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  It was obvious that Talon was planning...something. From the now inaccessible ravine, to reports of rather shady folks meeting away from crowds, it was clear that something was happening within the terrorist organization. One couldn't help but wonder about Null Sector's odd silence, as well... "I was thinking," Winston began, seated in a meeting room along with other agents, "We find a way back into that ravine. There was a lot of compelling evidence down there that we barely got the chance to document." "We'll also need to keep the nearby city under close watch. It's not unlike them to cause chaos where there's big crowds," Cassidy added. "I can investigate the ravine," Pharah offered, "It'd be easy for me to get in and out." "If you need more hands, I could tag along!" Mercy commented. "So that's two for the ravine, so far," Winston said, writing something down. "Angelo, Addie. I'd like you two in the city, since that's where you normally work," Cassidy stated. "Of course," Angelo agreed with a small nod. "Sure, but what should we do? I'm sure our 'normal routine' won't cut it," Addie replied, looking over at the cowboy. "Glad you asked," Cassidy began, "Just be on the lookout for anyone suspicious, and try to document anything weird anyone says or does." "Sounds easy enough. We can handle it, right?" Addie responded, turning to Angelo after. "Yeah, I think we can," Angelo agreed with a small smile. "That's two for each so far! Any other volunteers?" Winston asked, looking around. Tracer was still curious about the ravine, but since there wasn't a safe way down, she offered to wait until one was built to join Pharah and Mercy. Genji offered to patrol the city with Angelo and Addie as well. "Oh, I can fly too," Echo chimed in, "So perhaps I could investigate the ravine in Tracer's stead?" "Ooh, yeah! You'd be great!" Tracer encouraged. "That sounds wonderful, Echo," Winston agreed. So far, each area had a team of three for these investigations. That was a good start... Hopefully, they could figure out what Talon was up to, asap.

  The following day, the investigations started. Pharah, Mercy and Echo headed off to the ravine that Tracer and Addie previously investigated, and Angelo, Addie and Genji headed into the city, where the former two would normally work. "I'll listen around and bring any info back," Genji began, "You two just focus on being medics for now." "I'll write down whatever you bring back!" Angelo said, nodding. Addie didn't reply directly to either of them, but they did give a light nod to both. They were too worried about how a Talon agent technically knew where to find her. Sombra seemed cool, though... And Sigma didn't seem to be out doing 'field research' all that often. So maybe, the group would be okay for now... If anything were to happen, though, Addie felt like it would be her fault. Still, they did their best to not get distracted, getting occasional updates from Echo regarding her own mission, and Genji reporting about possible suspicious folks. "Looks like rain," Addie said suddenly, looking around. This weather reminded them of meeting Genji, Cassidy and Tracer for the first time. "Oh, it does! Hm... That could be a good thing," Angelo replied. Upon noticing Addie looking at him with a curious expression, he continued, "Usually, people will only go out in bad weather if they have urgent business, so this could make it easier to spot anyone doing anything...illegal." "Oh... That's smart," Addie replied. "Yeah, it's something my mom said once," Angelo responded with a smile. "I'd like to meet your mom someday," Addie began, "She seems like an excellent tactician, and lots of people speak highly of her." "Yeah, they're right! I really admire my mom," Angelo exclaimed, "But she's always so busy, that's why she's never on base. Hopefully she can come by soon! I'm sure she'd love to meet you, too." Addie smiled a bit, listening to Angelo speak. From the way he spoke, it was clear he and his mother had a good relationship. "Heads up," Genji began through the communicator, "There's a limo coming your way. Try to get a good look at it, because I couldn't." "On it," Addie replied. "Something happen?" Angelo asked, curious. "Limo headed this way, Genji wants us to take a look at it." Hearing this response, Angelo nodded and prepared a notepad to write down the license plate if the vehicle was suspicious. Just as Genji said, a limo did in fact pass by--driving slow. Much slower than normal, in fact... "Why's it...going so slow? It's barely raining," Addie asked, raising a brow, watching it drive by. "Well, those things are pretty expensive," Angelo reminded, "I can imagine that damaging it would mean more costs, and people really would rather save money." "Good point," Addie agreed, "But... I can't help but feel like it looks familiar..." "Familiar?" Angelo echoed, "Oh! Could it be the same one that picked up the boy you healed a while back?" "Could be. Wouldn't hurt to note the similarities," Addie replied, taking out their own notebook & writing down the similarities between the limos--that she could remember, at least. As they wrote, they were interrupted by Angelo nudging her. Looking up, Addie spotted that the limo had now come to a full stop. "What are they doing?" Addie asked, raising a brow. "No idea, but I'm gonna update Genji," Angelo replied, doing just that. Just then, the door to the limo opened, and out stepped... The boy from before! Holding an umbrella, he quickly crossed the vacant street and headed over to the two medics. "Onyx... Right?" Addie asked, quickly putting away the notepad. "Ah, you remembered! I'm glad, or this would be...kinda awkward," Onyx replied, chuckling a bit. Addie nodded, mustering a small smile as they replied, "This is Angelo, my colleague and friend. Angelo, this is Onyx, he's the younger brother of Opal Sterling." "Good to meet you," Angelo greeted with a smile, "Is there anything we can help with?" "Actually," Onyx began, "I, uh... I told my sister about how you helped me, and she was pretty adamant about me giving this to you, if I ever saw you again..." As he spoke, he grabbed out a small, sheer, sparkly pouch and handed it over. Addie looked over the pouch a bit, before peeking inside. "It's... A sample of her perfume. She thought it would repay how you've helped me," Onyx explained. "Oh. That's nice of her," Addie replied, curious about the scent, but not curious enough to spray it here. "How'd you know to find us here?" Angelo asked, using his tone in such a way to where he didn't sound suspicious--but rather just curious. "Oh, I didn't," Onyx said, "We were just passing through and I recognized Addie at a glance..." "Well," Addie began, "Send my thanks to your sister. I'm glad you're better now, too. It was nice seeing you again." "Right, of course! It was good seeing you--and meeting you, too, Angelo!" Onyx exclaimed, carefully heading back to the limo in the now heavier rain. Addie and Angelo waved him off, and as he got back in, they caught a glance of his sister... She waved elegantly at them, before the limo headed off again. "Huh. Interesting," Addie said, watching as it drove off. "So... A celebrity just thanked you for helping her brother. How do you feel?" Angelo asked, chuckling a bit. Addie rolled their eyes, laughing a little before replying, "Well. I'm practically friends with two celebrities already..." "Aren't you popular! Not really a great thing when trying to investigate though, huh?" Angelo replied in a teasing tone. Gently, Addie shoved him before taking another look inside the pouch--discovering an elegantly handwritten note, folded up neatly. "Oh, what's that?" Angelo asked, noticing the latter reading. "I'll let you know in a sec," they replied, taking a closer look at the note. "Dearest Addie... Thank you for healing my dear little brother. I'm glad someone as capable as you were out that night he was attacked. Onyx is so stubborn, he won't take my bodyguard or have one of his own. Regardless, I thank you again for helping him when he needed it. I'm sure you've noticed your gift I left as well: a sample of my luxury fragrance, Glimmer! It's quite expensive, you know, so use it well. Take care! Sincerely, Opal Sterling~" "Wow she must really be grateful... I kinda always thought her to be one of those stuck-up celebrities," Angelo mumbled, chuckling nervously after. "Nah, I agree. She gives off that vibe," Addie said, shrugging, "But it's still a nice gesture... I guess we should get Genji to group up so we can tell him what happened and see if he found anything else." Agreeing, Angelo called to Genji for him to regroup.

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