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A shocking scandal suddenly broke out in the entertainment industry that had been peaceful for a long time. A veteran superstar who had won two Golden Song Awards, released a platinum record, and multiple gold records, was a love song in the eyes of people in the 1980s and 1990s. Prince Lu Xiao was exposed in a drug-taking scandal.

It is reported that the Chaoyang police received a call from Chaoyang people that day, saying that suspicious women frequently appeared in a certain room of a certain unit in a certain community. The Chaoyang people who initially called the police suspected that there might be prostitution in the unit. It was not until the police came to crack down on pornography that they found many drug paraphernalia and drugs. A small amount of methamphetamine was found on the spot. After taking the drug, Lu was found to be in high spirits and preparing to commit lewd acts, as well as three other women who were accompanying him while taking drugs. The nature of the case changed.

The media is always very resourceful. Somehow they got a few photos of Lu Xiao when he was arrested. Although the man's head was covered with a piece of clothing and his appearance could not be seen clearly, his body shape could not deceive anyone. According to his exposed arms, The tattoos on his body, as well as the surname, address and other information in the notice issued by the police, quickly determined that the drug-addicted man captured by the police not long ago was the once popular love song prince Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao was also a phenomenal superstar back then. Although he has lacked stamina in recent years, his popularity cannot be underestimated. Every concert is sold out, and whenever a new song is released, he can quickly climb up the music charts and reach the top ten. s position.

Therefore, when the news came out, many fans were unwilling to accept this reality, and passers-by also remained skeptical of the news because of Lu Xiao's once perfect character.

It wasn't until later that more and more real evidence came out, and Lu Xiao still didn't show up to clarify under this situation, netizens were not willing to believe that their singer, a talented musician with excellent compositions, was really addicted to drugs.

"Why do you think someone can't live a good life and want to smoke that thing?"

Lu Xiu and his wife Wang Yuandong were sitting on the sofa in the living room, one peeling oranges and the other peeling apples, watching the big news that had recently occupied the TV. Feeling very depressed.

If possible, Lu Xiu hopes that she will never see the word drug abuse again for the rest of her life, because it will remind her of many bad memories, but now the news is not broadcast on TV.

Lu Xiu really wanted to understand what the mentality of those who took drugs was like. Don't they know that this thing is harmful to others and themselves? What gave them the courage to think that they had strong willpower and took that drug? The stuff is not addictive.

Especially these celebrities on TV. They are public figures and should be role models for thousands of viewers. If these public figures cannot even exercise restraint and self-discipline, what qualifications do they have to be active in the public eye?

If there were not these drug addicts, there would be no vicious drug dealers. If there were no drug dealers, there would be no extremely risky anti-drug police officers like her son-in-law, and the tragedy in her family would not have happened.

Therefore, although Lu Xiu once liked some of Lu Xiao's songs, these likes disappeared after learning about his drug abuse, leaving only hatred and disgust.

"Turn off the TV, and wait until the story of Huan Zhen you want to watch is broadcast before turning it on."

Wang Yuandong cut the apple in his hand into pieces, and together with the orange segment that Lu Xiu had peeled, he took it to the playing machine not far away. Next to my grandson playing the piano.

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