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  Meanwhile, Addie and Iris finally arrived back at Suravasa. The Shambali were surprised at the state Iris returned in, but the seer explained that she owed her life to Addie's healing abilities--after an 'unexpected' attack from Vendetta. "We did manage to gather some evidence, though. Here-- These are files Addie found which confirm that the moles were involved with Null Sector," Iris said, nodding. "Really, though... I'm just glad you're okay, never mind the moles," Addie replied, to which a few other monks agreed. "Yes, indeed. Apprentice Addie, we owe you again for saving one of our own," a monk said, giving a bow quickly. "Ah-- It's nothing, really. I'm happy to help," Addie replied with a smile. "I... I think I'm going to have to head back to Overwatch soon. They should know everything we found out about Null Sector," she continued, looking genuinely upset. "My student," Zenyatta began, "This is where your path leads now, and I will not stop you. We will head back to the village, and for a time, I will stay with the Shambali." "Can I join? The trip back, I mean. I would love to spend more time with you two before Addie must leave," Iris said. Initially, the monks were hesitant... But the ones who escorted Iris in the first place offered to come along. With this, it was agreed upon that Iris should join, which Zenyatta and Addie thought was nice as well.

  Zenyatta, Addie, Iris, and a few other monks took the long journey back to the village where Zenyatta resided. First through Suravasa, then the wilderness, then onto the train, back through the bigger city, onto another train, and finally... Home. As soon as they arrived, the other monks took a break at the tea table while Addie, Zenyatta and Iris spoke about what truly happened with Vendetta. "I think Overwatch should know about all of this--especially if Null Sector is planning something and had been attacking lately," Iris said, "And Addie... I think it's important for you to be there in person. Getting to know you has been amazing, and I thank you for going along with me." "I'm upset at you, a little... But I'm much more relieved that you're okay. I'm gonna have to pack now and tell Genji... I'll probably be leaving tomorrow morning," Addie replied with a sense of haste--not in an 'urgent' way, but rather, a 'need to distract myself' way. It was clear they didn't want to go--that much was confirmed by how they couldn't bring herself to look at Zenyatta right now. The omnic monk and seer watched as Addie paced around on call with Genji, telling him it was time for them to return. "Eight months... And what a privilege it's been," Zenyatta commented, vision fixed on his student who was none the wiser. "She doesn't want to leave you. I think you know that, though," Iris replied, stretching a little. The wound still ached... "I believe they also know that life is a journey which has many paths. One cannot remain in stasis forever," Zenyatta said, now looking at his sister. "Yes, very true," Iris agreed, "Even if it's painful, Addie knows what she must do... And it's all thanks to you." Just then, Addie returned... But they didn't speak. There was a profound sadness in their eyes--but it was unlike how it was when they first arrived. "Master... Do you, um... Wanna keep Kintsugi?" Addie eventually asked, clearly trying not to cry. "Oh, my student. He's bonded with you now, you'll have to take him along with you," was the monk's response. Addie laughed a little, nodding. "Figured," she said, "I just didn't want you to be lonely." "You needn't worry about me. Now, you should get some rest... You've got a long journey tomorrow." "Yes, indeed-- And we do, as well, back to the Monastery!" Iris added. To this, Addie nodded and said goodnight to her master, his sister, and the other monks.

