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Zombie King (15)

"Why is there a power outage? How can we live with a power outage on days like this!"

"That's right, after the power outage today, my grandson was so hot that he cried. The adults can bear it, but as for the children, they are all hungry. You can't die!"

When Jiang Liu and others rushed to the power supply bureau, a group of people had already surrounded it, demanding an explanation from the power supply bureau.

"If possible, we don't want to have a power outage. You are not the only one with elderly and children at home." Perhaps out of fear of riots, the iron door of the power supply bureau was locked, and employees were inside comforting people outside.

"The notice from the Municipal Bureau has come down. From now on, power will be available in the South District from 10 to 16 o'clock, and in the North District from 12 to 18 o'clock. If there are any changes, we will notify you separately." The deputy director of the Power Supply Bureau said inside with a loudspeaker:

"This is already the limit of what the Power Supply Bureau can do. No matter how much trouble we make, there will be no cause for concern. We do not have the conditions to build wind power stations here, and apart from wind power stations, thermal power generation, nuclear power generation or hydropower generation are essentially irrelevant. If you don't boil the water, there is less and less water on the surface now, and the bureau can't do anything about it."

The deputy director is so anxious these days that his hair is about to fall out, worrying about work and family matters.

His little grandson is only eight months old. He suffered a heat stroke right after the power outage today. His whole little body is boiling hot. Unfortunately, the hospital is not open normally anymore. He found a pediatrician after many connections to help his grandson. .

Now he has placed his grandson and daughter-in-law in his office, and uses his position to turn on the air conditioner in the office. However, he also knows that this is not a long-term solution. When the city's power supply is tight, the people under him will sooner or later be affected by private affairs. There will be complaints.

This time I was so anxious that I had another bunch of blisters on my mouth, and I didn't know when they would subside.

"Then what can we do!"

"There is no way to survive!"

"There is a shortage of food and a power outage. This is forcing people to die."

The deputy director of the power supply station said so, which shows that this is the last word. As a result, it can only supply electricity for six hours a day. What to do with the other eighteen hours?

What particularly alarmed everyone was the news revealed in the deputy director's words: water.

The power supply bureau has begun to restrict electricity consumption due to water shortage. What about the water plant? Will it stop supplying water because the water in the reservoir has evaporated and there is no new precipitation?

If there is a power outage, it might be over after a while, but if there is a water outage, people will die.

Thinking of this, everyone no longer bothered to gather around the power supply station to ask for an explanation. They hurriedly went back to each house to find all the containers in the house and filled them with water. At least they had to hide the water before the water supply from the water plant really stopped. That's enough.

"Village Chief, what should we do?"

I originally came to the city specifically to inquire about the power outage, but now that I have heard reliable news, there is no point in squeezing over to ask the employees of the power supply station.

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