Lonely Island

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  Despite Addie's first day with Zenyatta going well, the following days were... More difficult. For example: Addie had a new sleep schedule (where they were lacking one before), new and specific eating times, and not to mention--a whole new person they were living with. At first, it was absurdly hard for Addie to even get used to the sleep schedule, as they never had one before, even as an EMT. Their internal clock wouldn't let them sleep, and they'd wake feeling irritable and groggy. Then, Addie wasn't allowed coffee until after consuming something of nutritional value--and Zenyatta opted for tea instead. Addie had to keep reminding themself that having a schedule and better eating habits would help, but it was so...difficult. They also worked hard to keep her emotions in check as to not lash out on Zenyatta for simply helping... But this led to Addie being drained. All the time. The worst part? This was only three days in. It had gotten to the point where Addie unintentionally slept in one morning--but Zenyatta decided to allow this and use the spare time to run errands. By the time he returned, Addie had awoken, though it appeared that she'd only been awake for a few minutes prior. "Ah, good morning. How are you feeling?" Zenyatta greeted, waving a bit. Addie rubbed her eyes before replying, "I have no idea what time it is." "It is... 11:30," Zenyatta answered, peering at a clock behind him. "What-- Why'd you let me sleep that late for??" Addie exclaimed, practically jumping up. "I figured you could use some time to adjust. It's impossible for me to expect you to immediately fall into the schedule I made for you," the monk stated, "And besides, I took the time to run an errand quickly." "Oh, what's the errand?" Addie asked, making their way over. Zenyatta was holding a parcel of sorts, wrapped up neatly with an orange ribbon. "It's for you, actually. Why don't you take a look?" He replied, handing it over. After doing this, he stepped out of the latter's room and made his way across the hall to a different area. Addie took this opportunity to carefully open the parcel and take a peek at what could possibly be 'for her'. The first thing they noticed were shades of orange and red with gold accents. Curious, Addie carefully put the parcel down on her bed and carefully removed the neatly folded, silky fabric. "Ah, right, training gear," they mumbled, remembering the conversation they had with Zenyatta the other day--but not expecting the robes to be quite so... Elegant-looking. She carefully placed them aside and looked further into the parcel, discovering a baggy set of pants, a few other sets of slimmer cloth that Addie had zero idea on what to do with, and the thermal underlayers Zenyatta was talking about. This part was a set of open-footed tights and a long-sleeved shirt that could connect to the middle finger. "So, what do you think?" Zenyatta asked, causing the latter to face him. "It's beautiful," Addie replied, "But I have no idea how to wear it." "I don't expect you to. I'll help, if you just put on the base first," Zenyatta stated, gesturing to the thermals that Addie was still holding. "Oh--oh, right. Excuse me for a second, then," Addie said in response, waiting for Zenyatta to close the curtain over her entryway. After he did this, Addie carefully put on the thermal underlayers and tested their flexibility--which was impressive. Then they slid on the pants, which wouldn't stay on properly no matter how hard she tried. "Maybe there's another part that goes on... Ah, whatever. I'm decent, Master!" Addie called after a moment. Zenyatta pushed open the curtains and allowed himself entry, carefully picking up some of the smaller cloths and a twisted belt that wasn't originally in the parcel. "Where'd that come from?" Addie asked, watching him attach the cloths before tying it around her waist, thusly holding the pants in place. "It's one of mine, actually. I figured there was no point in having one made if I had one that would work fine," he responded, then organizing the robes and adjusting them on the latter accordingly. "There. What do you think?" He asked, adjusting a bit more fabric in the back as Addie took a look at herself in a rather weathered full-length mirror. "It's..." Addie began, getting a bit closer to the mirror. She fell silent, gazing over their mostly obscured figure. "It's perfect," she answered. "I'm relieved. Oh, but I just remembered something... Give me one moment," Zenyatta replied, leaving abruptly after. Confused and frankly curious, Addie watched him leave through the mirror's reflection. After a brief moment, the monk returned with something in his hand... It looked like a necklace. "A while ago, I made this," he began, handing it over, "I'm giving it to you as a show of faith--since you chose to have faith in me to help you, essentially. Now, you don't need to wear it, of course, it's more of a gesture for you to just have it." Silently, Addie observed the necklace they were given. It was made with thick, shiny beads, bearing resemblance to the spheres that orbited around the monk's neck. "You...made it? And you surely want me to have it?" Addie asked, raising a brow. "Of course. It's just been hanging on my wall--I'd like to see it have a use. You could wear it while meditating, to remind you of your purpose... Or you could just use it as decoration, if you'd rather, like I previously did. You don't need to wear it at all," Zenyatta replied, seeming relatively nonchalant about this exchange--as if it wasn't a big deal, or maybe just something that felt right for him. Without thinking about it, Addie slipped the beaded necklace over her head and gave a small smile at the monk. "Thank you. I'll cherish it," she said. "It's my pleasure," Zenyatta responded with a small nod, "Perhaps if you'd like to, we can practice meditation today. Even if you're not good at it yet, you may find it relaxing." Addie decided to agree to the monk's offer, as clearing their mind could help... But one thing she was certain of, was that they were never taking these beads off.

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