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Cowhide blow through the sky (11)

"I am Jiang Liu's best friend. He has always liked to help others since he was a child. For example, my mother couldn't braid my hair when I was a child, and Jiang Liu would always be very enthusiastic. Help me braid it again at school." - From a middle-aged woman who often had her braids pulled by Jiang Liu when she was a child.

"Jiang Liu is a very smart person. He had very good grades when he was a child. Every time I was dozens of points behind him." - from a poor student who had been at the bottom of his class since childhood, with an average score of 20 to 30 points in language proficiency.

"Jiang Liu is a very down-to-earth person. He doesn't show off his wealth even when he is rich. If you hadn't come to interview us, we wouldn't have known that he has done so many good deeds silently." - By all the islanders who tell lies with their eyes open, Was it because Jiang Liu wasn't showing off? It was clearly Jiang Liu who was showing off, but they didn't believe it before.

Anyway, those small conflicts with Jiang Liu in the past were internal conflicts on the island. Now these interviews are to be seen by the national audience. They must create a good national image of Xiuqiu Island and shape Jiang Liu into a Living sign.

"Comrade reporter, let's take you to a place to see."

Lin Zhong, who now regarded himself as Jiang Liu's best friend, said to several reporters who were interviewing: "After seeing that place, you will know what to do next." No amount of praise or praise is enough to describe how good Jiang Liu is."

What Lin Zhong took reporters to see was the old house where the Jiang family now lives.

"This house was built by Uncle Jiang and Aunt Cai, that is, Jiang Liu's parents more than ten years ago. Even though Jiang Liu became rich in recent years, he did not rebuild this house at home. According to Jiang Liu, as long as the house can It just needs to be a comfortable place for people to live in. It doesn't need to be very luxurious. Look at this style alone, we can't even catch up with it." Lin Zhong pointed at the Jiang family's old house, and then pointed at a few nearby buildings. Although there is not much difference between the houses in terms of area and shape, one is an old house from more than ten years ago and has not been renovated in these years. The bricks on the exterior walls have fallen off, and it looks far less recent than the neighboring buildings. The house that was painted last year looks neat.

The islanders following behind looked at Lin Zhong's tearful performance and couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths, but if there was anything Lin Zhong said was wrong, there didn't seem to be anything wrong.

After all, that was what Jiang Liu explained at the beginning. It was just that they felt that Jiang Liu had no money and could not afford to repair the house in his hometown. But now that Jiang Liu has proven that he has assets of over 100 million, why doesn't he repair it? The only explanation for the house in his hometown is his diligence, frugality and simplicity.

"Then that sports car is -"

The reporter quickly took pictures and happened to see the convertible Ferrari sports car that Jiang Liu had not driven away. This sports car was not cheap. The money to buy the car was enough to build several country villas. It seemed that It does not match the river flow that everyone described.

"Hey, stop talking, who doesn't have a child to worry about at home? Speaking of the origin of this car, we have to mention Jiang Liu's son Chongde. By the way, he built more than a hundred schools. The names of the dozens of wells built were taken from his son's name."

Lin Zhong sighed longly: "Children, it is inevitable that they are a little vain. In fact, this child in Chongde is already sensible enough on weekdays. Obviously his father He is a billionaire, but he still lives in school like ordinary children like us, takes a boat ride to and fro on weekends, and during holidays, he helps his grandparents take care of the family plot and feeds the chickens and ducks in the yard. He is now half an adult, doing housework very smoothly, not squeamish at all, but no matter how sensible a child is, in adolescence, this car was caused by the child from Chongde and his father. Otherwise, how could a frugal and self-sufficient person like Jiang Liu do this? To buy such a flashy sports car, before that, he didn't even own a bicycle, so he advocated walking, a low-carbon and healthy way of travel." The reporters nodded, and it turned out that the rich also had various parenting problems.

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