Work-Life Balance

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  Addie and Angelo began answering calls to minor medical emergencies. Angelo was compassionate to all who came under his care--but his nervousness wasn't an easy thing to hide. Folks who fell under his care undoubtedly adored him, however. Addie wasn't easily recognizable with their new attire, but once she had to use her powers, it was all too clear who they were. This resulted in those who came under Addie's be unsure of them. Sometimes folks were nervous, sometimes spiteful, yet Addie still healed them...mostly because it was her job. Eventually, people began to realize that Addie wasn't so bad. While on call, however, Addie was always searching for someone... Someone who hadn't shown his face in a while...

  "Oh, you two are back! How was the call? Was the street fight serious?" Tracer asked, looking up from her seat as the two young adults made their way inside. "No, but Addie was amazing stopping them! All I had to do was just patch 'em up, which wasn't so bad!" Angelo explained. "It turned out to be a group of college students getting drunk and beating each other up for fun. I let them off with a warning and told them to do it somewhere else," Addie continued. Tracer chuckled at this and nodded, "Sounds like you both have had quite the eventful week! Say, Addie, can I talk to you?" "Oh, uh, yeah. Sure," Addie replied with a nod. Angelo excused himself to take a shower, then, as Tracer and Addie spoke. "So, there's someone I want you to meet, if it's okay? He's a scientist who helped stabilize my own time traveling issues--so I was thinking he could maybe help you get home if you can't find that Ninja?" Addie listened carefully to Tracer as she spoke, and then when it came time for their answer... "I... Don't know how to say this but...I don't want to go back home unless I'm able to kill that Ninja. I have my reasons, okay?" Tracer tilted her head at this. She suddenly remembered something and nodded as she spoke, "That's right, he took something from you! But still, do you think you can humor me, here? I've been dying to introduce you!" Addie sighed and nodded, giving in. It was only fair. "Great! C'mon!" Tracer said, zipping off...and then returning a moment later. "Sorry, got too excited... Come along!"

  Tracer led Addie into some sort of well-lit lab. There were plenty of experiments involving electricity in here... "Winstooon!! I brought a visitor, are you down here??" Tracer called, zipping around the lab. "Oh! There you are!" She eventually exclaimed. "Hey, Tracer! You said there's a visitor?" A deep voice said from somewhere else in the lab. Addie followed the sound, eavesdropping for now... "That's right! Remember that time traveler I was telling you about? Well, they finally have some time to meet you!" Tracer replied with a nod. "That's fantastic! I have so many questions!" The voice, presumably Winston's, said in response. "Oh, I left Addie somewhere! Addie, where are--" Tracer began to call out, before she noticed Addie standing close by. "Oh! You found us! Addie, this is Winston! Winston, Addie!" Addie was speechless--Winston was... "A... Talking gorilla," Addie blurted out, the most confused expression imaginable on their face. "A talking gorilla scientist," Winston corrected. "This is an absolute win for science...I guess," Addie said after, "The future is incredible." "That it is!" Winston agreed, "Now Addie, I have a lot of questions to ask you. First of all, how did you get here?" "Uh-- I followed a time traveling Ninja, I guess," Addie replied slowly. "I see," Winston replied, jotting down some notes, "And where do you come from?" "2022," Addie said quickly. Winston nodded again and write this down. "Why did you time travel?" he asked. "To kill the Ninja. If I'm able to kill him, my theory is that, since he's dead, his deeds will be undone and I'll thusly have never followed him," Addie explained with a somewhat crazed look in their visible eye. "Deeds?" Winston asked. Addie had just realized what they'd said. "Deeds--his time traveling, of course," Addie said quickly. "No, but then that brings us back to why you followed him, no? You wouldn't need to go home if you didn't follow him, so there must be a reason you want him dead so badly," Winston stated, a confused look on his face. "He... He took something from me," Addie said, as if about to say something else, "I have to kill him to get it back. No more questions." "I...see. Thank you for your time, Addie. Can I still experiment a bit to see if I can access your timeline?" Winston asked. "Do what you want. If it's for science, who am I to refuse you?" Winston nodded and smiled brightly, revealing some sharp teeth in the process, "Thank you very much! You'd be a great scientific partner, if you're into that sort of thing!" "Maybe if I have some free time. I'd love to do some science experiments again, just like when I was in school," Addie replied, reminiscing. "Again, thank you for your time. You've given me plenty to work with." "I'm gonna hang out down here a bit longer! D'you need anything Winston?" Tracer asked. "No, that's fine! But you're free to provide some company!" the latter answered. "I'm gonna make dinner, then," Addie said, "I'll see you both around."

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