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The widow's number one scholar (5)

"Patriarch, you said you want me to send Dalang to the school early?"

Meng Yunniang was a little surprised and didn't understand why the patriarch came to say this in person.

"That's right."

Jiang Chong nodded. Last night his son told him in detail about Jiang Liu's outstanding performance. Jiang Chong felt that such a good talent could not be wasted.

Think about it, just by listening to the Disciple Rules and the Three-Character Sutra a few times outside the book school, you can memorize it backwards and forwards. If you study it seriously, you will not be able to fully integrate these enlightenment textbooks.

Regardless of the difficulty of the imperial examination, in fact anyone who has passed the imperial examination knows that the examination for children and scholars is the easiest. As long as you can memorize the Four Books, Five Classics and other teachings thoroughly, and know their profound meaning, you can basically pass it.

On the other hand, the exams for Juren and above are not that easy. You can't pass them just by studying hard.

Jiang Liu has the ability to remember what he hears. First of all, it is easy to pass the examination as a scholar. Moreover, Jiang Chong feels that if Jiang Liu really has such a head, he will definitely not be a person who can only study hard. He may have a long future. It was further and higher than their expectations of him.

He briefly explained the reason for his visit today, and then did not forget to add: "If the family is really in trouble, I can make the decision to reduce the amount of repairs in half." Although he is the clan leader, Jiang Chong cannot directly exempt Jiang Liu.

Tuition fees, after all, the Jiang family is so big and there are so many children of the right age. If this gap is opened, the school will become a clan school in the future.

You must know that there is a poor scholar who teaches in the school and needs to make a living. Even the patriarch cannot make such a statement.

But it was different to waive half of the tuition fees. He could decide to waive half of his son's tuition fees, and no one could say anything to him.

"Patriarch, what kind of genius do you think my son is?"

Meng Yunniang was surprised and happy. She had never thought that her son would be a genius.

To be honest, Meng Yunniang has always thought that her son is a bit like a fool, stupid and stupid. Although she always talks about sending him to study, hoping that he can pass the exam and become a scholar, but in fact, in her heart I don't have much hope for my son's brain.

Meng Yunniang's biggest wish is that her son can learn more words and be more sensible. In the future, he can inherit the skill of making tofu, and the two of them can build a shop and live a stable life.

"Patriarch, don't worry. I only have a son, Da Lang. I have to grit my teeth and send him to school."

Meng Yunniang didn't think the patriarch had any need to lie to her. Since the patriarch had said that her son had a talent for studying and was willing to She reduced her son's tuition by half, so she shamelessly went back to her parents' house to borrow money, and also sent her son to study in a private school.

But it's actually not that exaggerated.

Meng Yunniang thought about it in her mind. When her husband was seriously ill, she spent a lot of money just to see a doctor and take medicine. She lost almost all the money she earned after the separation. In the end, in order to organize the funeral for her husband, she even lost all her family members. The little money I had was spent, and I still owed some debts.

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