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  Understandably, the Shambali Monks were in disbelief upon hearing this news. They themselves were none the wiser of Iris's task, or that Sage was even missing until this very moment. As figured, the monk who spoke with Addie was nowhere in sight... "I can't let him get that information to Sage, if he really is working with Null Sector," Addie said, now pacing nervously around the temple. The monks were all discussing their next move, willing to help. Satya now had to return to work unfortunately, but she wished them luck. "I'm not even sure how we're supposed to tell Iris about the mole in the Monastery... It's obvious she doesn't know--but how could she not see it?" Addie asked herself, still pacing quickly enough to make any onlookers dizzy. Luckily for Kintsugi, he wasn't on Addie's back anymore or it'd be quite the ride for him... "Iris is very trusting, my student. She doesn't want to believe that anyone could be so cruel." Zenyatta spoke as he watched his student pace. He knew better than to stop her. "We will send a few messengers to the Monastery," a monk proclaimed, "We will have to interrogate everyone there... Null Sector is a terrorist organization, so we're taking this claim very seriously. I do hope you've accurately judged this situation, apprentice Addie." "I don't wanna be right, do you realize this? Do you have any idea what I've accidentally gotten myself--and everyone here--into?!" Addie exclaimed in response, not wanting to respond as harshly as they did. "Iris could get hurt because of me..." They said, finally wearing off enough energy to sink to the floor. "We won't let her get hurt," the monk replied, "But it's like you said: we need to stop that mole from delivering the news to Sage." "So, I'll go after him!" Addie exclaimed, perking up, "Yeah! I saw him leave, but I don't know which way he went... Did anyone see him?" The monks exchanged glances, all thinking. "He's probably no longer in Suravasa by now. I doubt you'll be able to catch up with him..." A monk admitted with a sigh. "Suravasa's a pretty big city. I just need a general direction and I'll find him," Addie replied, seeming determined. "We will find him," Zenyatta corrected, "You're not doing this alone." Addie looked over at their teacher as he said this. "I... Don't want you putting yourself in danger. For all I know, they could be using this as a trap to get to you, Master." "I am well aware of this, my student. But I cannot let you do this alone. Null Sector is, indeed, a terrorist organization who stands for human eradication. You are in danger going alone," was Zenyatta's response. The temple was so quiet now, that anyone could hear a pin drop. "I guess we'll face the danger together, then. I may not have all my powers, but that won't stop me from making things right," Addie stated, giving a nod. Another monk nodded then, walking over. "I assume he must've headed out of the city the same way you two likely entered--before probably moving discretely through the wilderness. You've got a lot of ground to cover, but there is a trail that he might've followed for safety." "Then what are we waiting for? Let's find that mole. Thanks for your help," Addie replied, going to grab her basket before remembering the danger that could lie ahead... "Could I leave this here? I have, uh... A raccoon. His name's Kintsugi, he's a good boy. There's food in there for him..." The Shambali Monks exchanged glances and shrugs, eventually one speaking, "Um... Yes, you may. We pray for your safe arrival back with the mole." With this, Addie nodded and faced her teacher who gave a nod back. They left without another word.

  Though their arrival in Suravasa was nothing short of average, the situation that transpired... Was not. Zenyatta and Addie were now making haste through the wilderness, intent on finding a mole who was working with Null Sector--at least one of them. The monks at Suravasa had sent a few of their own to make a journey to the Monastery to find the other. "I should've been more careful," Addie said, "If anyone gets hurt because of me..." "It isn't your fault. There was no reason to suspect anyone having ulterior motives, my student," Zenyatta said, doing his best to quell his apprentice's worries. It was clear that she felt responsibility for this, even if these red flags weren't initially obvious. "I have a track record of accidentally helping terrorists at this point... How do I keep falling for it?? Am I seriously that gullible?!" "You are not 'gullible', you simply exchanged information with someone who should have been trustworthy. I can't speak for the previous times, but you acted out of desperation then. This is different, though you were taken advantage of each time." Addie sighed after their master spoke. They supposed he was right, but there was no point in dwelling on it for any longer. She had the chance to make it right this time... The monk and his apprentice were far away from civilization now, but no sign of the mole... They would likely be searching for a while.

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