Cause and Effect

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  Though Addie was able to escape their run-in with Talon, they were now truly weaponless. Luckily, they couldn't be followed through the woods with the truck the agents took, as the trees were too thick for a vehicle to pass through. This gave Addie plenty of leeway to head into yet another town--this time a far more bustling one. This town seemed to have many people who were shopping around or touring here, perhaps, but all Addie was concerned about was finding a good place to lay low. Talon knew they were alive and well--but also weaponless. This made her an easy target, so finding a safe and inconspicuous place to hide was Addie's top priority. Lucky for her, they blended in with the numerous crowds quite well and could use them as cover to move from place to place. During the day, this was fine... But Addie knew they'd be in danger as soon as night fell, no matter how busy this town was. She could also assume that Talon wouldn't take any chances this time and would probably open fire on her to keep them from running again. Obviously, Addie was worried about this. As for Tracer and Genji, they weren't able to follow Addie's steps all the way through the woods, and had to retreat after getting themselves hopelessly lost. The two decided it would be a good idea to clear their minds and assess some evidence before proceeding--perhaps they could intercept Talon to at least buy Addie some time? That would mean they'd have to find them first...and so far, they were well hidden.

  "Well, if we're following Addie's steps," Cassidy began, "There's another town through the woods. I assume they'd head towards civilization." "Typically that'd be the case," Sojourn replied, "But Addie wouldn't know that a town is up there." "Ooh, good point," Tracer commented, taking a look at the displayed map. "And we can't ignore the possibility that...they already have her," Winston reminded. "Right, it's possible that they didn't escape at all after that supposed fight," Cassidy said. "Our best bet is intercepting Talon regardless," Genji added "That way we can check for Addie... Or give them more time to get further away." "So, let's say they're following her... They're probably gonna check that town at nightfall. Let's get there, quick," Sojourn responded, giving a nod. This time, Sojourn, Genji and Mercy headed out to the busy town and scoured it for traces of Addie--but they found nothing. This worried them, as it potentially disproved their theory that Addie had escaped. Still, they laid low and waited for Talon to show up... Unbeknownst to the Overwatch agents, Addie decided there wasn't enough cover in the busy town and decided to keep going further--eventually discovering a port. Now this was perfect. Plenty of places to lay low, and still some decent activity happening too. Plus, Talon wouldn't think to look this far off... At least, Addie hoped so. Once night fell, Talon agents did indeed show up in the busy city, but they were promptly stopped by Overwatch and interrogated. Thwarted, the Talon agents attempted an escape, but they were arrested due to what they'd done at the bed and breakfast previously. At least this set of Talon agents wouldn't be bothering Addie anymore--and this confirmed she was still out there! But... Where?

  Back at the port, Addie laid low as night fell, none the wiser to what was happening in the next town over. So far, so good. The salty sea air was quite refreshing--and reminded Addie a lot of home. Sometimes, they missed it... But home wasn't a possibility anymore, not at this rate. Addie didn't even know what she was doing anymore! Days on their own, and she accomplished nothing... Just running, hiding, repeating. That was it. It was...miserable. To make matters worse, the port barely had any food options, most restaurants offered locally caught seafood, and the inns were... Unpleasant to look at. On the bright side, Addie did find a nice place to hang out for the night, right near the water, with a perfect breeze flowing through. This tranquility was interrupted by the sound of a cocking gun--and Addie quickly turned to face it. There stood a Talon agent, with maybe seven men behind him. They... Didn't come to play this time. For a moment, Addie was frozen. "I'll ask once," he began, "Come with us, or we'll make you." Not even bothering to grab her bag, Addie bolted. This... Was a bad decision. The Talon agent shot one bullet with precision, landing it right in Addie's left leg. Caught off guard by this, Addie dropped and attempted to quickly assess the wound. It was bleeding bad and hurt like a bitch, but they still tried to crawl away. "Still trying? Not sure if you're stupid or if I'm impressed," the agent said, beginning to make his way over. Before he could make it anywhere within contact distance, a man dropped from the railing of the higher area of the port, standing between the agent and the wounded young adult. The man who dropped down turned briefly to take a look at who he ended up defending--and then turned back to face the Talon agent. "Well, well. Look who's bold enough to show his face--especially after he left!" The agent exclaimed. "In my defense," The latter man began, "It's a very good face. Now why don't you get out of here?" "We've got a bounty here--and it'll be a double if we're lucky," the agent stated, readying his gun. Quickly, the man tossed a discus shaped object over Addie, retreating into it as the agents opened fire. With immaculate precision, the man opened fire back, managing to wound enough of the agents to warrant a very bitter retreat... Leaving Addie and their savior alone. "You got messed up with Talon too, huh? It's really a pain to leave," the man began, activating some kind of healing burst. "N-no, I... Well, I mean... That's..." Addie couldn't find the right words to reply, falling silent after. Slowly, they sat up and were finally able to assess their wound. "They got you good. I can extract the bullet for you, okay? I'll need better lighting and some tools I didn't bring, so why don't you come back with me? You can trust me, I swear, I'm a combat medic!" Addie raised a brow, but then remembered that this man had just saved her life... "Sure. Thank you, uh..." "You can call me Baptiste! Pleasure to meet you!" The latter replied, helping her up. Addie nodded, "Thank you, Baptiste. I'm..." they paused in the middle of their speech, averting their gaze. "You're... You're that little runaway medic!" Baptiste exclaimed, suddenly realizing, "Addie... They're gonna be so happy to hear that you're alive!" Addie went silent now. She'd caused all that trouble, only to be rescued by someone, in the end... Affiliated with Overwatch. What a coincidence... Truthfully, it was a coincidence. Baptiste ended up taking Addie to a house he was staying at for now, where he was able to remove the bullet in her leg and properly dress the wound. Now, he wanted all the details on just what Talon wanted with her...

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