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There is a treasure eggs at home (11)

In the evening, except for Jiang Jianjun who was making money outside, and Jiang Yanan who was learning tailoring skills in the county, the whole family looked at the two babies who were full and fell asleep and thought deeply.

"Mom, these fourth and fifth girls have a father and a mother after all. I'm afraid it won't be good for us to take them over and raise them."

Yao Huilan said tactfully. She really didn't want to raise these two children for her second wife.

It is true that the parents of these two girls are pitiful, but her family's money does not come from the strong wind. For every one, there are two. If the second child's family is more difficult in the future, it is possible that they will have to take care of his family. The lives of five girls?

Yao Huilan has three daughters herself. She has no shortage of daughters, so naturally she doesn't want to raise these two girls who are not related to her by blood.

Pan Xiuluo's face burned when her daughter-in-law said this. Although her daughter-in-law said it tactfully, Pan Xiuluo could still tell that her daughter-in-law was blaming her for being nosy and not caring about the interests of the big family.

"Huilan, you didn't see what happened during the day. If these two girls are raised by the second son and his wife, I'm afraid they won't live for many days. They are both big and small, not to mention they are close relatives." Pan Xiuluo looked at the two in confusion

. She understands everything about children, but she still says that, after she has been born, can she watch her child die? She couldn't bear it.

"If it's a matter of money, I still have some respect for myself here."

Pan Xiuluo paused after saying that she originally planned to leave those things to her grandson.

The ancestors of the Pan family had some wealth and came here as refugees. However, the current situation was not good at that time, so the Pan family pretended to be refugees and settled there. When Pan Xiuluo got married, her mother secretly gave her a dowry. Pan Xiuluo was still fine with these things. Saved.

In fact, it is not necessarily true to say how valuable those things are. After all, she is a daughter, and there are several brothers in her natal family. Most of them must be left to the brothers. Pan Xiuluo was given some brocade, some silver jewelry, and some Relatively exquisite porcelain and copperware.

It's just that in those days, people didn't dare to use these things at all. If someone saw them, the whole family would suffer. Especially during the famine years, even if you have money, you can't buy food.

Pan Xiuluo endured the heartache and burned the brocade that was the most difficult to hide. Some valuable jewelry and vessels were buried underground until they were dug out a few years ago.

Silver jewelry has a certain value, while porcelain and copperware are said to be from the Republic of China period. They are considered semi-antiques and are worth some money.

When the family was separated, Pan Xiuluo gave her youngest son a tea set and a silver bracelet. The latter was confiscated when Wang Di, the third child, was born, and the former was smashed by an ignorant person from the Family Planning Office.

The boss shared a lot. Pan Xiuluo gave the most valuable gold ring to the eldest daughter-in-law, and melted some of the remaining silver to buy a set of bracelets and anklets for the little grandson.

Apart from that, she still had a few things of her own, and with the money that the boss paid to be filial to her every time he came back, it was more than enough to support two little girls.

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