk back around. "What's wrong, love? See something?" Tracer asked, not too far up the makeshift ladder. "Yeah... But it's nothing I can't check out on my own, I'll meet you up there," Addie replied, gesturing for Tracer to head on her way. Trusting in Addie's abilities, Tracer zipped back up the 'ladder', and began making preparations to get going. Meanwhile, Addie headed further in, spotting a glint of light. Upon further examination, this glimmer was a shuriken...and not just any. "Kiyoshi was here," Addie mumbled, furrowing their brows. Maybe whoever discarded the shotguns got into a fight with him... Addie added this idea to the file, just in case. Since there was a possibility Kiyoshi was still here, Addie decided to keep looking around, letting Tracer know she could head back. Tracer wasn't keen on leaving Addie alone, this far away from the base... But they had their communicator and could request pickup at any time. Despite being worried, Tracer headed back, leaving Addie to their own investigation...

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