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Zombie King (21)

"Before the end of the world, I had a dream."

Tang Ao got straight to the point and directly named his identity. He knew that if Chi Ruojin was the same type of person as him, he should be able to understand what he meant.

If it was an ordinary dream, he would definitely not mention it at this time. Since he specifically approached Chi Ruojin to talk about it, it must be because there was something special about this dream.

The reason why Tang Ao spoke so vaguely was because there were Jiang Liu and Chi Ruoyu at the scene, and Tang Ao was not sure whether Chi Ruojin had confessed this matter to them.

If Jiang Liu and Chi Ruoyu didn't know what Chi Ruojin had experienced, they would naturally not understand the meaning of this sentence.

But Jiang Liu and Chi Ruoyu both knew it, because they were also "reborn".

Jiang Liu understood that everyone was ready to be honest at this time, so even if the city could hide his scheming, he still pretended to be shocked. Even though the shock quickly disappeared, it was still caught by the sharp mind. Chi Ruojin captured it.

Not to mention Chi Ruoyu, she lived in the apocalypse for a short time, and she didn't experience too much evil in people's hearts, and she had a simple mind. Therefore, Chi Ruojin never doubted that her sister had experienced similar experiences to her.

But when Tang Ao mentioned the dream, the emotion on her sister's face that was more exposed than Jiang Liu's fell into Chi Ruojin's eyes, and she immediately understood that her sister was also a reborn person like herself.

This made Chi Ruojin a little anxious, because she didn't know if her sister had any cruel experiences in her past life memories.

"That dream was quite strange."

Tang Ao focused his attention on Chi Ruojin, but did not notice the strange look on the faces of Jiang Liu and Chi Ruoyu.

He continued: "There were no three suns in my dream. Instead, there were many zombies like Resident Evil."

He stared at Chi Ruojin, not daring to miss any of her emotional changes.

"It's a coincidence. I had a similar dream."

If it had been the day before, Chi Ruojin would not have confessed the matter no matter how much Tang Ao tried to test it, but it was different now. There was a hidden person beside them. The enemy in the dark may not be one, but a group.

In order to protect her loved ones, Chi Ruojin couldn't guarantee whether she would reveal her extraordinary abilities when she met that group of people. Tang Ao would definitely be able to guess her origins by then. What's more, Chi Ruojin is indeed interested in Tang Ao's abilities.

"That dream was really interesting. In that dream, my Dahei mutated. Not only was his size several times his original size, but he also activated thunder powers." Tang Ao heard Chi Ruojin admit that he was the same.

After rebirth, the look in his eyes suddenly became brighter.

"My Dahei is so powerful. I rely on it to protect me in the apocalypse. It has grown in size. If one bites it, the zombie's head will turn into scum. Not only that, its thunder power is also very powerful. A thunder It can electrocute a group of zombies into bones."

Tang Ao said this because he wanted to tell Chi Ruojin that his mutant dog Dahei was very powerful and he had the capital to cooperate with her.

"My dream is different from yours. In my dream, there were no mutated animals, but in the dream I was lucky enough to activate ice powers."

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