Bright Horizon

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  Ever since their manic episode, Addie became more patient with herself and more willing to be alone with their painful thoughts. Healing was uncomfortable, but it was necessary. After all, Addie couldn't try regaining her powers until they could process their grief. Besides, she hadn't even seen any signs of them returning--so there was still the possibility that they were, in fact, gone. Addie would have to also accept that possibility if they wanted to heal... This part was also difficult, since she had her powers for such a long time and grew reliant on them. Zenyatta figured that he could slowly teach Addie various self-defense techniques in the meantime, as he'd learned a thing or two over the years. (You know what they say about monks having a mean left hook? Yeah well, this one can launch you into the sun with a kick.) A lot of learning self-defense, however, had to do with first gaining more stamina. Despite Addie being used to pushing their limits and fighting hard, she relied heavily on her powers to make this work. As for martial arts self-defense? Addie could kick hard, but they had no technique. So now, a month in, Zenyatta began to train Addie in terms of stamina and self-defense. A lot of this began as cardio--such as walking to and back from town every other day. If Addie wasn't up for walking that far, she'd walk around the lodge or keep active by sweeping and cleaning. Stretching was important, as well... So, Addie did that when feeling extra unmotivated. It seemed she was seriously committed... But now, they were taking a break.

  "Dear Genji, Master has been training me well." "Is that really a good way to start a letter?" Addie asked themself aloud, tapping a pencil to their chin, "No." She erased it and tried again. "Dear Genji, how have you been? I've been training a lot. Master is just as kind as you said, and things have been well over here. I miss you." For a moment, the young adult stared at the paper, eraser hovering over the last sentence. "Are you in need of constructive feedback? You seem to be...hesitating," Zenyatta asked, breaking Addie's train of thoughts. "Oh, I... N-no, it's fine." Despite answering like this, they still hesitated, which caused Zenyatta to stick around. "...Do you think Genji would make fun of me if I wrote that I missed him?" Addie asked after a minute. "I think he'd be touched," Zenyatta answered, "He only acts tough, but he's quite sensitive. He would love to hear that he's in your thoughts." Addie nodded, flipping their pencil around. "If you ever find the time, Master and I would love it if you visited. Sincerely, Addie." She scanned the letter quickly before nodding and speaking, "This is all good to send out. I'll take a walk down to the post office in town soon." Zenyatta handed over an envelope as he spoke, "Are you sure? It's getting late now." "Of course. I'll be okay," was Addie's answer. Zenyatta only nodded in response as he watched Addie fold the letter. "Though," the young adult began after some silence, "I think you...might've been hinting that the post office will be closed soon. I'm a bit slow." Zenyatta chuckled a bit before shaking his head, "I should've been more direct. We'll go together tomorrow morning, yes?" "Yeah, that sounds good," Addie replied. She put the envelope on a table as to not forget it later, before turning their attention to the monk again. "So... What's for dinner?" "I have ingredients for a soup, if you like," Zenyatta answered. "I could get into that," Addie said, "I'll help!" It was only right to offer, since it was for her after all... Zenyatta never minded the extra help, either.

  The next morning, the two made the trek into town to run errands and visit the post office... Well, that was also technically an errand. "It looks like people are...preparing for something?" Addie asked, "What's going on?" "A festival, perhaps," Zenyatta replied, "It looks like it's still in the early stages of being set... Maybe someone needs help? We should ask, after you send out that letter." "Offer to help...strangers?" Addie replied after a moment, glancing at the familiar faces, despite not knowing a single person's name. "It would do you good to get to know some folks down here, after all, you come here frequently and never speak with anyone. I imagine they're curious about you," Zenyatta stated, adjusting a satchel on his shoulder. Addie thought about this for a moment. If they were curious, why didn't they just ask? It only took a second to remember she didn't look very... Approachable. "If you still need more convincing, you may be compensated for manual labor that elderly folks in particular can't perform," the robotic monk added, knowing this part would get his apprentice's attention. "Why didn't you just say that?" was the response. "I was hoping you'd take initiative on your own, but everyone has certain things that motivate them. I'm happy as long as you're doing your best and staying out of trouble." Hearing this, Addie nodded. Having cash... Wouldn't be terrible. Despite having barely any possessions (nor a desire for such), if a festival was being set up, perhaps there would be games? She'd need money for those. So, after sending out Genji's letter, Addie and Zenyatta asked around about what was going on. From what they could gather, it was some sort of summer festival. Addie figured it'd be lovely for Genji to visit to experience it, but they didn't mind experiencing it with Zenyatta, either. The two offered to help various vendors, which all accepted, and afterwards were compensated! (This was either cash or ingredients, but neither complained. Addie needed to eat, after all.) "I've still got a few things to do, but why don't you look around some more? Making conversation wouldn't hurt, you know," Zenyatta mentioned, briefly glancing over at his apprentice. Addie seemed to consider for a moment. Maybe it would make Zenyatta happy...? "Sure, I guess," they eventually replied. "Wonderful. If you need me, I'll be over by the regular vendors," Zenyatta said, heading off a moment after. Addie watched him go before turning to face the area being set for the festival. Maybe she could ask about what its purpose was? After all, a festival of this type seemed out of place in an area such as Nepal. Perhaps that guy holding a clipboard knew more... "Pardon me, are you... A director of this event?" Addie asked, slowly approaching the man they'd seen. "Hm? Oh, why yes I am!" Was the response, "What do you think, it looks promising, right?!" "It looks... Interesting," Addie said back. "Ah, well... It's still in the early stages of being set up. I could really use more volunteers..." Addie took a moment to process this. Was he asking them to help, or was he just generally complaining? "Um... Well, I could help you," they eventually replied, "But I'm also training under a monk, so I don't know how available I'd be." "You'd help, even though you're training?! Wow, what a gem you are! I would love that!" The man exclaimed, grinning. Again, Addie took a moment to think. "Um. Thank you," they said after a few moments. "No, thank you!" Said the man, stepping down from a small ladder. "What I'd like for you to do... Is hand out these fliers! We could get more help that way, in terms of people running stalls, or helping set decorations! You're a bit small to help with that, but you'd be great on flier duty!" As a small stack of fliers were handed over to them, Addie hesitated to take them. This was one way to interact with people... "S-sure. What should I say to them--the people I had these out to?" "Ah, just say something along the lines of... 'Your skills would be useful at the festival that Ren is setting up'!" "You're Ren...right?" Addie asked. "That's right! I had to move here a while ago," Ren replied, "And I've been missing home, so I saved up enough to organize a summer festival! We could really use someone who's good at making clothes, some food vendors, and someone who's good at crafting nicknacks." "Clothes?" Addie asked in response, "You mean, you'd want someone who can make yukata?" "Yes, exactly! You know your stuff, huh? I figure we may also need entertainment, but I'm not sure where to look for that..." "Can't help with that either," Addie replied, "But I'll still ask around." "Ah, thank you so much, Monk's Apprentice! This means more than you know!!" Ren said happily, seemingly relieved to have some help. Addie only gave a nod in response before heading over to where the usual vendors were... What had they gotten themself into?

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