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  Sojourn, Cassidy and Addie made haste as the sun set, heading to the most optimal position for their stake out. Based on the reports Sojourn reviewed, this area saw frequent activity from many a cloaked figure, definitely up to no good. Despite the stake outs during the day near this area coming up empty in terms of evidence, the group figured they'd have more luck at night. "So... How are we doing this?" Addie asked, looking around in the fading golden hour light. "While we still have daylight, I'm thinking that we split. You're fully equipped to handle being on your own for now, right?" Sojourn replied, turning to face the young adult. Instinctively, after meeting the latter's gaze, Addie looked over their EMT outfit. Its ability to serve as minimal armor, despite its appearance, typically came in handy... She had her communication earpiece on, as well, just as normal. Not to mention, their replacement weapons. By all means, Addie was well suited to do their own investigation--despite being nervous. "I'd assume we'd accomplish more if we're all in different areas, so let's do it. Don't worry Gremmy, Chase and I have communicators on," Cassidy stated. "Yeah, of course. Let's do it," Addie replied quickly with a nod. There wasn't much daylight, so the three split quickly to different locations in the area. Cassidy decided to lay low and blend in (as well as a cowboy could), since people were still out and about. He listened in closely to anything that sounded suspicious, but so far, everything seemed normal. Sojourn took 'laying low' to another level, heading towards the outskirts of the city to review where the highest reported suspicious activity was located. She figured she could get a good view from where she'd ended up standing, and not to mention, she had whatever information she needed at her fingertips. Addie wanted to investigate the area where she felt she was being watched before, and luckily, this wasn't hard to get to--since it was on their usual path to Kọfị Aromo. Retracing their steps, Addie couldn't help but feel nervous... Maybe it was just her nerves. Still, they wanted to be useful, to help; so, she kept looking.

  "There's been a...slight change of plans," Akande began, talking through a transceiver, "Moira's target is on the move, in the perfect area to strike." "Leave it to me. I'll get them," Reaper replied, using his wraith form to move into position. Moira waited eagerly, yet patiently, for good news. Reaper lurked in the shadows, watching his target closely... This was unbeknownst to Addie, of course, who was the target in question. She investigated a small puddle of oil carefully. "Weird. No idea what could've made this," they mumbled, using some tools to take a sample--just in case. Now, the perfect chance to strike! Reaper used his wraith form again to swiftly move behind the latter, easily backing them into a wall, leaving no chance to escape. Addie stumbled against the strange mist that had moved aggressively towards them, catching themself on the nearby wall. This mist took form, revealing a cloaked, masked figure who spoke in a raspy voice, "What's the matter, medic? You look like you've seen a ghost." Addie was, quite frankly, speechless. What were they supposed to say to this? This masked assailant left no room for an escape, so all they could do was stare ahead--like a deer in headlights. "You have no idea who I am, do you?" The figure asked, slowly moving his arm down so that the blade attached to it was right in front of the latter's neck. "I was sent to offer you a deal," he continued, "Join Talon...or die." "Y-...You're..." Addie said slowly, processing the ghost-like man's words, "You're with Talon... Why are you..." "You don't do business with Talon for free. Make up your mind, quick. Do you want your life, or not?" Addie needed to think of a way out of this--and quick. Slowly, they raised their arms, trying her hardest to suppress her trembling as they spoke, "Y-yeah, I... I'll come..." "Smart kid. Let's move," Reaper replied, moving his arm away. He was disappointed, but glad that this mission would be so easy. Addie took a few moments to steady their breathing, assessing the latter's hand tightly on their shoulder... They couldn't call for help, but if either Cassidy or Sojourn had checked their status reports, maybe Addie's heartrate would give away that she was in trouble. All they knew was that she needed to find a way out of this situation quick, because Reaper was leading her further and further down the alley. Their powers were useless... Attempting to use them would put her in more danger now. So, with no other options, but knowing full well that Moira was planning something malicious, Addie shoved the masked man as hard as they could and bolted. "You're lucky I was hoping you'd do that," Reaper mumbled, teleporting in front of her. Addie stumbled back in surprise, falling. "Great going, dumbass, now he's really got you," Addie thought, mentally preparing to die. "Awful bold of you to try that," Reaper began, pulling out his shotguns, aiming directly at the latter's head, "You're not going to do that again...right?" Despite this threat, Addie could only pay attention to the shotguns--just like the ones in the ravine... "You fought Kiyoshi," they said abruptly, forgetting about the grave danger she was in, "Did you kill him?" "What?" Reaper asked, "You mean that...ninja? That little bastard who stole Moira's experiment... No, I didn't kill him. Unfortunately. How did you know we fought?" "You...left your guns in the ravine...and I saw Kiyoshi's shuriken nearby, so I...just assumed." "You're the one who warned Sigma about the Overwatch agents investigating it, aren't you," Reaper began, "Who's side are you even on?" "It was an eye for an eye, I'm... I'm with Overwatch," Addie replied, using his distraction to gain some very small distance between them, "At least, I want to be." "And I want you to make this easy on me, so get up or I'll kill you." Reaper stated, realizing the latter was trying to escape--albeit slowly. How long could Addie hold him like this? How long would he wait before shooting? Luckily for Addie, this wouldn't need to be answered, as they were suddenly scooped up and moving rapidly away from the cloaked figure. At first, Addie had no idea what was going on, but soon enough, they'd realized that it was Sojourn who had come to their aid! As for Reaper, he didn't bother chasing the two, and instead retreated. Moira wouldn't be happy about this news... But perhaps Akande would. Maybe this was the perfect disorder he craved...

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