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  Addie and Zenyatta spent a few days at Suravasa's temple. The last few days were, quite frankly, absurd. Addie felt lucky to be alive, to be given the chance to keep healing--herself and others. For now, they practiced with her newly regained powers, knowing they had to meet Iris soon. But the biggest surprise came in the form of Iris making the trip down the mountain to personally deliver the Shambali mole--along with the other monks that were sent.

  "Iris? You... You came here?" Addie asked in disbelief, walking over to the seer. The latter took the human's hands into her own as she nodded and replied, "Yes. My brother... He's nearby. I was finally able to scry his location, thanks to this mole slipping up while denying evidence." Addie looked over at the other mole, who looked even more peeved than the first one. Now that both were caught, the Shambali figured they should be locked away for jeopardizing human and omnic lives... But they needed evidence. Apparently, 'it was revealed to me through the iris', isn't good enough for officials... "You'll pay for this! You humans are all lousy scum!" The Shambali mole exclaimed. She sounded quite angry--and her vision was fixed on Addie. For a minute, Addie thought about responding... They let go of Iris's hands and walked closer to the mole--but still kept her distance. "Do you truly believe that? That we're all the same? This is the second time a Null Sector omnic has said that to me." The mole was silent initially. She very clearly wasn't expecting Addie to reply... "W-well... Yes. I've never seen a human do anything good for us--and besides! It's all humans that discriminate against us!" Again, Addie thought carefully about a response. "I'm sorry for what you and your kind have endured. There's no denying that humans... Act the way they do. We even do that to our own kind. There's no excuse for it--no matter what form it takes." Again, the omnic didn't reply right away. "You can say whatever you want. I won't let your words fool me into trusting you," she said slowly and quietly. "I see. Very well," Addie responded, making her way back to Iris after. Though Addie truly meant what she said, they were hoping to get a confession of sorts--or more information about Vendetta. "Being diplomatic simply won't work with Null Sector," Iris said in a defeated tone, "But it was quite admirable of you to try." "Never know if you don't at least attempt it," Addie replied with a shrug, "So, what's our next move?" "I must admit, I am also curious," Zenyatta added, "Especially if I cannot join you this time." Iris nodded before beginning to speak, "Addie and I will journey to my brother's location, gather evidence of the moles to force an official confession, and confront him. If he sees me, he might reconsider the path he's chosen..." "And... You're confident he won't hurt you? Because I can probably handle him just fine," Addie asked. Again, Iris nodded as she spoke, "He would never intentionally hurt me." "I will watch Kintsugi until you return. Please... Be safe," Zenyatta said, gently taking one of his sister's hands along with Addie's. Addie gave a smile at her master in response, while Iris simply nodded. It was finally time to head off... And seeing how Addie prioritized Zenyatta's life over their own, the Shambali were more than willing to let Iris journey with Addie.

  Iris and Addie headed out of Suravasa the same way the latter and her master had headed out just a few days prior. They journeyed through the wilderness, talking and laughing like old friends, despite the severity of the situation. "Iris?" Addie began after the jokes died down, "Why... Is it so important that I have all of my powers for this?" Iris didn't reply immediately. "You'll see. I can't tell you yet," she eventually said. Addie didn't like this response, and it left a bad feeling in their stomach, but they were already so far away from Suravasa. Whatever would happen... Would happen. "When he was with the Shambali, what was Vendetta like?" Addie asked after, changing the subject. Iris laughed a little before replying, "Ah, my brother... He was so headstrong and loved to spar. He'd always be helping people get stronger...but he never liked humans. I do worry for you, but I know you're strong." For a moment, Addie thought about this. "Master tells me that your brother, Ramattra, also didn't like humans... You don't think...?" Iris tapped a finger to her chin before replying, "Well... Vendetta was quite close to him as well. I figured, initially, that Vendetta had left to look for Ramattra. But now that you mention it, if Vendetta is with Null Sector, that could mean..." There was an uneasy silence between the two now. "Those two are...very headstrong, and together, could most certainly spell trouble. I really do hope this works in our favor..." Iris said, looking around as the two approached an old, dilapidated shack of sorts. "Is this it?" Addie asked, taking a peek inside. It was completely empty... "It is," Iris confirmed, "But there's another way in. This is just a facade..." "I'm guessing you couldn't scry the actual entrance though, right?" Addie asked, tilting their head lightly. Iris gave a small laugh along with a shrug, "It's a shame that I can't see everything." Now, the two looked around, firstly heading into the shack. Within it, Addie located a few files--but something was wrong. "I found something, but... It's written in some kind of code, I think?" Addie said, handing over the files. "Ah, yes, Omnicode! It cannot be directly translated into English, but I can give you the basics of what it says," Iris replied, scanning over the files. "I'm guessing humans aren't supposed to be able to read Omnicode--which is why they're so comfortable with just leaving these out here," Addie said, watching Iris read over the files. "Mmhm, that's correct. Anyway, these are some type of mission summary for those moles. It's good evidence--good eye!" Iris exclaimed, placing these within her bag after. Addie nodded and continued searching. "It's weird they'd just leave those out, but I guess they've got nothing to lose if we already have both of their moles," they said, moving a broken painting and looking behind it. Nothing... "It's entirely possible that it's bait, too," Iris said, "I figure they are watching us, so please stay on your guard." Addie nodded, figuring this. Still, neither found a way in... "Maybe the entrance is somewhere else?" Iris suggested, heading back outside. Addie followed at a distance, making sure to be aware of their surroundings. "How frustrating... I know he's nearby; I can feel it...!" Iris said, clearly getting irritated. Addie hadn't seen the usually level-headed seer get annoyed like this before... "Iris... I know this must be a lot for you, especially since it involves people you were really close to... But we have to stay calm in case something goes awry," Addie commented slowly, taking a few steps closer to the seer. Iris nodded then, regaining her composure. "I'm sorry--you're right. It's just that this part is blurry...the future, I mean. I can't see it all too well. I just... Need to be prepared," she said, looking around after. It seemed to Addie like she was purposely avoiding their gaze... What exactly did Iris know? "What aren't you telling me?" Addie asked, furrowing a brow. "Listen," Iris said quickly, "I can tell that you're rapidly losing trust in me--and you have every right to, with how secretive I'm being... But I can't tell you because if I do, this plan won't work." "Why not??" Addie replied, exasperated. "Because if I told you," the seer said, slowly moving to the opposite side of the latter as their eyes followed, "You would never have agreed to do this." Addie was frozen now, unsure of what this implied. "Iris... What does that mean...?" They asked slowly, staring straight ahead at the omnic. "You're about to find out," was the seer's simple response as she suddenly leapt over to the latter. Shocked, Addie was about to brace when they realized--Iris cleared her, landing in front of them instead... To take a hit from Vendetta?!

