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  More and more time began passing. It was becoming blaringly obvious to Addie--albeit very slowly, that they weren't going anywhere anytime soon. She could deny it for only so long... Addie began changing from their original helpful and polite demeanor--becoming irritable and distant. Something had to change... But Addie couldn't see that.

  "I've already tried convincing them to talk to Angelo about it," Mercy began, "But she said it was too awkward to talk to a friend. I don't understand..." "I can try sittin' her down and addressing their attitude carefully. She tends to listen to me," Cassidy suggested. Mercy only sighed lightly in response, knowing this wouldn't work. "How about... We give her something new to do? Maybe doing something else, like field research, would help get their mind off of it?" She suggested, gesturing a bit. "I don't see why not. We could use more hands on deck in that regard," Cassidy agreed, "Addie's been studying Null Sector recently, so they should be up to date with what signs to look for." "That's perfect. Go ahead and call them in, then," Mercy replied, taking a seat. Within a few moments, Addie arrived and exchanged glances with the two agents who called her in. "What is it? ...Am I in trouble?" "Oh, dear... Of course not. We just had an idea for you, that's all," Mercy began gently. "So. You want that Ninja--Kiyoshi, right? You want him dead... We want field research done involving Null Sector... See where I'm going with this?" Cassidy continued, raising a brow. "Investigate traces of Null Sector... While hunting for Kiyoshi? But I'm an EMT, aren't I?" Addie asked, looking confused. "Indeed you are," Mercy replied, "And who better to keep the other agents healed, than you?" Slowly, Addie nodded. Finally... They were giving her an opportunity to do what they came here for! "Yes, that's perfect. Thank you for the opportunity," Addie said, giving a nod. "You'll start tomorrow, and you'll rotate being out in the field and doing your normal work," Cassidy explained, "You'll be out with Pharah." "An aerial survey, huh? I could get into that. I'll let her know, I guess," Addie stated, taking their leave after. Hopefully, this would mellow out Addie a bit & give them a chance to do what she wanted to do.

  Pharah was currently in the practice range, but she wasn't training. In fact, she just finished. "Hey, Fareeha," Addie began, "I'm with you tomorrow. Hope that's okay." "Well, I don't see why it wouldn't be," the latter began, "But remember that I'll be in charge out there. No hard feelings, okay?" "Of course. I don't doubt that you're more experienced than me, so it'll be better to keep us both safe," Addie agreed. Despite their irritability, Addie still tried to get along with the other agents. It wasn't their fault that she was like this, anyway... "Okay, let's do a practice run, then. I just finished, but I'll need to test you just in case," Pharah said, stretching a bit before checking her fuel. Addie dreaded going back into the training course, but if Pharah was gonna be taking this 'rookie' with her... They had to at least know what they're doing. Addie realized this fairly quickly, and had no choice but to ignore her dread. "Listen up, I set the course to test your aerial maneuvering, specifically. Don't worry about the enemies on this run, I just need to make sure you can keep up with me," Pharah explained. Addie took a look at the course carefully. There were a few platforms set up where they could rest for a moment to recharge... But most of the course seemed to be avoiding obstacles in the air. Addie's black dust hadn't been acting up lately, so feasibly, there shouldn't have been anything to worry about... Still, she was nervous. Maybe it was just peer pressure from someone so skilled as Pharah... "You look nervous... Don't be. You'll do fine, I've seen you training Angelo. C'mon, show me what you can do!" Pharah exclaimed, trying to hype the latter up. It worked a little--and gave Addie just enough motivation to launch into the course. This course didn't end up being so hard, in all honesty, there was just a lot of tight maneuvers and quick direction changes. You could say that Addie passed this test with... Flying colors! ...Which Pharah did. "You really didn't seem like the bad pun kinda person, Fareeha," Addie said bluntly, crossing her arms. "Oh, c'mon! That was a good one! And speaking of 'good', I was serious. You did really good!" Pharah replied with a grin. "Well... Thank you. I think keeping all of my skills sharp and finding new ways to utilize them... Will help me in the long run," Addie said slowly in response, as if thinking about each word before saying it. "And that's exactly what you'll be doing on these surveys! Buckle up, it'll be a...blast." "I'm stuck with these awful jokes now, aren't I?" Addie asked, stifling a laugh. "Oh, yeah. You know it," Pharah replied, clearly amused.

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