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There is a treasure eggs at home (13)

"What are you doing in here!"

Jiang Shengnan asked, glaring at Jiang Liu who came in behind her.

"I'm asking you to borrow books from the second semester of second grade and the first semester of third grade. I plan to preview them in advance during this winter vacation." After

becoming an ancient academic master once and a modern academic god again, Jiang Liu was now His knowledge reserve meant that he no longer needed to preview any basic education content, but didn't he have to find an excuse? Jiang Liu also wanted to make his good grades appear more reasonable.

Of course, he has no plans to skip a grade. Life now is very comfortable and comfortable. Jiang Liu feels that sometimes it is a good thing to spend his teenage years step by step.

Jiang Shengnan wanted to rebuke him and said that he didn't want to borrow it. If he could, he would go find someone else to borrow it. But when he saw his younger brother's face that was two or three points similar to his own, he took it back as soon as he said it.

"Here, it's all here."

As a child who regards learning as a springboard in life, Jiang Shengnan cherishes every textbook of his.

Because Jiang Jianjun pays attention to current affairs, there are many newspapers at home. Every time the school distributes new books, Jiang Shengnan will use these newspapers to wrap his textbooks with book covers.

She is also extremely careful when using it. She does not read when eating, does not read when drinking water, and does not take out the book when eating snacks. Even the first-grade textbook is still as new as Like a new book.

"I took a lot of notes in the book."

Jiang Shengnan took out a cardboard box from under the bed containing used textbooks. After thinking about it, she took out a few more notebooks from the box, "These are what the teacher taught in class." I have written down some of the key points. If you don't understand anything, you can read these two notes."

As a representative of a student who is not very talented but is extremely hardworking, even those in the first, second and third grade of elementary school She also carefully took study notes on the content, especially some questions that she had missed before, and studied them repeatedly until she never made the mistake again. Therefore, Jiang Shengnan's notes are very valuable for those who want to preview. of.

"You still don't understand, then ask me or my second sister."

Taking out a thick stack of books, Jiang Shengnan added angrily: "Don't ask me any simple questions, I also want to learn. I'm not as keen on being your mother as my second sister."

This sentence was a little angry, obviously remembering the unpleasantness just now.

If he were his original self, he would probably quarrel with Jiang Chaonan again at this time, but Jiang Liu is not that naive.

In fact, children of this age are inherently more sensitive, not to mention that the age gap between her and the original person is too small. Under the disparity in treatment from her family, it is difficult to treat this favored younger brother with a normal heart.

But Jiang Shengnan is a typical hard-spoken and soft-hearted person. Just like in her previous life, she clearly had the ability to take the postgraduate entrance examination, but she still decisively gave up the opportunity to take the postgraduate entrance examination and worked to supplement the family income after the family experienced a huge change.

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