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  Addie laid silently in her bed after packing their backpack with whatever they figured she'd need in Nepal... Starting a new chapter of life was always difficult, but she could deny the need to change no longer. They were kept awake late with thoughts of doubt, nervousness, uncertainty... And anticipation. Eventually, Addie did fall into a restless sleep, and it felt like they were unconscious for only a few moments before their alarm went off. Groggily shutting her alarm and checking the time, Addie was surprised to see that they'd slept for much longer than how it felt. Regardless, they got up and began to get ready, making sure they were wearing the warmest clothes she could find (without overheating). After checking her backpack, Addie deemed themself ready enough to head out to the main base to get something to eat before leaving. Unsurprisingly, Genji was already awake, seeming to be waiting patiently. "Oh, good morning," Addie greeted, "Did you even sleep last night?" "Of course I did!" Genji exclaimed, going quiet after a moment, then continuing, "A little bit. Here, sit, share breakfast with me." Addie placed down her backpack, sitting beside the latter at the island counter. As she did this, Genji slid over a bowl of white rice topped with a runny yolk fried egg. It was still warm, but it seemed to have cooled down quite a bit... Hinting that Genji had been up for quite a while now. he silently ate his own portion, kicking his legs rhythmically. He seemed just as anxious as Addie--if not excited. After eating, Addie made some coffee for herself and Genji, and more people had showed up by this time. "I heard you're going on a pilgrimage...if that's what you'd call it," Sojourn began, "I'm happy you're seeking help for everything you've been through. I think this is gonna be good for you." "I think so, too," Addie agreed, "But I'm... I dunno, a little reluctant." "I promise, you're gonna be fine. You're not gonna burden anyone with this! If anything, I'm sure he'll be happy to have some company!" Genji replied, doing his best to diminish any lingering worry Addie was holding onto. "Yeah, you're worthy of the help you're gonna get. Don't worry about it, okay? We'll hold down the fort until you get back," Sojourn said, giving Addie a little nudge and smile. "You... Want me to come back? After what I did?" Addie asked slowly, disbelief in her voice. "Well, I'd like it if you did. I know Angelo would too," Sojourn stated. Addie nodded in response, though still seeming surprised. "I'm gonna check with Cassidy if the airship for the first leg of our journey is ready. I'll return shortly," Genji said, heading off somewhere outside. By now, Sojourn left to go get her work in order, probably, which gave Addie some alone time to really think about what she was getting herself into. Before they could think too hard, however, Tracer showed up. "Oh! Glad I didn't miss ya! I wanted to say goodbye before you go... Because I'm sure it'll be a while before I see you again..." "I'll be back," Addie replied, "I dunno when, but I will." "Well! We're all gonna miss you, okay? But we're rooting for you too!" Tracer exclaimed, wanting to give Addie some hope to leave with. "I'll miss you too. Thanks for always giving me a chance, Lena... You and the others... I don't know what I would've done without you guys," Addie replied, smiling lightly. Tracer gave the latter a quick hug, grinning after. "You take care! I'll send your regards to Winston and anyone else who isn't here right now!" "Yeah, please do. Tell them... That I'll miss them," Addie said, sighing softly. Tracer gave a little salute and nod before giggling a bit, heading off after. Everyone else... Seemed to be busy. It was really early--maybe they were sleeping? "Hey, it's time to go," Genji called, peeking around the corner, "C'mon!" Quickly, Addie grabbed their belongings and followed Genji outside.

  "Well. This is it, Gremmy. How're you feelin'?" Cassidy said, turning around to face Addie and Genji. "Kinda nauseous," Addie answered with a chuckle, "But I'm...ready." "You behave for Genji's teacher, okay?" Mercy said, placing her hands on Addie's shoulders, "I want you to be on your best behavior--and I want you to do your best! Give it your all, but don't push yourself... And--" "Alright, Angela, I think she gets it," Baptiste interrupted with a chuckle, "You take care! I'll see you around, hopefully you're feeling better by then!" Addie couldn't help but chuckle at Mercy's 'mother-like' rambling. She gave a nod to both her and Baptiste before speaking, "Right, of course. Thank you." "Addie, wait!!" Angelo called as he ran over. After gaining the latter's attention, he gave her a big hug. "Remember, healing takes time... You're not gonna feel better in a day. And don't get discouraged if your powers take a long time to come back, I know you can work through it!" "Thank you, Angelo. I'm... Really sorry for never giving you a chance to help me," Addie replied, looking down. "Sometimes, it's harder to talk to your friends. It's okay," Angelo replied, "I'll miss you, but I know you're doing what you need to do! When you come back... I look forward to working with you again." "When I come back," Addie began, "You better have improved with that gun. I know you can do it." Angelo laughed a bit at this, nodding, "I'll work on it, I promise!" "You focus on getting better. I don't want you to do any work while you're there," Cassidy said, giving the young adult a pat on the back. "Thanks, Quesadilla," Addie replied, barely hiding a smirk. "What the hell did you just call me?" Cassidy asked, raising a brow. "Quesadilla! Because you keep calling me 'Gremmy'. I figured you could use a stupid nickname, too," Addie answered. "I've had that coming, huh. Well, listen, take care of yourself. I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about when you get back," Cassidy said, ruffling the latter's hair. Addie swatted his hand and fixed their hair quickly, taking one more moment to check herself over. "Ready?" Genji asked. Addie was quiet for a moment. Sombra ended up being right about talking everything through. It was a shame they couldn't thank her and say goodbye to her and Sigma. "Yeah," Addie replied, "I'm ready." After waving goodbye one more time, Addie and Genji headed onto the small airship, charting a course to Nepal.

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