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Tremble, scumbag (7)

"Widow Meng, why are you here at Jiang's house? Who are you looking for?"

Meng Jiaoniang, who was wearing a pink coat and skirt, was so conspicuous that people living nearby quickly noticed her. .

There has been a lot of sexy news surrounding Meng Jiaoniang in the village, but because no one has caught Meng Jiaoniang having an affair, the rumors are still just rumors. At most, it is because of these rumors that the women in the village have bad feelings for her.

The person who called Meng Jiaoniang was the Wang family's daughter-in-law who lived next door to the Jiang family. She was also a woman known in the village as a gossip.

When she saw Meng Jiaoniang wandering outside the Jiang family yard, her first reaction was that Meng Jiaoniang was here to find a man, and that man was either Jianghai or Jianghu.

Xiao Wang's wife did not think about Jiang Liu, because although Jiang Liu was the most handsome man in the village, he was also the most chaotic man in the village. Women like Meng Jiaoniang would not look down on such incompetent men. What's more, Jiang Liu is now insane and can't even take care of himself. How could Meng Jiaoniang get involved with such a man?

"A few days ago, I went to town to pull out a piece of floral cloth. I heard that Sister-in-law Jiang San is good at cutting clothes, so I wanted to come over and learn from her."

Meng Jiaoniang also wanted to be shameless and found an excuse to prevaricate Xiao Wang's wife.

"Look for Bai Lan. She has gone to work in the fields. You know, the men in her family are not responsible, so she and her mother-in-law have to take care of the fields at home."

Xiao Wang's wife spat out the melon seed rinds in her mouth, and she didn't know. Believe it or not, he smiled and told Meng Jiaoniang Bai Lan's whereabouts.

"Since Jiang's third daughter-in-law is not at home, I will go back first."

The silk handkerchief in Meng Jiaoniang's hand was almost broken by her. It's a pity that she was dressed up today, and the rouge and gouache on her face at least added up. It was worth a few cents, but in the end, she only got a word of "bug". Meng Jiaoniang felt extremely unwilling to do so.

Seeing Meng Jiaoniang walking away, Xiao Wang's wife curled her lips, finished the last sunflower seed, clapped her hands, and walked back to the house with her buttocks twisted.

She didn't believe that Meng Jiaoniang really came here to look for Bai Lan. She was the only one in the village who had the energy and thought to spend on dressing up. People like her still need to ask Bai Lan for advice on how to tailor clothes?

I really think she is an idiot!

But that's okay, she will have something to talk to others next.


"Jiang Hai, what am I sorry for? You actually had sex with a bitch like Meng Jiaoniang!"

Jiang Hai had just returned from the fields with his two sons that day, and what greeted him was not what his wife had prepared. A delicious dinner, but a gratuitous meal of Jiuyin White Bones.

Jiang Hai had been tired for a day and was unprepared. He soon had a few scratches on his face.

"Xu Xiaocao, why are you crazy?"

Jiang Hai, who had come back to his senses, felt the pain from the scratches on his cheek and the back of his hand that he had just blocked in front of him, and couldn't help but feel angry. He had worked so hard for this family, and even if Xu Xiaocao didn't understand him, he actually dared to hit her own man, which was a disgrace to her.

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