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National Husband (11)

The official award came out only two days later than Jiang Liu knew about it. When the results of the National High School Mathematics League came out, the entire attached high school was shocked.

It's not surprising that Gao Ruru got the first prize with perfect scores, everyone is used to it.

It's not surprising that Jiang Liu changed his mind and started studying hard. After all, in the senior year of high school, there are many students who want to start working hard.

It's not surprising that Jiang Liu got perfect marks in mathematics in several monthly exams and even mid-term exams. It was just an ordinary exam. His deskmate was still Gao Ruru, so it was not surprising that his study progress had caught up.

But it's different now. This is not an ordinary exam. This is the National High School Mathematics League. All the mathematical elites from across the country gathered in this exam. Jiang Liu won the first prize, with the same full score as Gao Ruru. Does winning the prize prove that he is as strong as Gao Ruru?

Not only did the students look at Jiang Liu differently, but Xiao Changming, who thought he had single-handedly unearthed his dusty mathematics pearl, looked at Jiang Liu these days with such soft eyes that he wanted to squeeze out the water.

This time, the National High School Mathematics League awarded a total of ten first prizes, several second prizes and third prizes. Candidates who won the first prize, second prize and some third prizes can participate in the winter camp in the near future. compete for six spots to participate in CMO.

Dong Chengfeng won the second prize and was naturally able to participate in the winter camp, but he was not very happy. Compared to Gao Ruru, who had always been better than him, Jiang Liu had achieved better results than him, which made him really unwilling.


As one of the most authoritative competitions in high school, the award ceremony of the National High School Mathematics League is naturally not ordinary. There are many reporters present, ready to interview these award-winning students.

Lin Jin was a reporter who switched from the financial column to the humanities column. When she saw several first prize winners being awarded at this time, she couldn't help but be stunned.

The tall, thin boy on the stage always seemed familiar to her, as if she had seen him before somewhere.

It stands to reason that in a high school competition, it is impossible for someone she knows or is familiar with to appear, right?

Lin Jin is a serious person. After returning from the interview, she opened her computer and looked through a lot of information she had saved in the network disk. When she quickly flipped through the saved photos, she suddenly stopped. One of her faces happened to match the young man who seemed familiar to her at today's award ceremony.

Looking at the time these photos were taken, Lin Jin recalled that they were taken when she was still on the financial channel.

It was during the student summer vacation at that time, and a big tycoon in Hong Kong held a private dinner. It was said that many wealthy people from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan would attend.

As a reporter from the financial channel, she naturally rushed there after hearing the news. Unfortunately, the dinner this time was not open to the public. She only took a few photos outside the hotel.

This young man was photographed outside the dinner venue, and she also saw him entering the dinner venue.

It is not easy for people to attend that level of dinner. They are either predators or family members of predators. Lin Jin couldn't help but be a little excited. If an article can be published that combines the rich second generation and the top students, I am afraid that the sales of newspapers and the clicks on the Internet will be greatly reduced. will rise significantly.

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