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Zombie King (1)

#Doomsday Preview! ! ! #——Reposted from Qiandu Post

[On July 13, 2021, a meteorite landed on the earth, and the meteorite carried a large number of unknown viruses.

Within three days, nearly two-thirds of the world's people were infected with an unknown disease. Symptoms include dizziness, vomiting, weakness in limbs, and gradual loss of consciousness. On the fourth day, these people infected with the virus will be completely brain-dead, and the world will fall into panic.

This is not the worst thing. On the fifth day, the first patient came back from the dead. He behaved like a zombie, with no emotions and no consciousness. He bit everyone he saw. The person who was bitten would have the same symptoms.

People call the day when the meteorite falls the beginning of the end.

I can only remind you that newly awakened zombies move slowly and can only identify the location of living people based on sounds. The fatal part of a zombie is the brain. Only by crushing the skull of the zombie will the zombie be completely dead.

Three months later, a strange meteorite descended on the earth again. This time the special virus carried by the meteorite promoted the evolution of zombies, and also brought a glimmer of hope to mankind. Many of the surviving humans developed supernatural powers, and mankind finally have the confidence to contend with zombies.

However, there are too many zombies, and human survivors not only have to face attacks from zombies, but also carefully deal with internal struggles from humans. In the last ten years, there will be very few human survivors. Perhaps one day, humans will completely disappear from this planet.

There are still ten days before the end of the world. Store enough food and water, then hide in the room, draw the curtains, close the doors and windows, and reduce the circulation of air and the outside world as much as possible. If you can survive the three days before the end of the world, the future maybe there will be one less zombie on the earth.

If there are previously infected patients at home, be sure to isolate them. Remember, remember! ]

1st floor: Why are there so many psychopaths recently? It's the end of the world. Haha, it's 2021 now, not 2012. You really think I'm stupid for believing such unfounded words.

Floor 2: Yes, but this is not the most nonsense. Have you seen the post on the Zhihu forum? That is weird.

Floor 3: What kind of post is this? Send it here to open our eyes.

4th Floor: The second floor is about the post that claims the Ice Age is coming again. Hahaha, you can tell by looking at the poster that he has never studied. From the birth of the earth to the present, it has gone through about 4.6 billion years. During this period, the earth has always been in the cycle of glacial periods to interglacial periods and then back to glacial periods. The next ice age may still be nearly 100,000 years away. He said that it will happen again in a few months. It's an ice age, isn't that a joke?

Floor 5: Are there really so many idiots? Have you noticed that the number of apocalyptic posts posted recently has exceeded the limit? Not only this post, but also many, many posts are talking about the coming apocalypse. Do you think there will really be an apocalypse?

Floor 6: You see, the people who posted these posts are deceiving little fools like Floor 5. If you don't look at those posts carefully, the times written on them for the doomsday are different, and it's not the same type of doomsday. For example, this post predicts a zombie apocalypse, and that post on Zhihuhu predicts the return of the Ice Age. There are also some predictions about natural disasters and mutations in animals and plants. Obviously, everyone is just following the trend and joining in the fun. I guess they are all made up by the writers themselves.

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