Steal the Show

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  Zenyatta and Addie found their way through the woods again, ending up at the town from before. By now, the Talon agents from before had cleared out. Regardless, the two didn't linger in this village for long, taking the path out of it and into the wilderness again. This time, there was an easy trail to follow, likely for merchants to use. "You know," Addie began, "I completely forgot until now, but I actually found someone for Ren's festival last time we were here! I didn't get to talk with her, though..." "Oh? Talon prevented it, I presume?" Zenyatta asked, looking over. "Yeah," Addie replied, nodding, "I hope we cross paths again..." "I'm sure you will. There's only so many safe routes to take, my student, and this is one of them," Zenyatta stated. "True, but it's been days now, she'd be way ahead of us," was Addie's response as they kicked up a bit of dirt on the trail. There was some silence now. Zenyatta supposed she was right, but he wanted her to remain optimistic. However, he wouldn't get her hopes up over a slim possibility. For now, it was better to remain neutral as they journeyed on.

  After spending a few days with company, traveling felt lonely to Addie again. She was thankful to have Zenyatta by their side... "Master, can we talk about something?" Addie asked suddenly. "Hm? Not enjoying the silence?" The omnic monk teased, "Or rather, is something bothering you?" "Um... A little bit of both, I guess," was Addie's response. Zenyatta nodded and looked over as he spoke, "Then what's the matter, my student?" "I can't stop thinking of what happened last night with Bentley and I. I'd never been able to create bubbles like that, even when I had my powers at their full capabilities... What do you think it means?" "I think it means that, instead of simply regaining them, you're relearning them from the start," Zenyatta answered after thinking for a moment. Addie made a face. They hadn't considered needing to completely relearn their abilities, but now that her teacher had mentioned it, it certainly made sense. "Do you think... I should keep dancing? That's the first thing that ever caused any sort of reaction." "I think, if you enjoy it, then yes. Not only that, but that's a good form of exercise, too," Zenyatta replied. Addie gave a chuckle in response, nodding. He made a good point... As always. "You know," she began, "We're being followed, but I don't think he knows that we know." "Ah, yes. I was wondering if you noticed it, as well," Zenyatta said, as if this exchange wasn't concerning. "Of course," Addie stated, "After seeking him out for so long, I can feel his presence without even trying... Unfortunately. He's been following us since we left Bentley and Sifu." It fell silent between the two for a few moments, before Zenyatta spoke again, "What do you think he wants?" "Who knows," was Addie's answer, "He's probably just trying to make me paranoid. He knows I can't fight anymore, though." "You don't think he'll attack?" The monk asked. Addie only shook her head in response. It was true that Kiyoshi was following them. Despite Addie and Zenyatta being unable to see him, they could still feel his presence. Kiyoshi was unaware that they were onto him, so he kept following at a distance...

  The omnic monk and his apprentice kept journeying throughout the day, eventually losing the feeling of being watched. This was because they'd suddenly stumbled across a populated area... "Huh. What's this?" Addie asked, looking around. Within the woods, they had discovered a village! It was small, likely a tight-knit community, but the villagers didn't seem to mind Zenyatta and Addie looking around. "Hm, how strange. I don't remember this place... Perhaps we took a wrong turn," Zenyatta said, also glancing at his surroundings. He was calm as he spoke, though his tone suggested he was certainly confused. "Hey, let's call it a... Happy accident," Addie replied, gesturing ahead at someone she seemed to recognize. Zenyatta looked over, spotting who Addie was gesturing to... "Is that her? She's pretty well known, isn't she?" The monk continued, also recognizing the singer. "Yes, she's Ninghong! I saw her at the other village!" Addie confirmed with a nod. Now, she finally had a chance... "E-excuse me...!" The young adult called out, walking over. "Oh, hello! Are you a fan?" Ninghong asked, smiling sweetly, "It's nice to meet one so far out here!" "Er... N-not...really? I mean, actually, I saw you perform once! So, consider me a new fan," Addie answered, looking down briefly. "Oh? ...Oh, goodness! You're... You're the one those awful men were after in that village! I thought you were a goner, for sure...!" Ninghong exclaimed, seeming concerned, "I'm so glad you're all right--even if we're complete strangers." "That's... So nice of you to say!" Addie replied, smiling sincerely, "But... I actually wanted to talk with you about something." "Oh? Yes, what is it?" "So... You travel to bring music to others, right? I was thinking... There's a festival happening soon at the village my master and I stay at. The host, Ren really needs a musician... I thought that you and your troupe would be a good fit...!" For a moment, Ninghong seemed to consider... "And don't worry, Ren promised compensation," Addie added. Ninghong giggled a little at this addition, shaking her head, "Oh dear, that's not my concern! But it's certainly reassuring! The problem is... Well, my troupe and I would be delighted! But, see..." Addie tilted their head, listening to the latter. "The lyrics and music I'd written, I'd lost them just recently... We ended up finding them, but they were all destroyed... We wouldn't possibly have anything new ready and rehearsed in time for that festival..." As she finished speaking, Ninghong looked disappointed. It was clear that she wished she could help. Addie thought for a moment, now... "W-well. What if, say... I had lyrics for you? That way, you'd only need the music..." Ninghong perked up at this, tilting her head to the side as she spoke, "You do? Oh, are you a musician as well?! A traveling bard, maybe?" "N-no, it's... It's just a hobby! I'm a monk's apprentice, but the clothes... Probably made that obvious." "Ah, I see. Well, hm... I suppose I could use your lyrics... What do we have to work with?" Addie now realized what they'd gotten themself into. She'd have to share her lyrics with Ninghong, now... "W-well, I have... I'm almost done with some... O-one sec." After speaking, the young adult retreated to her master. "What happened? You look flustered..." The monk asked, seeming concerned. "I... I need my journal," was the response. Despite being quite obviously flustered, Addie was even more so determined... Zenyatta nodded and handed over the aforementioned journal after rummaging through his satchel. With this, Addie returned to the singer and flipped a few pages... "Here--this one's almost done. I've been writing it since journeying with my master..." Shakily, they handed it over and Ninghong accepted it equally as careful. "Hm... Wow, the lyrics are so poetic... What did you say your name was?" "Oh, I... Don't think I introduced myself at all, actually... I'm Addie," they answered, smiling nervously. "Addie. That's wonderful!" Ninghong exclaimed, smiling as well. Suddenly, she spoke up, "Listen up, troupe! This is Addie, and they'll be helping us out with some new lyrics! We'll be performing at a festival soon!" Ninghong's troupe seemed pleased with this information, and they soon gathered to meet Addie and Zenyatta to get more information about the venue.

