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  It was now the end of January 2084. Addie spent their 23rd birthday with Zenyatta (at the beginning of the month), and honestly, couldn't imagine anything better than that. Now, after a few months of sharpening their skills (relearning sword fighting and healing through hydrokinesis) and taking short trips outside of town, it was just about time to take another long journey.

  "I can't believe I've been here for just about eight months... Time flies when you're finding enlightenment," Addie joked, giggling after as she sorted out their traveling garb. "It truly feels like no time at all has passed, my student. What a joy this has been so far," Zenyatta replied, packing his satchel. "Hey, not to get all mushy on you, but... I'm really, really thankful you took me in... Thank you so much, master." "And I'm thankful for you coming along with me, as well. Now, what do you say we head to Suravasa?" "Suravasa? Where's that?" Addie asked, tilting her head. "India. We can get there easily through railways... And a bit of walking. There's a temple there that I'd like for you to see--in fact, it's where I resided before here." "Oh, that's where you met Satya, right? I'd love to see it!" Addie replied with a nod, "Do you think she'd be there now?" "I'm unsure. Perhaps she might be," was Zenyatta's response. "I suppose we won't know until we get there... So, what are we waiting for?" Addie asked, smiling now. Zenyatta nodded in agreement, checking to make sure everything was in order before heading out with his student.

  After their performance with Ninghong months prior, Addie had become... Something of a local celebrity. It was a stark change to how it was when they'd first arrived, getting looks of uncertainty from villagers and passersby. Though, as Addie heeding her master's advice and began helping villagers, they began to warm up to her... And now, it seemed they took pride in someone who resided in their village having performed with Ninghong--and practically stole the show, at that! "I must ask, do you plan on doing anything with your showmanship? Folks seem to adore you," Zenyatta asked quietly in an almost teasing way. Addie waved to a few locals before turning their attention back to Zenyatta, "Hm? Oh, uh... I'd be lying if I said that I haven't been craving some applause again... Is that bad? But I can't seem to will myself to perform solo..." Zenyatta chuckled before speaking, "No, that's not bad. That's a sign to follow your dreams, if anything. Just don't allow it to go to your head." Addie rolled their eyes and stepped onto the train as it pulled up, waiting for her master, before the two found a spot to sit. "I wonder how many people outside of the village have seen the performance... I know that Ninghong has a dedicated fanbase--so much so that outsiders came to see her all that time ago. Not to mention, folks who recorded it... I haven't been able to get that out of my head," Addie commented, gazing out of the window. "You're worried about being recognized," Zenyatta said, realizing this, "Don't worry, we won't be in the city for long. Besides, most people probably think your water manipulation was special effects." "That's fair. Nobody seemed too worried about that big wave... But I'm more worried about Talon than any possible fans of Ninghong," Addie admitted furrowing their brows, "I don't want to put you in danger, and they might know where we are now..." "You needn't worry. I am confident in your skills, as well as my own," Zenyatta said simply. Addie only nodded, watching the scenery. It was hard to imagine this oversight... Though, it was possible that Talon would overlook it. Even if they didn't, Addie wasn't powerless anymore... She didn't have to keep running.

