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  The light flurry didn't halt Zenyatta and Addie's progress any, and soon enough, they reached the second and final village they'd have to pass through. Addie expressed that they weren't tired yet, so they could keep this pitstop brief. Zenyatta hesitantly agreed but insisted that she get something warm to eat before they set off again. Addie didn't want to bother anyone so late at night... But they were hungry by now. Luckily, there was an omnic running a food stall, likely only out so late on the off chance of human travelers coming through. He seemed excited to make Addie something to eat, mentioning that it wasn't often he got a chance to do so. He ended up making some sort of noodle dish which was warm and tasty, and made Addie feel like she could take on anything. "If you're done and ready, we can head off again. We're nearly there." Zenyatta said. "I'm set," Addie replied, handing the empty plate back to the vendor, "Lead the way." As they headed off, the omnic vendor wished the two safe travels. From here, the trek wasn't difficult--but it was winding. Addie could see the Shambali Monastery looming overhead--they were getting closer by the minute. This high up on the mountain, the wind was rather intense, and the temperature couldn't possibly drop any further... Zenyatta was right about it being colder up here. Still, Addie toughed it out to the best of their abilities--as there wasn't anything else they could do. Stopping would only be worse for them right now... "D... Do you think Iris knows we're nearby?" Addie asked, trying to get their mind off of the cold. "I would assume so," the monk replied, sneaking a glance at his student. He knew better than to outwardly comment on the state they were in by now, but even so, he debated stopping to make a fire. He figured with how close they were, and with Iris likely preparing for them in advance, it would be okay to keep going. Stopping would be worse, after all, if humans specifically keep warm by moving... Still, he had to ask, "Are you feeling all right, my student? You've done well to keep your composure on this journey, but I doubt you've experienced anything like this before." "I'm okay," Addie answered, "A little cold, I guess. But we're... A-almost there, so I'll be fine." Their stubbornness seemed to be fading a bit, which to Zenyatta, was a surprise. "A little?" The monk asked in response with a light chuckle. Addie huffed at this comment and averted their gaze. "I picked up tea from the first village we visited," Zenyatta continued, "As soon as we get there, I'll make you some. It will help you warm up." "That... S-sounds nice, actually," Addie said, offering her master a smile despite their teeth chattering a little. Addie's condition seemed fine for now. Actively engaging in conversation and aware of their surroundings--they weren't hypothermic, just cold. With this confirmation, Zenyatta was able to focus properly on leading his apprentice to the monastery, and soon enough...

  "They're here!" Iris exclaimed, "Will you check if the water I set is boiling?" Another omnic monk nodded and headed off quickly. Iris walked down a set of stairs to meet her brother and his apprentice halfway. "You made it! I'm so happy to see you, Zenny!" Iris chanted happily, embracing her brother. Zenyatta welcomed this hug easily and spoke after, "I've missed you, sister. Thank you for waiting for us." "It's nothing, brother! And this must be your darling apprentice, how cute are you in those robes! But you do look rather cold... Good thing I prepared, come on!" After speaking, the omnic seer began heading back up the stairs, followed by her brother and his apprentice. "Is she... Normally this hyper?" Addie couldn't help but ask, watching the seer. "Not typically, no," Zenyatta responded, seeming amused--but confused--by his sister. "She must be happy to see you. I'd probably be that hyper if Genji showed up suddenly, too," Addie replied, bracing quickly as an omnic monk tossed a blanket at them. "Hey, that's a guest! Be nice! I'm sure she doesn't bite!" Iris scolded, heading back over with a tea kettle filled with boiling water. Addie only chuckled and made a dismissive hand gesture as the omnic from before gave a sort of apologetic bow. The blanket was warm... Likely warmed near a fire for a short time. "Come, sit! I wanna hear all about the trip," Iris said, gesturing at a set of pillows on the floor. Zenyatta and Addie joined her, and while the omnics got Addie's tea going, Addie spoke about how the trip was. "I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the trip, despite how challenging it was," Iris said in a calmer tone, "Here, your tea is ready, by the way." "Thank you," Addie said, "And the challenge was a part of the fun, I think. I can't get new experiences if I don't push myself." "Does that mean you're considering what we spoke about before?" Zenyatta asked in a teasing tone, to which Addie only pouted. "I can't wait to show you around when the sun rises--oh, wait! You're a human, you'll need to sleep a bit soon... Well, there'll be plenty of time for me to show you everything. For now, get warmed up, and I'll go set up a place for you to sleep," Iris said, standing up. She walked away after, and another monk followed. "So, does she... Run this place?" Addie couldn't help but ask. Zenyatta debated for a few moments before replying, "Yes and no. She was closest to Mondatta before he died--besides me, of course... Coupled with her gift to see into the future, she became the next best person to guide the Shambali. However, for her, it's a double-edged sword." "Meaning?" Addie implored, raising a brow. "They won't let her leave without supervision, which is why we had to meet her here," Zenyatta explained. Addie nodded, understanding. That must be why that one monk would follow her everywhere... "Though I'm a bit confused," Zenyatta commented, "Typically her twin brother, Sage, would be the one following and escorting her..." "Twin brother?" Addie asked, "I didn't know omnics could... Well. Maybe if they're made at the same time, in the same batch...?" "Precisely," Zenyatta confirmed. "You're wondering about Sage," Iris said as she made her way back to the two, no longer accompanied by the other monk. He instead stood in the doorway, not really paying much attention. "That's... Actually what I wanted to discuss with you two." Zenyatta and Addie briefly exchanged glances. There was a reason, after all, that Iris wanted to meet Addie... "Sage... Has gone missing. A few months ago, he disappeared. I'm unable to scry his whereabouts, but I know... That he's not in trouble." "Not in trouble?" Addie asked, confused, thinking that Iris was about to ask for help to find him. "I'm... Afraid I don't understand, sister," Zenyatta said slowly, stumped for once. Iris gave a weak sort of laugh before continuing, "He's not in trouble... Because he's causing the trouble. I don't know where he is or what he's doing, but I know it's not good. I can see that he's taken on a new identity." "How can we help?" Addie asked, looking serious. "I'm glad you asked," Iris said, "But I need my brother--your master--to give permission." "Tell me what you want to do," Zenyatta said, a bit of cation in his voice. Iris took Addie's hands within her own as she spoke, "When your powers return, I need you to meet me back here. Together, we will seek out my brother." Addie was silent for a few moments. Iris's hands were cold--but they felt natural within theirs. "Why... Me? I don't even know if my powers will come ba-- Wait. You're a seer... You saw them coming back just now, didn't you?!" Iris gave a small laugh before speaking, "I might've... But that's one possibility out of many, starlight. As for specifics... I can't tell you yet. Trust me, though, it'll make sense when it happens." "I'm not exactly at ease with the information you shared... But I know better than to deny one of your visions. If you need my student, I will let her decide. It is not up to me," Zenyatta said, giving a nod. "I'd be honored to help you, Iris," Addie said as the other two faced her, "I just hope my powers don't take too long to come back..." "Good things come to those who wait--but fortune also favors the bold. Do well to remember this," Iris said, standing up after. "I'll show you two to where you'll be sleeping for now, follow me if you're ready," she continued after. With not much else to do so early in the morning, Zenyatta and Addie followed Iris so they could get some rest. Her scrying was ominous as ever and gave the monk and his apprentice plenty to think about...

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