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Tremble, scumbag (15)

"If he is always like this, I will raise another son."

After struggling for a long time, Bai Lan gave this answer.

What can she do? The little idiot she raised now didn't have an affair or bully the three of them. Instead, she behaved and acted cute every day, stupidly letting her do whatever she wanted. No matter how much Bai Lan hated Jiang Liu, she couldn't vent her resentment in this place. Jiang Liu, who didn't understand it all the time.

Besides, she is only "five years old" this year. How dare she bully a five-year-old child?

"Think about it, in his last life he was a hands-off shopkeeper and never took care of our three mothers. Now it's better. He holds Zhuhua every day and does all the hard work at home. And after training, he doesn't He stole food from you, and he didn't fight back when he was beaten or scolded. This may be his compensation."

As he spoke, Bai Lan persuaded a few more words, not only to convince himself, but also to convince the two children.

Anyway, as long as Jiang Liu doesn't recover his memory and reveal his true nature, Bai Lan will no longer have any thoughts of revenge. But she doesn't know what her children think. She's afraid that they won't be able to let go of their past hatred and will impose the resentment of their previous lives on the present. Jiang Liu was stupid, so he said these few words just to comfort the two children.

"That's what I think too."

Jiang Dahu sighed and nodded. It's not that the hatred is not deep enough, but that his stupid father is too annoying now. He really can't do anything harsh. Occasionally teasing him is just a way to vent his anger.

As for Jiang Zhuhua, she is still too young to express her opinions.

The first meeting of the three giants came to a successful conclusion. Because each other knew each other's experience of being reborn, the relationship between the three of them reached a new level and became more and more intimate.

And Jiang Liu also noticed the subtle emotional changes in the reborn trio, and became more and more cautious about being a human being, and was determined to carry out the fool character to the end.


"Lan'er, are we really going to open a noodle shop in the town?"

Thinking of what her daughter-in-law has been worrying about these days, Jiang Miao felt a little uneasy.

She is not a woman with great ambitions. In Jiang Miao's view, the money at home can be used to buy dozens of acres of land and buy a cattle. Then she can rent out part of these fields and cultivate them herself. For one thing, they will be able to have enough food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

Moreover, fields are something that can be passed down from family to family. More than 500 taels of silver are enough to buy 70 to 80 acres of medium-sized fields. They can be passed down to future generations and will benefit from generations to generations.

But Bai Lan doesn't think so. If she lives in the soil all her life, her children will have to marry village girls and farmers. It's not that Bai Lan looks down on village girls and farmers, but she clearly has the ability, so why can't she let her children pursue a better life? Woolen cloth.

Bai Lan wants to earn more money and send her son to study or practice martial arts. She also wants her daughter to have a maid and a mother-in-law to take care of her and live the life of a young lady. Obviously, these are not things that dozens of acres of land can bring her.

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