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Zombie King (3)

"Is anyone there?"

Jiang Liu is a reasonable person, so he does not intend to use violence to take back his house.

"You are."

Soon, someone came out of the room.

The person who came was a young man in his early twenties. He was accompanied by a black Chinese garden dog. It was obvious that the owner cherished this pet very much. The dog's fur was shiny and smooth, and its body was very strong and strong. See Jiang Liu was a stranger, and the black dog's expression immediately became alert and guarded. Its sharp teeth could tear Jiang Liu's flesh at any time as long as the owner gave the order.

What a good dog!

Jiang Liu doesn't like those coquettish and well-behaved pet dogs very much. He likes this kind of local dog that is easy to feed and loyal. These beautiful qualities are exactly the same as him.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

Seeing the stranger in front of him staring at his big black and unable to take his eyes away, Tang Ao felt a little proud in his heart. His big black was really good, and it was not surprising that he liked him.

If it hadn't been for Dahei's mutation in the previous life, which not only increased his body size ten times, but also activated the thunder power, their family would not have been able to survive for so many years in the apocalypse.

It's a pity that the power of Dahei, a mutated animal, is still too weak. Finally, Dahei sacrificed his life to protect them during a zombie siege. However, none of the three of them, father and son, could activate their powers. In the end of the world where zombies and mutated animals are rampant, there is no way for Dahei to activate their powers. He couldn't live for a few days, so he received box lunches one after another.

God was still merciful to him. When he woke up again, he found that he was five months before the end of the world. He had enough time to deal with the end of the world that might come later.

The doomsday that Tang Ao experienced was not very similar to the doomsday that Chi Ruojin experienced. There were also zombies in the doomsday that he experienced, but mutant animals also posed the same threat as zombies.

These animals, like humans, will be infected by zombie viruses, and they also have a chance to activate supernatural powers. Humans have to fight not only zombie animals infected by zombie viruses, but also animals that are hostile to humans because they have been harmed by humans, or animals that are hostile to humans. Wild and untamed, wild mutated animals that originally had humans on their diet.

Because the Tang Ao family was protected by the loyal mutant dog Dahei, they did not suffer much when the doomsday came. After Dahei's death, they suffered a little, but they have not fully experienced the cruelty of the doomsday. Even death is just Because starving to death or being killed by zombies has little to do with the darkness of human nature.

Therefore, the Tang Ao family still has human morality in their hearts, or in other words, they are still a little naive, which is not like those who have experienced the apocalypse.

When he was first reborn, Tang Ao once published an article on the Internet about the impending doomsday. He was one of the first people to be reborn, and he was also the first person on the Internet to issue a doomsday warning. After him, there were others one after another. Some people published articles, and it was at that time that Tang Ao felt the strangeness of this world.

Fortunately, Tang Ao was a little clever. He used an anonymous phone card bought from a street vendor to publish this article. The network was a public WiFi in a shopping mall thousands of miles away from home. After publishing this article, he immediately posted it. I flushed my phone card and mobile phone into the toilet, then I disguised myself and took many detours for two or three days before returning home.

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