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  The following morning, Addie awoke from a not too restful sleep and headed out to the main hall after getting ready. They remembered that today, Cassidy was to introduce her to someone named "Echo". "Ah, there ya are. Echo's waitin' in the practice range, you ready to meet 'er?" "Coffee first," Addie said bluntly in response to Cassidy's question, preparing a cup. "Alright, alright. Don't take too long though, we'll be waitin'," The cowboy replied, tipping his hat and heading off after. Addie mentally prepared herself and finished their coffee in silence, heading out after. This was bound to be interesting...

  Quietly, Addie entered the practice range, currently only occupied by Cassidy and Echo. She first wanted to get a feel for this new person before interacting, but that plan instantly failed. "Ah, they're here!" Echo exclaimed suddenly, hovering over. "I've heard so much about you. Your powers are stunning!" the AI continued. Addie struggled to find words to respond with, more fascinated with how far technology had come for Echo to exist... "Uh... Thank you," the young adult eventually responded. "All right now, you two play nice. I'll be watchin' you from here," Cassidy called, taking a seat after. "I'm supposing he wants us to fight," Addie said bluntly, an awkward tone in their voice. "Seems so! I would very much like to spar with you, Addie. I want to learn about your powers and attempt to duplicate them," Echo explained, smiling. "Duplicate?" Addie asked, tilting her head. "Yes, why?" Echo countered, mimicking their head tilt. "I've... Never heard of a thing like that. I don't think my powers are, um, duplicatable," The latter explained. "Ah, but I can duplicate you! It's like a...transformation!" Echo said in response with a nod. Addie thought about this for a while. It made sense, in a way. Eventually, they nodded. "Yes, I see. That's pretty cool, Echo. I'd like to see it, so let's spar." "Yes, let's!" Replied the AI, hovering back a bit. Addie stepped back a few paces as well. Even if they didn't really want to fight Echo, they technically needed to. Her powers...they needed to make sure they were working properly--because if not... She'd be useless. "Are you ready? You seem zoned out!" Echo called. "O-oh, uh, yes! I'm ready, sorry!" Addie replied quickly, shaking off those thoughts. "Good, then. Here I go!" Echo announced, starting to fire some type of light-based projectile. Addie dodged, but managed to land right into a trap placed by Echo--a cluster of sticky bombs. It seemed fitting that an AI was so skillful at predicting her opponent's movements, but what she didn't see coming was a Hydro Bullet from Addie. To Addie's relief, it seemed their powers were working fine. Echo appeared to be skilled at distant combat, so Addie knew they could overwhelm her opponent by getting up close--but it didn't feel right. Addie wanted to see exactly what Echo was capable of, more than wanting to beat her. Now, finally, Echo built up enough power to use her Ultimate Ability, and this is what Addie was waiting for. "Adaptive Circuits engaged: Addie!" Echo exclaimed, changing her physical form into a silhouette that matched Addie's. Along with this new form, Echo could use Addie's powers and abilities as well, so she decided to engage in a swordfight. The two clashed until Echo's Ultimate ended, and that also ended the fight. "Good fight! I was hoping to build up enough power to use your Ultimate ability, too," Echo explained, seeming satisfied from the fight, but somewhat disappointed in herself. "I...don't think I have one of those," Addie replied in a confused tone, catching their breath. "Of course you do, silly! Everyone has one, it's just fancy talk for the most powerful move you know!" Echo replied with a laugh. "Oh! Huh, I see... I know a lot of powerful moves... I guess I'll practice it," Addie responded, extending her hand out to Echo. "Good game. I think you won that one," They continued. "Aw, you're such a good sport! Thank you for sparring with me, Addie! I definitely learned something!" Echo said happily, shaking the latter's hand. "Mighty fine display, you two. Hope you both had fun," Cassidy butted in, making his way over. "I did! Thank you for arranging this!" Echo replied. "It was fun. We should do it again sometime," Addie added. "All right, Gremmy. Why don't you go eat? I'll be around if ya need anything," Cassidy offered, gesturing back to the main hall. Addie nodded lightly, taking their leave, relieved that their powers weren't malfunctioning anymore.

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