More Heroes

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   On the way back, Addie learned about an organization known as "Overwatch", which is primarily a team that strives for peace and keeping humanity (and Omnics, though Addie wasn't sure what those were quite yet) safe. She also learned that the cowboy, Cassidy, the cyborg, Genji, and the young woman, Tracer, were all members of this team, among others. Finally, the group arrived at a hidden base, and now Addie would learn more about this organization...

  "Ah! Look who's back, and with that little troublemaker from the city, too! Where's the other one?" A blonde Swiss woman asked, raising a brow. "Long story short, they're both time travelers and seem to want each-other dead," Cassidy explained before turning to Addie, "Addie, this is Mercy. She'll take care of ya, she's a doctor." "Oh, my... Yes, I see. You certainly don't look good, now that I get a better look at you. Sit down here and I'll run some tests," Mercy said leading Addie into a medical bay of sorts. "I will make some food! I'll come get you after it's done, then!" Genji called, heading off after. "I'm assuming you haven't eaten in a while. You're also very dehydrated, though not too severely," Mercy commented, filling something seemed to be a patient file. "I've been drinking a little bit of water. I didn't want to run out," Addie explained quietly. "Yes, I see. That's seen often in folks recovered from getting lost. Now, take small sips," Mercy said, handing over a lukewarm water bottle. Addie wasn't in a terrible enough condition for fluids to have to be manually pumped in, but Mercy still observed Addie's vitals. Though the water was lukewarm and they couldn't drink too much at a time, Addie thought it was the best thing they'd had in days. Mercy went on to give a physical examination, deeming Addie healthy enough to do things on her own. "Now, I recommend that you eat slowly once Genji gives you food, afterwards bathe, and then get some good rest. Tomorrow, you'll be feeling good as new!" Mercy exclaimed with a confident nod. "Thank you, Doctor. You've been a big help... Though I really do have things that need to be done," Addie replied. "And what would that be?" Mercy replied. "You heard Cassidy, didn't you? I need to kill that Ninja. My theory is that, once I do, I'll be instantly transported home," Addie explained. "...I see," Mercy responded quietly, "And why do you want him dead, exactly?" "...He took something important from me, and the only way to get it back is to kill him," Addie said quickly. This technically wasn't a lie. Mercy already had a nagging feeling on what this suggested, but it wasn't her place to pry. "Yes, I understand," she said with a nod, "I suggest you talk to Cassidy about your next move, then. I'm sure he can help you." As Addie was about to respond, Genji peeked around the corner and spoke, "Hey! Food is done, come look! I think I did a pretty good job." The cyborg seemed satisfied as he spoke. "Genji, I hope you didn't make anything too big. Addie cannot eat too much right now!" Mercy said in an almost scolding tone. "One bowl of ramen won't hurt! They'll be fine!" Genji insisted, doing a waving gesture with his hand. Mercy rolled her eyes and carefully helped Addie down from the bed. "If he's too much for you, do not hesitate to let me know," she said, giving a gentle pat on Addie's shoulder. "Don't worry, he's fine. Thank you, Doctor," Addie replied with a soft gaze, turning her attention to Genji after. For the life of them, they just couldn't understand why a robot would need to know how to cook... "Lead the way, then."

