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  Weeks began passing, and before Addie knew it, it'd already been a month. One month since time traveling, one month since that fateful day... Addie did their best not to think about it--lest they get distracted while patching a patient up. "You're good to go," Addie said, stepping back from the Omnic (apparently, that's what those humanoid robots were called!) who'd come under her care. "Thanks so much... Your healing is really cool!" The latter replied with a joyful tone and grateful nod. "It's nothing, really. How'd you end up like that, anyway?" Addie asked in response. The Omnic fell silent and averted his gaze. "Ah, um, I just did something stupid," He eventually answered. Addie could tell a lie like this from a mile away. "Did someone hurt you? You gotta let me know. I'm a lot more than just an EMT," Addie said, now with a more serious tone. "Please don't hurt anyone for me, okay? It's just... I ran into some humans that weren't very fond of Omnics... B-but I'm obviously fine now, thanks to you!" The latter replied, trying to make it seem like not such a big deal. Addie thought about this for a second. It took them a minute to realize that Omnics and Humans didn't live in complete harmony, like they'd originally thought. "I'm sorry," Addie eventually said, "You...and other Omnics don't deserve that kind of treatment." "Thanks for your kind words... I'm kinda worried about running into them again, though..." "Do you want me to walk you home? Do you live around here?" Addie asked, well aware that this was outside of their requirements, but still feeling bad. "Would you?" The Omnic asked, perking up, "That would be really kind of you! I actually live right down that way... Are you sure you're okay with that?" "Sure, of course. Let me just let someone know I'll be back a few minutes later than normal," Addie answered, texting Angelo about the situation. Once it was sorted, the two headed off.

  "Well look who's back. I heard you were a good Samaritan today, huh?" Cassidy teased as he noticed Addie walk in. "Quiet. I felt bad for him. Some people still know me as the 'scary street fight guy', so nobody would mess with us anyway," Addie shot back quickly, trying to keep her tough guy persona up. "Yer such a good kid, y'know? I made a good choice bringing you in," Cassidy commented, patting Addie's back with a somewhat satisfied grin. Addie wasn't amused by this. Being called a 'good kid' did give a small amount of dopamine, though... "Oh, that's right. I wanted you to train with someone new next time yer free, okay?" Cassidy said after, adjusting his position so that he was now in front of the young adult. "Tell me more about my new training partner. Are they another EMT in training?" Addie asked. "Nope," was Cassidy's response, "Her name's Echo. She's a... Rapidly adaptin' AI. She's always talkin' about learning new things, and I figured she'd be all over yer skills." "An... AI?" Addie asked, "So, different from the Omnics... Right?" "Yeah. Those guys are sentient, Echo is a very convincing artificial intelligence," Cassidy explained. Addie nodded at this. "Well, I guess I can't turn down a new experience. Besides, maybe I'll be able to learn something from it, and if I do, it'll help me in the long run," They said after thinking about it. "Ha, you kinda sound like her when you talk like that. Well, I'll let 'er know. I'll introduce you two tomorrow, then," The cowboy said in response, taking his leave after. Addie was left alone now, thinking about Echo and what she could be like... Just then, there was a tap on Addie's shoulder. Quickly turning to face the culprit, Addie saw it was only Tracer and relaxed. "Heya! Winston said he wanted to talk with you about something he figured out! Sounded like it was kinda important!" Explained the British woman with a nod. "Really? Thanks for letting me know, I'll go see him now...if he's not busy," Addie replied. "No, he's not! He wanted you asap, actually! Hope it's good news for you!" Tracer responded with a hopeful smile. Addie did agree to let Winston experiment with finding an alternative way home, so they owed him help if he needed it... Not to mention, she was a bit curious as to what Winston had found out.

  Heading down into Winston's lab, Addie announced their presence and asked if it was okay to enter. "You don't need permission to be in here if I'm also here! You're a friend, you're always welcome!" Winston called. Addie was a bit surprised with this response, but they still proceeded on. "Tracer sent me. Said you had something to discuss?" They said upon finding the latter. "Ah, yes! So, this actually doesn't have much to do with my research, but," Winston began, "On the slim chance that the Ninja is from this timeline... Killing him will do nothing." Addie was silent for what felt like an eternity. "...Are you sure?" They asked eventually. "Yes," was the response, "And this is because if he's from the future, killing him won't undo something that was done in the past. Understand?" Again, Addie was silent. This...wasn't good news. "Okay," Addie eventually said again, "But why would he be in my timeline to start with?" "Ah, that I don't know. And I'm definitely not telling you that he is from this timeline, I'm just warning you of the possibility," Winston explained calmly, as if able to detect the rage slowly filling within Addie. "...Yes, I see," Addie responded slowly, reminding themself that Winston had nothing to do with this bad news. "I still want him dead regardless," They continued. Winston made a face. "To get back what he stole from you?" He asked. "...Even if I can't get it back," Addie answered. "Now, I'm no expert on whatever you're going through," Winston began after a few seconds of silence between the two, "But it really sounds like you need someone to talk to. From what I'm gathering, that Ninja hurt you pretty badly." Now, it was Addie's turn to make a face. They chose her next words as carefully as possible, despite wanting to just scream. "My problems are mine alone to bear. Why would I burden someone, especially if there's only a possibility of my goal not working?" Winston only sighed in response. "Yes, I see. Suit yourself, but please take care." He realized that there was no convincing Addie at this moment. "I'm...sorry for being difficult, but it all makes sense in my head. Um... Keep me updated, Winston," Addie said after another few seconds of silence. "Of course. ...Please take care," Winston replied. Addie only nodded in thanks before leaving.

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