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Autism (1)

"An An, today is your sixth birthday. Dad said that he will definitely come to celebrate your birthday with you this year. Do you want any birthday gifts? Mom will satisfy you."

Outside the window, a pretty woman squatted half-crouched, put her hands on the shoulders of the child in front of her, and asked softly.

The child was very silent and looked down. If you look closely, you can see that his eyes seemed a little dull and not as agile as those of children of the same age.

"Is there nothing you want?"

When she didn't get the answer she wanted, a brief moment of frustration flashed across the woman's face, but she quickly cheered up and touched the little boy's head with a smile, "Then let's buy the cake first. Well, doesn't An An like Peppa Pig very much? Mom will buy An An a big cake with Peppa Pig on it today, and wait for her father to come home to celebrate An An's birthday together."

The woman took the little boy's hand and pushed open the cake shop window and walk to the counter.

"Hello, I made an appointment for your birthday cake on Dingdang.com the day before. My surname is Wang."

The woman's voice was very gentle, with the soft accent of Wu Nong, a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

"Hello, Ms. Wang? Is it the eight-inch Peppa Pig birthday cake you ordered in our store?"

The clerk checked the list of customers who picked up the goods today and quickly found the note for the order on Dingdang.com. For Ms. Wang's order.


The woman nodded.

"Please wait a moment."

Because it was the time when the two clerks were taking turns to have lunch, there was only one employee in the store. The young girl politely asked the customer to wait for a moment, and then turned around to pick up the birthday card placed in the refrigeration cabinet. Cakes, as well as gift candles and disposable tableware for birthday cakes, etc.

After a while, the woman knelt down and talked to the little boy.

"An'an, do you want to eat this little strawberry cake?"

Seeing her son's eyes staring unblinkingly at the yogurt and strawberry cubes in the glass counter, Wang Ruoyu's eyes flashed with joy, and she asked in a gentler and sweeter voice.

However, the boy still didn't answer, just stared at the little cake.

"If you like it, An An wants to tell mom, this is yogurt and strawberry Xiaofang. Does An An know what yogurt is? It's the dairy product we had last night. It tastes sour and sweet, and there are strawberries, which are red and sweet."

The woman told her son everything he saw in an extraordinarily gentle voice, but no matter how much she talked about it, the child's eyes did not waver at all.

At this time, the clerk had prepared the birthday cake. She looked at the mother and child in front of the counter and realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the child.

"Ms. Wang, your birthday cake has been packed."

At the reminder of the clerk, Wang Ruoyu stood up. The money for the birthday cake had already been settled when he ordered the cake on Dingdang.com. Wang Ruoyu was about to carry it. When the cake left, I glanced at my son from the corner of my eye, who was still staring at the strawberry cake without blinking, and asked for another piece of yogurt and strawberry cake.

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