  Finally, after eight months of training... It was time to return to Overwatch. Addie was all packed, eating breakfast at the tea table outside, joined by Iris and Zenyatta. They were waiting for Genji. "He'll text me when the train's 15 minutes away... Then we'll make our way down and wait for him," Addie said, fidgeting with their hoodie strings. It felt almost unnatural to be in 'normal' clothes again. "You're sure you have everything?" Iris asked, "It'd be a real pain to have to come back if you missed anything..." "I'm pretty sure I got it all, but even if I missed something, I could just summon it with my powers. That's one of the more mundane uses of them," Addie explained, chuckling a bit. "Ah, I see! I'm so excited to meet your other apprentice too, brother!" "Indeed. He will be thrilled to meet you, I'm sure," Zenyatta replied. As if on cue, Genji texted... "Okay. It's time," Addie stated, standing up quickly and slowly grabbing their bag. These minutes passed like hours... "All right, Zenyatta and I will return shortly! Then from here, to the Monastery... And maybe a quick stop to make a repair on the way!" Iris exclaimed, waving to the other monks who waved back. Now, the three began the journey to the train station. "Ah, Addie! Going on another adventure?" Ren asked, waving as they walked by. "Something like that," Addie replied, "I'm... Going home." "Home? ...Oh, I see... Your training is over, I take it? Then, please visit sometime!" Ren replied, smiling sadly. "I wouldn't say it's 'over', I'd say it's... Putting what I learned to use in a different environment. Take care, Ren," Addie said, waving and continuing on. Now, the two omnics waited with Addie... It was dead silent. Addie knew if they spoke now, she'd start crying... So, they prolonged it for as long as possible. "Well, go on," Iris whispered, "Tell her!" "My student," Zenyatta started, but he paused when he was met with Addie's gaze--flushed cheeks, red nose, watery eyes... "...Pollen," Addie said, immediately averting their gaze. "Ah yes. Pollen. In February," Zenyatta teased, "You don't need to be embarrassed over getting emotional. Goodbyes are quite difficult." "You're handling it a lot better than I am--" Addie said quickly, wiping their tears while chuckling. Iris silently watched the exchange, not wanting to interrupt the moment. "My student," Zenyatta began again, taking the human's hands into his own, "Training you has been a wonderful experience. Thank you for everything--all the experiences we shared, both big and small." Addie pouted initially, trying to fight back tears again... But then they sighed and smiled at their master as she replied, "You training me...was everything. Thank you, Master... I won't forget what you taught me... And I'm gonna do my best out there!" "I know you will, Dear Addie," Zenyatta stated simply, cupping his apprentice's cheeks in his hands, using his thumbs to wipe away their tears. "Aren't they just so precious??" Iris said suddenly, her hands clasped together. "Master, I thought I was your favorite!!" Genji exclaimed, crossing his arms to fake being jealous... Maybe. "Oh, Genji. I do not have a favorite," Zenyatta said simply, patting Addie's head as he placed a hand on his first apprentice's shoulder. Genji only laughed and shook his head. "When did you get here?" Addie asked, hands on their hips now. "Oh, I've been here! I didn't wanna interrupt your little moment, so I was talking with Iris here!" Genji replied, gesturing. "Indeed, what a fascinating pupil!! You always meet the most interesting people, brother!" Iris exclaimed, "But I suppose I must bid farewell to both of you for now..." "Indeed. It's time," Zenyatta agreed. "Okay, let's take a picture before we go--just like when I dropped you off!" Genji said, pulling out his phone. Addie nodded, getting in frame with the others, smiling genuinely for the photo while holding a peace sign over Zenyatta's head. "Hm. So, you remembered," the monk said, seeming amused. "Yeah, I gotcha this time, Master!" Addie exclaimed, sticking her tongue out at the monk. "Goodbye Addie, goodbye Genji! Please be safe on your way!!" Iris bade, waving. "Bye Master, bye Iris! We'll come visit at some point, I'm sure!" Genji called, stepping onto the train. Addie was about to follow... But instead, they quickly put down their bags and bowed to Zenyatta. He deserved a sign of respect for what he'd done for her, she figured. Zenyatta, however, returned the bow. This was a mutually beneficial experience for the both of them. "Master... I'll miss you! Bye, Iris!" Addie called, finally dashing onto the train after rushing to hug her master tightly. From the window, she waved to the monk and the seer, who waved back until they could no longer see the train... "She'll remember you when they're famous," Iris said with a giggle. "That's good to know," Zenyatta replied in an equally amused tone, "I can't wait to see what they do next." "Ah, but next for us... Is heading to the Monastery. I do believe Null Sector is targeting both of us, but we should be safe up there for now." "Indeed. If it's true, what you told me about Ramattra working with them... I can't say I'm surprised, but I surely am disappointed," the monk replied as he and his sister began the journey back to the lodge.

  On the train, Addie and Genji spoke quietly about what happened, leading to the abrupt decision for Addie to head home. Naturally, he was shocked to hear what truly happened, and agreed that this was a serious situation that needed to be addressed in person. "I'm just worried still," Addie admitted, holding the basket which contained Kintsugi on her lap, "That they might still be upset with me." "Add. It's been eight months. Everyone's over the things that happened with you and Talon--they've been over it for ages. They're all super excited to see you!" Genji replied, nudging the latter. "I hope so. I missed everyone too--especially you." "Aw! I'm honored!!" Genji said, laughing a bit after. Addie rolled their eyes and looked out the window. They already missed Zenyatta... But such is life. Nothing remains the same, and everything goes on.

  When it's time for me to leave and be someone new, I just can't face it--how I'll miss you. You want me to just wave goodbye to you someday...?

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