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There is a treasure eggs at home (19)

"Miss, this is our new lipstick color this year, which is not available in other brands. Look, our salesperson is using this color lipstick today, isn't it? It's very white and radiant."

"Madam, this is our classic liquid foundation. There are three shades to choose from. It can very well modify the dullness and minor blemishes of the skin, and our Liquid foundation also has the effect of nourishing the skin. It not only modifies your face, but also nourishes and repairs it."

Jiang Liu and his sister Jiang Shengnan looked curiously at this department store, which is known as the largest in Zhu City. Half of the first floor is occupied by cosmetics. The counters are occupied. Perhaps because of the New Year, these cosmetics counters are surrounded by women, and the salespeople's sales calls are endless.

This is the first time Jiang Shengnan has seen such a scene in her life. She originally thought that the shopping malls in the county town were already very impressive, but as a result, the products sold in this big city were all rare items that she had never seen before, and the shopping malls were also sufficient. It's dozens of times bigger than the small department store in my hometown. You can't see the top when you look up. Just looking at it makes your eyes dizzy.

However, it is a woman's nature to like those beautiful clothes, jewelry and cosmetics. Even though Jiang Shengnan is only eleven years old now and is not old enough to wear makeup, she cannot erase her love for these cosmetics that decorate her face.

At this moment, she was staring at the women who were gathered around the lipstick counter trying on lipstick, and looking at their beautiful faces after applying lipstick, she couldn't help but want to try it too.

"Dad, buy a lipstick for Mom. I think the color is pretty good and suits Mom."

Jiang Liu tugged on his dad's sleeve and pointed to the lipstick counter.

In his impression, most women like this kind of thing. Take his mother in this world as an example. Although the conditions do not allow it and the atmosphere there is not so open yet, during the Chinese New Year, his mother still I would secretly use the red paper used to write couplets and purse my lips to make my lips look redder.

Of course, Jiang Liu accidentally saw this. In Yao Huilan's inherent thinking, a woman of her age should not dress like that, so everything had to be done secretly.

"Your mother doesn't like that stuff."

Jiang Jianjun was an uninterested man. He glanced at the lipstick counter surrounded by women and said without thinking.

"The color looks like a monster that eats children. Your mother won't like it." Jiang Jianjun said confidently: "Your mother likes money. Every time I bring money home, your mother is the happiest. If you buy these useless things, your mother will scold me."

In Jiang Jianjun's heart, what his wife likes most is him, his children and money, or practical things such as clothes and food.

Even though their family had saved so much money, her wife still used to buy clam oil from the supply and marketing cooperative for 50 cents a jar. This shows that these things have no appeal in her heart.

It's a good thing that his father was born in this era of arranged marriages, otherwise he would definitely not be able to catch the girl he likes.

Jiang Liu looked at his uninterested father and sighed. He really didn't understand women at all, especially women who couldn't bear to eat or wear clothes after becoming mothers.

"Dad, I bet you, mom will definitely like it, just buy one for her." As soon as

his son acted coquettishly, Jiang Jianjun was at a loss.

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