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Foolish and fillial man (15)

"Hey, Liuzi, you and your wife are going to the county town to buy new year's goods today. Why don't you go there with everyone in a truck? That would be so trouble-free."

Seeing Jiang Liu taking his wife and bicycles when the villagers came back with big and small bags hanging on them, the villagers who saw it asked with a smile.

"No, I didn't go there specifically to buy New Year's goods."

Jiang Liu laughed, stopped the car, whispered a few words in his wife's ear, and took out a large handful of candies from one of the packages, distributed to the villagers they met.

"Why are you sharing candies for no reason?"

The candies Jiang Liu bought were high-end goods. The villagers were a little embarrassed when they held the candies. At the same time, some Zhangba monks were confused.

"Xiuxiu is pregnant, or two. Uncle, aunt, I'm going to be a father. You can take these wedding candies. When my cub is one month old, I'll treat you all to a drink."

Jiang Liu now looked like a fool Dad, the corners of his smile reached almost to his ears, and his joy was beyond words.

"You're pregnant, doesn't it mean you can't give birth?"

This was big news, and the villagers were both surprised and happy.

They blurted out these words not because they doubted Xu Xiuxiu's loyalty. After all, everyone knew who the other party was. In addition, the country was so big. If anyone's young daughter-in-law had any trouble, the gossiping villagers would immediately spread the news throughout the city. Especially now that Jiang Liu is still recognized by everyone as a great benefactor and a good person, it makes no sense that his wife has done something sorry for him, but the villagers don't even know about it.

"It's not that I can't give birth, the doctor said. It's just that it's more difficult to give birth. In addition, I didn't eat well before and did a lot of work, which makes it even more impossible to give birth. Today I also checked carefully. The doctor said that my health has been in the past six months. She is raising well and has made up for her previous losses. However, the doctor also said that this time Xiuxiu can be pregnant with a child. It is really rare for her to be pregnant with two children. Maybe God loves stupid people, but in the end, we are satisfied. wish."

Jiang Liu paused as he spoke: "I have to thank my uncles and aunts for the chickens, ducks and geese. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy such good things. We can take good care of ourselves, everyone. I will never forget the help of my elders."

His expression was so sincere that the elders holding candy bars didn't know what to say and could only wave their hands.

They sent things to Jiang Liu's house to thank Jiang Liu for what he had done for the people in the village. Strictly speaking, the original intention was to repay the favor, but at this moment Jiang Liu's words made people feel comfortable, and at the same time they felt like the fact that the couple was able to conceive a child was partly due to them. Subconsciously, they became much closer to the unborn child.

"Two children is a great joy. Our production team, and even our commune, haven't heard of anyone trying to get two children at once in many years. You see, you didn't have children in the early years, but now you have two as soon as they come. It's been so many years."

"It's also been made up for."

An old man said with a smile: "And I think those two children are lucky, otherwise why would they rush into your wife's belly when the conditions are good at home? It means that these babies are born to enjoy happiness. Yes, he is very blessed."

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