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Loyal Minister (9)

"Reporting to Master Lin, my general cannot get up due to illness. Please go to the bedroom to talk to Master Lin."

Lin Xun only waited in the flower pavilion for a while, and the servant who went to ask questions came over to reply.

"How is your general's health?"

Lin Xun frowned. It turned out that Jiang Liu was really sick. He thought the other party was using his illness to express his dissatisfaction, but he must have been sick for too long.

"The general suffered a lot of injuries in Northern Xinjiang back then. This time, the old illness has recurred. Some of the wounds have festered and will not heal. He can only lie in bed."

The servant who spoke was a son of the Jiang family, so there was no doubt about his loyalty.

He didn't like these pedantic ministers like Lin Xun who were tit for tat with his generals in the court and often found fault with him, so his tone of voice was naturally a little bit weird.

"It's been all these years, haven't the old wounds healed?"

Lin Xun was stunned when he heard the implicit complaint from the servant leading the way, and for a moment he felt a little guilty towards Jiang Liu.

Over the years, he has been focusing on targeting that man, but he has forgotten that what he is today is earned by the lives of generations of men in the Jiang family. Including Jiang Liu himself, they have shed blood and shed tears on the frontier, and the Yan Dynasty has become a great country today. , and it is also inseparable from the sacrifices of the Jiang family.

Thinking back to the time when the Qiang people were coming fiercely and the borders were lost one after another, Jiang Liu was only fourteen years old at that time and risked his life to fight in the northern Xinjiang. I am afraid that at that time he never thought that he would be able to come back alive. That battle took away the old generals of the Jiang family and Jiang Liu's biological brother and several concubine brothers lost their lives, and the descendants of other branches of the Jiang family also suffered numerous casualties. Lin Xun still remembered the sadness of Jiang Liu riding a war horse, covered in plain clothes, and carrying the coffins of the fallen soldiers back to the city.

In fact, that man was not as hateful as he said.

Thinking about the purpose of today, Lin Xun felt a little guilty again.

When Lin Xun followed the servant who led the way into the main room, Chaoyang happened to come out holding his daughter's hand.

"Princess Chaoyang, Princess Qingwu."

Lin Xun bowed, and Chaoyang returned the bow with his daughter.

"The general is changing the dressing. If the reception is not good enough , please ask Lin Xun to apologize."

Chaoyang originally brought his daughter to visit his husband, but because Lin Xun paid a sudden visit, he was about to go back to the backyard to avoid him.

"Princess, you are joking."

Lin Xun glanced at Her Royal Highness the Princess, who had not appeared in public for a long time, and the charming little princess. The mother and daughter were radiant, and they did not look like they were wronged. It seemed that there were rumors that the princess and the general were related. The icebreaker message is spot on.

The princess is also a king. Jiang Liu's respect for the princess is equivalent to respecting the royal family. Lin Xun felt a little more comfortable and his attitude became gentler.

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