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  Just as they promised, Addie met Sombra and Sigma at their usual spot the following day, as they had been doing lately. Today, Sigma had brought some coffee and stroopwafels with him to share with the others. "So," Sombra began, "Spill it. Why'd you leave in a huff last night? What'd she tell you?" "She wouldn't give me the results unless I joined Talon," Addie explained, "So obviously I said no. But I really wish she'd at least let me see them..." "That's unfortunate, I'm truly sorry," Sigma replied, looking sad for the latter. "Eh. I got'chu," Sombra began, pulling up some screens. Addie tilted her head at the latter, watching her. "And... I'm in!" Sombra exclaimed suddenly, "Now let's see..." "Did... Did you just hack into my results?" Addie asked, flabbergasted. "Yep. Talon should know they can't hide anything from me," Sombra replied. Interested, Sigma looked over as well. "I'm no doctor, but she didn't write anything down beside the bloodwork... So it looks...normal?" Sombra stated. Addie glanced over as well, confirming this fact. "If she didn't find anything... Then that means she lied to me... Go figure," Addie mumbled, sighing after. "Wait, there's more," Sigma pointed out, "It seems to be a brain scan!" "Ooh, let's take a look," Sombra said, opening the results. The three stared at the image of Addie's brain--part of it was colored in. "The word 'trauma' is written on the side. Did you get hurt? Could your powers be gone because of head trauma?" Sombra asked, looking over at Addie--who looked equally confused. "No, not that I know of," they answered. "I think Dr. O'deorain means trauma--as in, mental trauma. A mental blockage, if you will," Sigma explained. Silence fell upon the table, then. "I...have no idea why it would say that," Addie said slowly. "A scan doesn't lie," Sigma reminded, "But if it's too much for you..." "It has to do with Kiyoshi, doesn't it? What exactly have you been holding in?" Sombra asked. Addie abruptly stood up instead of replying, then saying, "I'd better go, okay? I'm not on the schedule anymore today, but a friend of mine is bringing me a prototype thing to try." "I hope you enjoyed brunch with us, and I'm sorry these results were...jarring to you," Sigma said, waving a bit. "Oye, take care. Try not to do anything stupid out of desperation again, okay? That could've gone a lot different if Moira didn't let you go," Sombra warned. Addie nodded to both of these points, waving after. "Same time tomorrow," they said, "I'll see you then."

  Addie arrived back at the base, disappointed for various reasons but wearing their typical unfazed expression. "Good morning, Addie," Angelo greeted, "Well, afternoon, I guess. You've been going to the park a lot, I see? I'm proud of you for going out!" "Ah, thank you, Angelo," Addie replied, "That's kind of you to sa-- Wait, how do you know that's where I'm going?" "Simple, there's a tracker on our communicators! I was surprised when I found that out, too..." Upon hearing this, Addie was glad they hadn't worn their uniform when meeting Moira the other day... "That makes sense," they replied. "Yeah! Anyway, Brigitte should be here soon, so I'd keep your uniform on in case you get hurt while practicing with that thing she made you," Angelo said, seeming worried. Addie couldn't help but chuckle. Angelo was always so worried about everyone's wellbeing--it seemed fitting that he ended up going into healthcare. "Sure, sure," Addie responded, "I'll keep it on, just in case." Hearing this, Angelo smiled and nodded in thanks. At least Addie took some of his advice. Even if the latter wanted to take it off, they'd already agreed, and besides, didn't really have the energy right now to change. All that was left to do was wait for Brigitte, which shouldn't be long, as Angelo did say she should 'be here soon'. For now, the two passed the time by chatting, but eventually, Brigitte showed up. "Hey! Sorry if I'm late, I had to run an errand while I was out," Brigitte greeted, taking off a backpack. "You're fine," Addie replied, waving. "Hi Brigitte! How've you been?" Angelo asked. "Doing good here! And yourself?" The latter said in response, smiling. "Good as well! I'll leave you two to testing the prototype then!" Angelo said, waving before taking his leave. "Practice range?" Brigitte asked. "Yeah. Sounds good," Addie agreed, nodding.

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