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Zombie King (5)

"Are you saying that our place is about to be demolished? That's not right. The house is in their names. When it comes to demolition, they won't lose a penny, not to mention the demolition of our village. Then People in the city can't get any advantage when renting a house, so why come here?"

Li Dong thought carefully, and besides, if it was really a demolition, there was no reason that he, the village chief, didn't get the news in advance.

"Anyway, I don't think something is right."

Li Dong's son Li Sheng muttered, "By the way, dad, don't you think the recent weather is a bit strange?"

It's only the end of May, and the sun is already getting stronger. The average daily temperature is between 26 degrees and 30 degrees. The day before yesterday was the most extreme. At two o'clock at noon, the temperature was as high as 32 degrees. This is the temperature here in midsummer.

The old people in the village have been talking about it these days. The weather is like this at the end of May. When the dog days come, the temperature will go up to 40 degrees.

"My son, your grandson said that the temperature rise is due to global warming. It seems to be related to industrial chemical pollution. Why do you think the city people are so cruel? They open factories to make a lot of money, and we ordinary people rely on the fields for food. , What does pollution have to do with us? Why should warming temperatures affect our farming?"

Li Shan didn't understand the relationship between global warming and environmental pollution in his son's mouth. He just listened to a few words roughly, and then Showing off in front of his old man makes him look quite educated.

"The weather is indeed a bit weird."

Li Dong took a puff of cigarette and looked at the big sun still hanging high above. "How many days has it been since it rained?"

Li Dong is the village chief and a wealthy family in the village. , he contracted a lot of land and a fish pond. These things can bring him an income of less than 200,000 yuan every year, so he treats the fields and fish ponds as his lifeblood.

"It took so long. I wonder if it will be better in the rainy season."

At the beginning of May, rice seedlings had just been planted in the village. Now that the weather is hot, the water in the ground evaporates quickly, and the villagers have to go back to the village almost every few days. Pumping water from the river to irrigate the rice fields has never been so troublesome in May in the past.

"I feel a little panicked for no reason."

Li Dong smoked faster. He didn't know why, but his intuition told him that the hot weather might have something to do with Jiang Liu and others' sudden return to the village, but what exactly was the relationship?

"Dad, why don't I take you to the health station and let the old Chinese doctor take your pulse and measure your blood pressure and so on?"

Li Cheng was a filial son, and he wondered whether his father's panic might be due to heart disease.

"Go away."

Li Dong angrily scolded his stupid son. Fortunately for him, I still have some skills. He would not be able to survive with such a stupid son in another stall.


#forward# A man from Yingguo claimed to have supernatural powers and could control the element of fire.

Floor 1: This is a magic show, and I have to say that the performance is quite realistic.

Floor 2: Hahaha, I also imagined that I could gain superpowers when I was in middle school, but now I have to go home to breastfeed my child while working overtime every day, so I don't have time to think about this at all.

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