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Foolish and fillial man (1)

It's really a big sin. How could a stone from the perfectly good mountain fall down and hit Liuzi's head by chance?"

"Who says it's not the case? The blood all over the ground, people I'm all confused, and I don't know if I can save her. Look at Liuzi's wife, she cried until she couldn't make a sound. If Liuzi has someone who is good and bad, her life will be even more difficult."

"That's not necessarily the case. Is the life of the homeless daughter-in-law better now? After the widow is gone, she can go back to her parents' home and remarry. If she meets a pair of kind-hearted parents-in-law, her life will be much better than now."

"Bah, bah, bah, you can just say this casually. You said it, be careful to let the old couple of the Jiang family hear it and fight for you."


There was a rustling of discussion around him. Jiang Liu endured his headache and slowly opened his eyes. What he saw were several black and yellow skinny faces. face.

"Wake up, Liuzi wakes up!"

Seeing him open his eyes, the barefoot doctor who was pouring plant ash on his head shouted in surprise to the onlookers: "It's just fine when you wake up. It's probably just a skin injury, nothing serious."

Just now he was shocked when he saw Jiang Liu's bloody appearance when he was brought there. He thought to himself that he was a half-monk doctor, showing the villagers minor injuries and pains. Not bad, where can I see such serious injuries?

Unexpectedly, just when he was about to use some plant ash to stop the bleeding, and then asked the captain to write a note to send Jiang Liu to the county hospital, the other party woke up.

According to the knowledge of the barefoot doctor, since he is awake, it means that there is nothing serious wrong with him. He has a lot of blood and can be healed with care.

"Liuzi, can you still recognize me?"

Looking at Jiang Liu's eyes, which were a little confused, the doctor took a step forward. His entire face was enlarged in Jiang Liu's sight, and he almost looked at his face.

Do you recognize him or not? Of course he doesn't!

Just as Jiang Liu was about to answer, he suddenly realized that not long ago, he was bound by a silicon-based creature known as the Holy Father System 001. Now he is no longer himself.

It can be said that Jiang Liu has experienced a lot in his life.

When he was three years old, his father was killed by falling scaffolding at a construction site. The contractor had no conscience and disappeared after paying 20,000 yuan. When he was five years old, his mother finally couldn't stand the poverty at home and the loneliness of being a widow. , took all the money at home and ran away with others.

In this way, Jiang Liu became an orphan, living a miserable life with his only grandfather, relying on the seven percent of the land at home and the support from the surrounding villages.

When he was fourteen years old, his only relative also left him. Jiang Liu simply exchanged his family's old house and seven cents of the land for a sum of money, and used most of it to organize a decent funeral for his grandfather, and then with the remaining money and a small bag on my back, I stepped into the big dye vat of society.

With a junior high school education, he did not have much education and could only engage in the same profession as his father, who died young.

At the construction site, he saw a lot about the lives of the people at the bottom. With his thick skin and sweet mouth, he learned to tie steel bars, pour concrete, and plaster masonry. He even learned some auto repair from the auto repairman at the construction site. work.

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