  The trip though the bigger city was uneventful, being here always reminded Addie of when Genji first dropped her off. There wasn't much to do here today, however, so Zenyatta and his apprentice carried on until reaching the outskirts--the same way that they came through with Ninghong months prior. "Kiyoshi's following us again. This must be where he hides out," Addie quietly commented, sensing the ninja's presence. "I must admit, I'm tempted to ask him why he's doing this," Zenyatta replied, his vocal tone laced with confusion. "He won't answer you," Addie replied, "I'm sure he's just trying to annoy me." There was a bit of silence before Addie had a realization. "Wait. I can fight again." "I though you weren't going to fight him anymore?" Zenyatta asked. "No, yeah, but if I engage in combat with him just once to see what he does..." Was Addie's response. "You're trying to see if he's sizing you up, yes? I suppose this is a good way to tell if he's still a threat..." Zenyatta said slowly, thinking about the situation. He then gave Addie an Orb of Harmony, which signalized he deemed the idea worth trying. Now, Addie summoned their hydro sword and waited a moment, steadying their breathing. "Kiyoshi," she began, "Show yourself. I got some of my powers back, so let's settle this." The ninja appeared--but he didn't have his sword unsheathed. He gave Addie a simple up and down look... It was almost as if he was considering. "Well?" Addie asked, gesturing. "We haven't fought in a good, long while," Kiyoshi said slowly, "If you're not trying to kill me, then what do you want?" "Answers," Addie replied quickly. "So, you want to fight me for an answer... Okay. If you win, I'll tell you something...but you don't get to pick what that something is. Deal?" The ninja offered, walking closer, hand outstretched. Addie squinted at him, then turned their attention to Zenyatta. The monk said nothing, leaving the decision to his student. It now came down to how badly Addie wanted an answer to a question she couldn't pick... "Master, take the orb off. We need a fair fight," Addie eventually answered, placing her hand within Kiyoshi's. Zenyatta recalled the Orb of Harmony and watched his student closely. "So, what happens if I lose?" Addie asked, retracting their hand after shaking Kiyoshi's. "Hm. Then, I'll ask you something," was the latter's response as he readied his sword. "What could you possibly wanna know?" Addie asked again, visibly confused. The ninja only chuckled in response, vanishing after. Addie sighed, expecting this, and easily braced for his signature sneak attack. "Huh, you've still got it," Kiyoshi said, slashing after. Addie locked swords with him, noting how severely less aggressive he was fighting. Just through this, Addie could tell he was no longer a threat... And though they wanted, so badly, to slice and dice him to little pieces... They couldn't bring herself to do that. "You know," Kiyoshi began as he attempted to slash the latter from behind, yet missed, "You're not fighting as hard as usual. Don't want your answer?" This smug tone made Addie's skin crawl... But it wasn't nearly as awful as it was before. "You're not fighting like you used to, either," she countered, "Did you lose your touch after not fighting me for so long?" Kiyoshi laughed before replying, "Well, nobody ever attempted to kill me in quite the same way as you would." "And nobody ruined my life quite like you, either. Though, I can't say it's completely ruined," Addie replied, "Maybe I should say 'changed'. 'Altered'. All thanks to you..." She slashed hard after speaking to which Kiyoshi hadn't prepared for. It was clear her words had caught him off guard... "All right. You win," the ninja said, reaching to reclaim his sword from the ground. Addie allowed him to take his weapon, backing off after. "Well? Tell me something," she said, crossing her arms. "Yeah, assessing my injuries first," Kiyoshi replied, looking up with a squint. "Skill issue," Addie said simply, forming a few bubbles. The bubbles floated over to the ninja, popping once they reached him, healing his wounds in doing so... "Hm. That's new," Kiyoshi said, standing up. "Consider it a show of faith. Now, what can you tell me?" Addie asked, growing impatient "Talon's looking for you," he replied simply. "Tell me something I don't know," she continued, glaring. "I mean, they're in the area. Like, really close. I was actually on the run from them when I ended up here months ago," Kiyoshi admitted, crossing his arms. This... Wasn't what Addie was hoping for, but it was good information, nonetheless. "So, you led them to me... Accidently, but still," Addie replied. "Hey, Talon's after both of us. I was really only thinking of myself," Kiyoshi stated. "Yeah. I'm sure you were, especially when you killed my brother..." Addie said, glaring. She then sighed and averted their gaze. There was an uneasy silence between the group now. Zenyatta was interested in this exchange, knowing full well that Kiyoshi was no longer a threat to his student. "I suppose I was back then, too," the ninja admitted. Addie couldn't think of anything to say in response, though his tone caught her attention... He vanished before Addie, or Zenyatta for that matter, could speak. Addie groaned, rubbing their temples. She'd barely learned anything new from this exchange... But at least he warned them about Talon being close by.

  Heeding Kiyoshi's warning, Zenyatta and Addie took a different path through the wilderness. They'd managed to avoid any and all Talon agents. "I wish I knew what he was playing at," Addie mumbled, looking at the ground. "There's certainly more to him. If he wanted you dead, I doubt he'd warn you about Talon," Zenyatta replied. "That's exactly it, like what the hell kinda switch flipped that day we met in the village?? He's been different ever since," Addie said, now looking at her teacher, gesturing extravagantly. "That's a good question, my student. At least we know that he won't be bothering us--physically--while we're journeying." Addie nodded as the monk spoke, before replying, "I guess it's easier to move on and let go if he's not fighting me every chance he gets--and if I'm not initiating. Still, when I go back to Overwatch, I need to do some more in-depth research on him." "That doesn't sound like a bad idea, but do make sure to not overwhelm yourself," Zenyatta advised. "Of course, Master," Addie said with a small smile. The two carried on for a while longer, eventually coming to another city with a rail system. This was their next stop to Suravasa... And a chance to get some rest. 

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