  In the dining hall, two bowls of ramen were waiting for the duo that had arrived from the med bay. Cassidy and Tracer were there, too, seeming to be discussing something. Genji smoothly slid into his seat, patiently waiting for Addie to do the same. The young adult joined him a moment after. "So? What do you think?" the cyborg asked with a head tilt and an expectant tone in his voice. "It smells...very good. Like soy sauce. That's one of my favorite ramen flavors," Addie answered with a light smile. "Oh, how cool! I was hoping I picked a good flavor!" Answered Genji as he pressed a button on the side of his visor. In doing so, his visor opened up to reveal a scarred face--yet a bright expression. Addie stared in shock--well aware that it was rude to do so, but unable to look away. "What? Is it the scars?" Genji asked, right as he was about to dig into his food. "You're not a robot?!" Was all Addie could reply. "No?? Did you think I was?? This whole time??" Genji replied in disbelief. This drew Tracer and Cassidy's attention, as they listened in with amusement. "Yes??" Addie replied, appalled (and somewhat embarrassed), "I'm a time traveler, I've never seen a cyborg before!! And the visor really doesn't help!" "...You know what, yeah, I can see that," Genji replied, shrugging and proceeding onto his food. "If you're a cyborg," Addie began after some silence, "What happens to the food?" "Don't worry about that right now, eat! Before it gets cold!" Genji stated, gesturing at the latter's untouched bowl of ramen. Giving in, Addie ate small bites at a time, occasionally speaking with Genji about various topics. "Sorry to interrupt, but might I have a word with ya?" Cassidy asked, pulling out a chair, turning it around, and taking a seat in a position to where he could rest his arms on the back of it while facing forward. "Doesn't look like you'll take 'no' for an answer, so what's up?" Addie asked, realizing the question was directed at her. "You wanna get that Ninja dead, right? So why don't we help each-other? We'll help ya find him, and you can help us," Cassidy suggested. "And how can I do that?" Addie replied, not exactly on board yet. "Well, you healed Tracer up pretty good, so I'm guessing that's somethin' you're pretty good at. Overwatch could definitely use more healers with combat experience." "Oh, that's what you want? I mean... Sure, I guess. I'm pretty used to playing the role of healer back at home. After all, my group relies on me as their leader and medic," Addie replied in between mouthfuls of ramen. "Leader, huh? That's good to know. So, are you in?" Cassidy asked. "Yeah, sure, as long as you hold up your end of the bargain: help me find that Ninja, and let me fight him whenever I see him," Addie answered. "Of course. Tomorrow, I wanna asses your abilities to figure out where you'd be best suited," Cassidy responded with a nod. Addie was silent, but acknowledged Cassidy's comment with a nod. As they finished eating, she figured this was the best possible outcome and couldn't really complain about the events that conspired today. It was a far better outcome than starving to death in the city, even if it meant having to do work for someone else. It wouldn't be for long, Addie figured, because as soon as she managed to kill that Ninja... Everything would go back to normal.

  Addie spent the rest of the day (after bathing) getting to know this new place. It wasn't long before they were exhausted and just wanted to rest. At this point, Cassidy showed her to where she would be staying. "Feel free to make it yer own. I'll leave you to it," the cowboy said, tipping his hat afterwards. "Thanks, but I probably won't be here for long, you know," Addie replied. "Right, of course. You sure that plan of yers'll work?" Cassidy asked, raising a brow. Addie furrowed a brow in response. Of course it would, they thought. Then their expression turned somber. "I hope so. There's a lot on the line," she eventually replied. "Whatever he took from you must've meant a lot to ya. Angela mentioned it while talking about your file. Apparently, you don't exist. I guess you not only come from the past, but an alternate past, too," Cassidy said, standing still as Addie proceeded onto her new room. It took her a moment to figure out who "Angela" was, but they eventually realized it was that doctor, Mercy. "At least there's no chance I run into myself, huh?" Addie said with a chuckle. "You'd be 81, anyway, if yer 21 that probably wouldn't be anything to worry about regardless," Cassidy joked back. "You took my ID, didn't you? I never told you how old I was," Addie asked, giving the latter male a look. "Guilty," Cassidy admitted, "I had to check yer bag for anything dangerous. All I found was a nearly empty water bottle." Addie shrugged in response and took a seat on the bed pressed against the wall. "Are you in charge here, cowboy?" she asked. "I...guess so? I dunno. Group effort," was the response. "Interesting. A good leader relies on their group and knows to trust them. I take it that you know what you're doing if you're willing to let a newbie in so easily," Addie said, gazing intently at the older male. "Sheesh. You talk like some sorta tactician. I think Vivian would like you... Besides, there's lots of reason and mutual opportunity here for the both of us. You'd probably function great as an EMT," Cassidy commented, "Why don't you sleep on it? I'll leave ya to it." With that, he closed the door and left Addie in the darkness of an unfamiliar place. For once, Addie was too tired to care how unfamiliar this area was and drifted off into sleep quickly. They thought about how kind these strangers were, and the idea of being an EMT... Whatever that cowboy said would be something Addie would consider. It would be like... Returning the favor. Not for long, of course... That Ninja would be dead asap. Especially now that they had some backup. 

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