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Loyal Minister (3)


The servants in the General's Mansion were well-trained. No one expressed curiosity when Jiang Liu went out when Mao Shi came back to the Mansion. The two little maids who helped Jiang Liu change clothes did not dare to raise their heads and lowered their heads. She helped him change into his regular clothes with a narrowed eyebrow, and brought him hot water to wipe his face and hands, without any intention of seducing his master into becoming his aunt.

You must know that although the original person is already thirty-six years old, which was old enough to be a grandfather in ancient times, due to years of martial arts practice, he has a strong physique. According to modern women, just looking at it makes people unable to close their legs due to hormones. As a man, coupled with the aura bonus that power brings to men, it is no exaggeration to say that he is the most desirable person for maids in the world to crawl into bed with. But as far as the original memory is concerned, there has never been a maid crawling on the bed in the general's residence.

In ancient times, men were in charge inside and women were in charge outside. The original person spent more time outside. Obviously, the servants were so honest because of the female mistress.

Thinking of the memories left by his original body, Jiang Liu couldn't help but have a headache. They are obviously smart and intelligent people, but why are they so ignorant when it comes to relationships?

"Where's Madam?"

Jiang Liu finished wiping his hands with a clean handkerchief and asked the waiting maid in a deep voice.

"The princess has ordered dinner and is dining with the young lady."

The little maid couldn't help showing a surprised expression, but her mother in charge was good at teaching her. She quickly calmed down her expression and answered the general's questions honestly.

However, the little girl couldn't help but complain in her heart. You must know that the general and the princess have always respected each other like ice. In the years since she entered the palace, she has never heard the general take the initiative to inquire about the princess's movements. The same is true for the princess. She was looking at her own yard and didn't care whether the general went to her yard.

That is to say, the status of the princess is respected, and she is very powerful and powerful. In addition, there is only such a lady in the general's palace, and there is not even a maidservant. In other palaces, such an unfavored head wife would have been enslaved long ago. Rubbing to death.

The little maid serving Jiang Liu must have liked the princess very much. She was a little happy when the general mentioned the princess on her own initiative. She was afraid that the general would be angry because the princess didn't wait for him to eat by himself, so she said a few more words.

"The lady is young and cannot bear to be hungry. That's why the princess didn't wait for the general to have dinner together after he returned home."

In fact, the general and the princess have always lived separately. On the first and fifteenth day of every month, the general will give his wife face. , resting in her room, usually the two of them are in harmony with each other.

Some loyal servants in the mansion looked anxious. Now the general and the princess only have an only daughter, and the general is very indifferent to love affairs. The general's mansion is not sure whether the inheritance will be lost in the general's generation.

"Tell the kitchen to add some dishes. I will go to the princess's place for dinner tonight."

It took a long time to absorb the memory. Jiang Liu drank a pot of tea in the teahouse to satisfy his hunger. He was already hungry by now.

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