  "Iris?!" Vendetta and Addie exclaimed at the same time, both seeming equally shocked. "That's... Why I couldn't tell you," the seer said weakly, "You'd... Try to stop me from doing that." "YOU!! Look what you made me do!!" Vendetta exclaimed. "What?! I didn't make you slash your sister with a sickle!!" Addie exclaimed, summoning her sword and blocking a hit from the latter before kicking him away. She then knelt down by Iris and began healing her. "And that's why I needed my powers..." "That's right... I'm so sorry for scaring you, Addie... I didn't mean it, really..." "Well, you're scaring me worse now!" Addie exclaimed, noticing a shadow looming behind. They turned around quickly to block Vendetta's attack again before forming a bunch of bubbles to heal Iris... She would have to keep Vendetta away from her. "Why are you trying to prevent me from healing your sister?! Do you want her to die?!" Addie exclaimed, dodging a slash from the latter. "Don't pretend to care about us now!! I've seen enough from humans to know that they only care for themselves!" Vendetta replied, moving quickly into another slash that Addie couldn't block this time--but it wasn't a terrible blow. "Maybe you haven't met enough humans, because the ones I know prioritize saving lives--human and omnic!" Addie responded, sneaking a glance at Iris. The seer seemed to be stable for now... "I don't know what you're playing at, getting involved with our affairs... But now you know too much, and my sister is right where I want her," Vendetta said, "You escaped the first time, but you won't now." "Vendetta, please! Just let me heal your sister! You can't do anything with her if she's dead, can you?!" Addie yelled, now genuinely distressed. Vendetta now also snuck a glance at his sister... There was a huge pool of oil beneath her--the lights on her head flickering as well. The slash was far worse than he thought, but it was meant for that pesky human... It was true. Even if he managed to kill Addie, he wouldn't be able to save Iris... And he couldn't face that possibility. That was his sister, and not just through the Shambali... "...Go. Don't make me regret this," he said, lowering his weapon. He then did some sort of signal that seemed to mean 'lay low' as Addie ran over to the seer. "Iris... You're gonna be just fine, okay?" Addie said, conjuring as much white dust as they could to heal the latter. Iris gave a weak laugh, moving her head a little to face the human. "I knew... You could do it... Addie, you're...destined for great things." "Just hang in there, okay? The wound is almost closed... He slashed a few wires on you too, but my powers are mending everything just fine..." "I know... I know I'll be okay. Because of you, Starlight... I'm sorry to put this on you, though..." Vendetta couldn't help but move in closer to listen to this exchange... Iris genuinely trusted Addie. "She's always liked you humans... I never saw the appeal," Vendetta admitted with an almost forced laugh. He was leaning against a nearby tree, arms folded. The latter two both turned to face him, Addie's brows furrowed... "They're so cute, Sage... I mean, Vendetta. Look at how she's healed me. They're not all bad," Iris said, weakly sitting up. "The Shambali are literally never going to let you out of their sight after this," Addie commented, crossing their arms. Vendetta was silent for a moment. "I know you won't leave without her... You saved her life, so I'll let you go just this once. Next time we meet, human, you won't be so lucky." "It's Addie, by the way," they said, helping Iris stand, "I know yours, so you should know mine. My name, that is." "Just get out of here before I change my mind," he said, waving them off in a defeated manner. The latter two hurried off, leaving Vendetta and the backup troops he had... "This human... Is definitely a threat to operations," Vendetta said with a sigh, "Twice now we've failed. We need a better plan." "He should know about this," another omnic added, to which Vendetta nodded. They now headed off to the true hidden base, where someone was waiting...

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