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Tremble, scumbag (3)

The eldest son of the Jiang family, Jiang Hai, and the second son, Jiang Hu, are the main labor force of the Jiang family's few acres of land. During the day, they basically work in the fields, and now it is the busy time of farming. Even lunch is from Jiang Miao. He took it to the field and dealt with it casually on the ridge.

Apart from Jiang Hai and Jiang Hu, the people who contribute the most to the Jiang family are Jiang Miao and Bai Lan. Men are unreliable. In order to keep the elder sister-in-law and second sister-in-law quiet, Bai Lan has always worked the hardest. She can work from morning to night, even in the village. The most picky woman also praised Bai Lan as a virtuous and capable woman.

In the early years, due to Bai Lan's ability, the third room was fairly balanced. However, in recent years, as the Jiang family's two male grandsons in the eldest room were able to help in the fields, and Orchid and Lotus in the second room were able to help with housework, only a two-year-old grandson was left. The son's third wife became a drag in the eyes of the other two brothers. The other two brothers felt that they had made a great contribution to the family, but they were not as favored by the elders as Jiang Laosan, who had nothing to do. He suffered a big loss, and the discord between the third brother and the third brother also became more prominent. It's getting bigger.

"Mom is cooking for the third child again."

When Jiang Hai came back from the fields in the evening, Xu Xiaocao was waiting for her man to take a shower while pouting and gossiping.

"I saw with my own eyes that my mother scooped out a bucket full of rice from her house. It was the rice that was newly mortared this year. Our eldest son is still the eldest grandson. My mother was not willing to give our eldest son white rice porridge when she was sick before."

Don't look at Xu Xiaocao has a tough attitude in front of her mother-in-law Jiang Miao. She knows very well that the only person who can really confront her mother-in-law is her man Jiang Hai. She has to pull this man into her camp to have the confidence to challenge Jiang Miao. .

"It's not that I'm stingy. How old is the third child? How old is our big cow? Seeing that big cow has to work in the fields at a young age, and he doesn't get the attention of his grandma even when he's sick, I'm a mother-in-law. I feel bad."

Xu Xiaocao automatically ignored the fact that when her son was sick, the old lady took an egg and asked her to steam egg custard for her son. She carefully observed her man's expression. While she was hiding her displeasure, she suddenly knew something in her heart. It seemed that her man was just as dissatisfied with Jiang Laosan and her mother-in-law's partial behavior as she was.

"And this time it was the third child who caused the trouble himself. He offended the second housekeeper of Yuan Lu's house. Who are we and what is his status? If he is jealous of us, he can just have a drink with the head of the house. We will suffer for those few words."

Obviously, compared to my mother's partiality, Jiang Hai was more afraid of the second housekeeper of Yuan's wife's family that Xu Xiaocao said.

"The third child is getting more and more outrageous."

Jiang Hai took the water ladle from his wife's hand and poured a few ladles of water into it, then hurriedly dried his body and put on clean clothes.

"Dahai, how about we separate our families?"

Seeing that her husband also disliked his younger brother, Xu Xiaocao took advantage of the victory and put forward his own ideas: "I'm not unfilial. Look, the third child has been idle these years, isn't it because of us brothers and sisters? Protect him? I think it's time to let him become independent. Once the family is divided, he will learn to be sensible when he wants to be the master of the family and support his wife and children."

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