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  Moira didn't have to wait long before Addie's test results came back. The results, however... Were unexpected. "Well. That's... Not what I was expecting, but I can work with it. Seeing as how desperate they are, it won't matter what I tell them," Moira mumbled. Though the bloodwork left much to be desired, the brain scan... Was rather interesting. She had a plan, and all that was left was to put it into action. If her hypothesis was correct, then it should be easy to get her desires from here. Now, the following night, Moira called for Sombra to bring Addie in for the results. Finally, it was time...

  "I wonder what she found," Sombra began, "She was real quiet about it." "Hopefully, something that helps," Addie replied, exhausted. This exhaustion was more emotional than it was physical--though Addie was drained physically too. "Fingers crossed," Sombra said, nudging the latter lightly, "Go ahead. I'll wait here." Addie nodded a quick thanks before heading back into the makeshift lab. "You made it, good," Moira greeted, "I must say... These results are...interesting." Hearing this, Addie's curiosity piqued. "Can... You tell me what you found out? I'd really like to know," they asked, taking a few steps closer to the scientist. "Well, yes, I'd love to... But we'd have to make a deal," was Moira's response. "What...kind of deal?" Addie asked again slowly. They didn't like where this was going... "I seldom do things like this for free--only when I believe it to be... Mutually beneficial," Moira stated, "And so, in return... I would like you to consider joining Talon." "Wh... What? Why me?" Addie responded, frankly in shock. "Your powers are an asset not being properly utilized in Overwatch. I mean, look who you had to visit to even be taken seriously," Moira said, with a small gesture to herself. The scientist had a point... "Okay," Addie replied, "But I don't see how joining a terrorist organization is 'beneficial' to me." "You and I both want Kiyoshi dead. Together, we can find and kill him. Not to mention, with my scientific prowess, I can surely find a way to get your powers back," Moira explained. Again, she made good points... For a moment, Addie genuinely considered. Then, they remembered her friends at Overwatch--Tracer, Genji, Angelo... Obviously, it's not like she'd be telling them of her decision, so they'd be stuck wondering what happened for a while... And the biggest point, Talon was a terrorist organization. "I... Guess you'll be keeping those results, then. I'm sorry, Dr. O'deorain, and thank you for doing this." "I see," Moira said coldly, "So you've made your choice. Next time Talon sees you, you will be seen as an enemy." "I understand this. I'll go, then," Addie replied. "If you change your mind," Moira called as the latter walked away, "Let Sombra know." Addie paused but didn't turn around. Shaking their head, she continued walking and asked Sombra to bring her back to their old spot, promising to tell her what happened later.

  "They were desperate... But not desperate enough," Moira mumbled, "Maybe I'll need to figure out what he did to her after all, so I could use it..." She didn't think, truly, that Addie would deny joining in exchange for the results. Not even offering to help track down Kiyoshi convinced them! Apparently, her will was stronger than Moira thought it was. Still, the scientist wasn't intent on giving up. Addie's powers could still be well utilized in Talon, and there were still ways to get her hands on them... This was simply just a test run. 

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