  "Ah, yes! That village right near the mountain, we've performed there before!" Ninghong exclaimed. "What-- Master, why didn't you tell me you've seen Ninghong before?" Addie asked, looking over. "Well, you didn't ask," Zenyatta replied with a light shrug. Ninghong giggled at this as Addie squinted. "Fair point," they admitted. "Anyway, let's see..." Ninghong continued, "It's quite the journey from here, so why don't we all go together? That would give us plenty of time to practice your song!" "Us?" Addie echoed, raising a brow, "I mean, I guess I have to finish those lyrics still..." "Oh, about that," Ninghong said, "I... Was hoping you'd sing with me? After all, lyrics you made will sound better in your voice." Addie didn't reply, clearly hesitant. This... Could be their only chance to at least get a taste of their dream... Not to mention, they could attempt regaining their powers. "The vision's a bit different from your style of music, I'm sure..." Addie eventually answered. "Well, it's your style, isn't it? Think of it as a collab!" Ninghong replied with a smile. Addie sighed, picking at their nails... "I'll do it," she said finally, "I think it' good for me." Hearing this, Ninghong and her troupe were elated! "I'm very proud of you, my student," Zenyatta said, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Oh, this is so exciting!! I haven't performed with anyone outside of my troupe since I opened for Miku!" Ninghong exclaimed. "You opened for Miku?!" Addie asked in disbelief. "Yeah! I dabble in more modern-style music, too! I guess, like, pop?" "This is like a side gig for her," a troupe member teased, "But she sure is passionate." Ninghong puffed her cheeks before replying, "Nothing's a side gig for me! It's all or nothing, no matter what I do!" "Well, I believe it," Addie stated, "I don't think anyone would be so far out in the wilderness for a 'side gig'." "Oh, right! So, what brings you and your master out here, then?" Ninghong asked, smiling. "Eh. Just wandering. We do have to start heading home soon, though... I'm sure Ren wants to hear that we found someone to perform," Addie responded, shrugging lightly. To this, Ninghong nodded. "We can begin the journey back whenever you all are ready. I would love to host you until the festival, if we arrive back before it starts," Zenyatta offered. The troupe agreed to this, but being inexperienced at traveling at night, they opted to wait for morning to begin again. Zenyatta and Addie seemed fine with this, so they relaxed for the night as well.

  The next morning, the journey continued. Addie spent most of it finishing her lyrics for the song they dubbed 'Wave Goodbye', and Ninghong kept giving feedback. "Is there a story behind these lyrics?" The singer asked, as the two were behind her troupe and Zenyatta, who was telling a story about a prior journey. "Well... I guess it's based on everything that happened to me before coming to Nepal, and a bit of how it feels to be here," Addie answered. "Some of these lyrics seem so deeply personal, it almost feels rude for me to sing them... It's an honor that you trust me with such a thing," Ninghong replied, giving a small bow of her head. "I've always had a big issue with vulnerability... This is a necessary step for me to take, if I truly wish to heal," Addie admitted. "That's quite admirable of you, to face your fears and put yourself first. A lot of these lyrics seem to reflect that feeling, Addie. Dare I say, you're quite the skilled lyricist--for claiming it's a hobby!" Hearing Ninghong--a much more skilled individual than herself--say this... Addie turned red and avoided her gaze, mumbling some sort of thanks. "So, what am I singing?" Ninghong asked after a few minutes of silence. "O-oh, right... Okay, so I'll copy your lyrics onto a separate paper. The spacings imply when I'm singing. I... Guess I can handle singing with someone better if it's almost like a conversation," was Addie's response. Ninghong nodded, watching as the latter began rewriting the lyrics. "That's not your first finished work, is it?" Ninghong implored, now looking at their surroundings instead. "No," the latter replied, "But it's my first...coherent one. I've got a 'demo' that's currently only a chorus, but it's very special to me... And there's a lot of ones that are just a few words or sentences." "Well, I'm excited to help you bring this one to life. And after your song, my troupe and I will just, like, freestyle! We should live a little, it's a festival, after all!" To this, Addie agreed--though still hesitantly. Next came vocal practice, and by now, the journey was almost halfway over! Time surely flies when you're having fun...

  "Dear Addie, I wanted to let you know that I finally got some free time to visit (and write back, sheesh it's been busy), and judging by your previous letters mentioning a festival, I think I'll actually make it in time for that!! I'm also bringing some surprises with me, so look forward to it! Can't wait to see you, hope you're having fun with training! Everyone misses you so much, by the way! Angelo is super proud of you, too! Okay, that's all I have to say... For now. Your friend, Genji."

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