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  Tonight was the night of the festival. The decorations were set, stalls were up, fireworks were ready to be launched! There was even a makeshift stage in the center of the village... It was finally all together. Only one thing was missing: Genji.

  "He should've been here by now," Addie said, pacing, "The last train of the day will be here soon, what if he's not on it??" "What happened to you being embarrassed of singing in front of him?" Zenyatta teased. "I'm over it now, I wanna see him more than I care about being embarrassed... But admitting that is embarrassing, too!! I can't even focus on practicing..." "I think we've got enough practice in; it's been a good two weeks since we got here!" Ninghong butted in, giggling after. "Not to mention, we're not going on until after sundown. We got plenty of time to wait for your friend," A troupe member added. Hearing this, Addie relaxed a bit. They were right... "I... Think I'll take a walk to calm my nerves, then. I'll see if Ren needs any last-minute help." "That's very kind of you, my student. Perhaps we should come along, to get the troupe's equipment set up?" Zenyatta offered. "Oh, good call! Addie, do you mind if we follow?" Ninghong asked. "Not at all, come along," Addie answered with a little nod, slipping their basket on her back before checking to assure Kintsugi was situated. Now, they began the journey down to the village.

  Folks in the village seemed to be eagerly awaiting the festivities, and the troupe arriving only built that excitement further! "Ah, Addie! I see you brought the troupe you told me about! I'm sure they'll put on quite the show!" Ren exclaimed, grinning. "Yeah, um... I, uh. I'll be up there, too," the latter hesitantly reminded. "Oh, yes! I nearly forgot! You were pretty adamant before about not singing... I'm quite surprised!" In response, Addie only chuckled nervously. It was clear that they were regretting this decision. "Oh, here! I'll help you all set up!" Ren exclaimed, noticing Ninghong and her troupe beginning to get everything in place on the stage. Without another word, the man headed over, leaving Addie to process their nervousness alone--as Zenyatta was also helping the troupe set up. Remembering that she'd initially wanted to take a walk to clear her head, Addie began doing so, knowing that everyone was fine without her for the moment. Addie knew that now wasn't a good time for hesitation--and it was much too late to back out, now... There was still some time before the performance, though. "I mean, if we followed the directions right, then this should be the place," a familiar voice said, though it sounded uncertain. "I'm sure she's just busy helping set everything up. They seemed to be directly involved in the process," another familiar voice replied. Looking around, Addie tried to spot where these voices were coming from... Aha! "Bentley? Sifu?" Addie called, walking over quickly. "Addie!! You're here, I'm so happy!" Bentley exclaimed, bouncing in place for a moment before quickly calming down, "I-I mean... It's good to see you!" Addie laughed at this, shaking her head after, "I'm happy to see you, too. And you, Sifu." "We arrived on the last train last night. It's quite beautiful here," 'Sifu' said, looking around. "We looked around, but didn't see you... Where do you and Master Zenyatta stay?" Bentley asked, tilting his head. "Oh, up there," Addie replied, pointing at the hill behind them. "Ah. Makes sense," 'Sifu' stated, nodding. "Anyway, I want you two to meet someone... Follow me," Addie continued, dragging Bentley off to which 'Sifu' followed. "Oh, there you are! Ninghong was just telling me that you're performing one of your original works, Addie! What an honor that must be!" Ren exclaimed, seeming shocked. "Aha... Um. Bentley, this is Ren, he's the host... Ahem, and please meet Ninghong." Addie said, ignoring Ren in favor of introducing him and Ninghong. "O-oh, hi...! You're like, crazy talented, Ninghong...!" Bentley replied with a shy smile, "A-and cool to meet you, Ren!" "Oh, where's my manners?! You must be a friend of Addie's, welcome to the village! The festival will be absolutely wonderful with Ms. Ninghong's singing, and I'm positive that Addie's lyrics will captivate the crowd!" Ren said, making extravagant hand gestures, very clearly thrilled. Addie averted their gaze, seeming embarrassed by Ren's words. "It's so lovely to meet you, Bentley! Addie told me that you two met on her travels--just as we did. I'm so excited for you to hear us sing!" Ninghong said after shaking the latter's hand, smiling all the while. "Wait, hold on... Addie, you're gonna be singing too?! The way Ren put it made it sound like she's just using your lyrics! I'm so proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone again!!" Bentley exclaimed, grinning. Addie tried to think of a response but couldn't. Instead, she simply nodded in thanks. While the young adults were talking, 'Sifu' found his way over to Zenyatta and the troupe, striking up conversation on their instruments and how they weren't quite traditional. He mused about how times changed, of course. Zenyatta used this to slip away, back over to his student. "I'm glad you and your teacher could make it, Bentley. Addie is not very vocal about when they're pleased, but I know she's thrilled you're here." Addie glanced at her master with a deadpan expression, rolling their eyes after. "Aw, come on... No need to act to tough! After all, um... Sifu and I made this journey for you...!" Bentley admitted, lowering his gaze. "Oh, Bentley..." Addie began, a look of surprise on their face--which flipped suddenly to a smirk as she continued, "Did you really miss me that much?" Zenyatta crossed his arms as he listened to his student, though the fact she hadn't scolded the latter for thinking of her... Well, Addie had certainly changed over the course of several months. Ninghong couldn't help but giggle as she watched the two playfully banter. "I'm pleased that she's made some friends out here. I'll admit, I was worried about them being lonely," Zenyatta said, not quite directed at anyone. "Getting to know Addie has been lovely, Master Zenyatta. I'm truly pleased that our paths crossed!" Ninghong admitted, smiling. "Okay, yeah! So what if I missed you, you're like my only friend!" Bentley exclaimed after some time, pouting and crossing his arms. "Aw, c'mon, I was only kidding... I'm truly honored to be considered as a friend to you. Really, I am," Addie said after, dropping their smug expression and smiling sincerely. Hearing this, Bentley smiled again as he spoke, "Well, then I must be super lucky to have such a cool friend!" "Ooh, I'll be your friend too, Bentley! I love making friends," Ninghong offered, giving a nod. Bentley seemed surprised for a moment, but then he nodded and grinned, "So, I'll be rooting for two friends tonight? I'm so happy...!" "Ah, speaking of...! It's nearly time to begin!" Ren exclaimed, gathering the attention of Ninghong's troupe as well. Addie now looked around anxiously. They'd missed the last train of the evening due to speaking with Bentley... Genji was nowhere in sight. "Okay, I'll go find a good spot with Sifu! Addie, Ninghong... Do your best!" Bentley exclaimed, giving them both a confident nod before running off. It was now or never...

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