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Good Dad (3)

"Have you heard that when this patient was sent to the hospital, his anus was pierced and a section of his intestines was cut off!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, did this go too far, or was it an accident? It's so perverted. Can a grown man still be a man after being stabbed in the ass? By the way, have you heard that his stuff is all rotten and he can't even be called a man now."

Gou Jian was confused. I heard some rustling conversations nearby.

Whose intestines were cut, and whose asshole was stabbed, that thing was rotten, it was so miserable, he felt sympathy when he heard it.

"Hey, hey, he's awake, stop talking."

"Yes, wasn't there a policeman guarding this man just now? I'll go outside and have a look and call the police back."

Those strange conversations are gone, but Gou Jian couldn't help but panic when he heard the word police, and his consciousness suddenly became clearer.

He remembered that he seemed to have drunk some wine, and then he couldn't control himself and abducted a beautiful little girl to do that, but before he could relax, the little girl's father came to find him.

The other party broke both of his hands and beat him severely.



Gou Jian's eyes widened. He wanted to reach out to his lower body in a panic, but his hands had just been plastered and were fixed in mid-air, while his lower body had no feeling at all, only dull numbness.

He remembered that the bastard smashed his lower body with a stick, and he fainted from the pain. Was his baby gone?

"Hey, don't move. We just finished the operation!"

"Just ring the bell quickly and let the nurse give him a sedative."

Gou Jian lives in a three-person room and takes care of the family members of the patient with two beds next door. One held him down to prevent him from struggling, and the other hurriedly rang the bell to call the nurse.

Gou Jian recognized that these two women were the two women who had just chattered in his ears.

Recalling what they had just said, Gou Jian's head was filled with blood rapidly, and his eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes, as if he was trying to eat people.

The police and doctors arrived quickly. Because Gou Jian's reaction was too violent, the doctor gave him a sedative to calm him down.

"The patient may not be able to accept this fact for a while."

The doctor looked at the caregivers and family members on the two beds next to him, guessing that these big-mouthed people said something, and the patient heard it, and he was unable to accept it for a while.

But the hospital wards are tight. Even the ward where Gou Jian lives now was moved in because a patient was temporarily discharged from the hospital. There is no way to free up a single room for him. The police officers were coming in and out, and the nurses had to change Gou Jian's dressing. The family members in the two beds next to him probably understood something.

"I gave him a sedative. The patient will probably have to sleep for a while. Even if you want to take a statement, you should wait until the patient's mood becomes more stable." The doctor still had many patients to take care of. After giving the police a few words of advice, he took the nurse leave.


In this way, Gou Jian woke up and went crazy, then took a sedative to sleep, then woke up and went crazy, and then took a sedative to sleep again. He repeated this several times. On the third day, he finally accepted this fact and stopped going crazy. He seemed to be struggling and yelling, and the police were finally able to sit down and ask him what happened that day.

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