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Cuckold (19)

Jiang Tiancheng came back on the latest flight. At about 2:30 in the afternoon, he accompanied Yu Hongmei back to Jiang's house.

"Are you planning to come and discuss divorce with me?"

Yu Hongmei wrote a lot of things in her mind, but her words were useless because of the words of Jiang Liu who had been waiting for her after opening the door.

"Okay, leave."

There was no hysteria as Yu Hongmei and Jiang Tiancheng imagined. Jiang Liu said the word "leave" as if discussing the atmosphere today.

His attitude made Jiang Tiancheng feel boring, as if the woman he was eager to get was the one he didn't want.

You must know that before setting off to the Jiang family, Jiang Tiancheng felt like a knight, about to snatch the woman he regarded as a treasure from Jiang Liu. This is the bad nature of men, snatching his treasure from Jiang Liu. , making Jiang Tiancheng feel infinitely charming.

The air that I was holding was leaking before it could be released. This feeling was not pleasant.

But there was no way. Who made Yu Hongmei pregnant with his child? Jiang Tiancheng calmed down and was about to speak when Jiang Liu spoke again.

"The house we live in was built before we got married. The foundation is the Jiang family's ancestral property, so we can't divide it. As for my two hundred thousand compensation, it legally belongs to me personally. All subsequent medical expenses have to be allocated from here. , as for other things, if you want them all, I'll give them all to you."

The most valuable thing in the Jiang family now is this house and the 200,000 yuan. In addition, Yu Hongmei still has a deposit of less than 30,000 yuan in her account. , but Yu Hongmei will not admit the money.

In the last life, Yu Hongmei had left the house. Everyone praised her and thought she was one of the rare women who was not greedy for money. In this life, Jiang Liu divided the property before her and generously stated that in addition to the ancestral property and All the remaining joint assets besides the compensation amount were given to her. This was Jiang Liu's generosity, not Yu Hongmei's generosity.

Obviously Yu Hongmei also heard the hidden meaning in Jiang Liu's words, but because Jiang Tiancheng was standing next to her, she couldn't say anything and could only pretend to look guilty.

"As for the child..."

"I am willing to raise the child."

Yu Hongmei interrupted Jiang Liu before he could finish.

"I have raised the two children since they were young. You spend less time at home, and I am the one who spends the most time with the children. In addition, since you are in poor health now, I am afraid you don't have the energy to take care of the children, so I think the children should stay with me as a mother. ."

"I have less time at home, but why? Because I have to make money, I have to support you and your children, and I sacrifice time with my family. Is this my fault? What about you? My husband had an affair with another man while he was away at work. Could it be that I had less time at home and that was the reason for your cheating?"

Jiang Liu looked at her and said sarcastically: "You still have a child in your belly, are you sure? Do you have enough energy to take care of my two children?"

"How do you know."

Because Jiang Liu told her about her affair with Jiang Tiancheng, Yu Hongmei felt a little ashamed, but what surprised her even more was that Jiang Liu actually Got the news that she was pregnant.

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