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Autism (15)

"Ansheng, I heard the news that you were forced to withdraw from the competition by the program team. Originally, I wanted to negotiate with the program team to keep you, but the program team's attitude was very firm. I'm sorry."

Lu Xiao with his eyes gleaming, he said to Jiang Liu sincerely.

He knew in his heart that the other person might not react much to his words, but he had to let the autistic child know his attitude.

"I admire you very much. In fact, if the program team hadn't forced you to quit the show, I would have expected you to become the champion of this competition. And I believe we have many common topics in song writing. Now your grandma has signed up for a tour group to go abroad. I'm traveling, and I don't know when I'll be able to come back, so let's go and stay at my place for a while."

The program "Son of Music" is broadcast during the summer vacation of students in July and August, so Xiao Ansheng does not need to go to school. It was not unexpected for Lu Xiao to make this request since his only relative happened to have signed up for a foreign tour group and his return date was uncertain.

"It's almost time for dinner now. What do you want to eat? How about the steak? The cream of mushroom soup made by my chef tastes very good." Seeing that Xiao Ansheng's mood was stable, he had no objection to his suggestion.

Lu Xiao simply agreed to the matter on his own terms, took the initiative to take the duffel bag from Jiang Liu's hand, smiled kindly, and took him out of this old apartment building with a sincere attitude.


It was several days later when Xiao Ran knew that Lu Xiao had kept Xiao Ansheng by his side in the name of taking care of him.

Xiao Ran is also one of the judges of the Son of Music program, but his career focus is not on music, and his original intention is not in this matter, so he doesn't know much about the contestants on the show, and he doesn't know Xiao Ran either. The specific situation of Ansheng.

He only knew that he was a very quiet young man who didn't talk much. He had excellent musical talent and had gotten into trouble recently, that's all.

Xiao Ran is not a good person who likes to meddle in other people's business. Injustice happens every day in this circle. Xiao Ran has no way to control it, and he can't handle it. So after learning the news that Xiao Ansheng was forced to withdraw from the competition, Xiao Ran just felt sorry for him for a short while, and soon put this matter down.

He learned that the news that Xiao Ansheng was taken away by Lu Xiao was also due to a strange coincidence, or it was a coincidence deliberately designed by someone with a heart.

"Why are Xiao Ansheng here with you?"

Xiao Ran came here after receiving Lu Xiao's invitation. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Xiao Ansheng sitting in front of the piano in the living room.

His mind quickly flashed through the right and wrong about Xiao Ansheng on the Internet some time ago, and he quickly figured out the strangeness. It seemed that this Xiao Ansheng did not offend someone as he thought, but what he showed His talent captivated someone's eyes, causing him to resort to despicable means to keep people close to him.

Xiao Ran's eyes darkened. Of course he understood what would happen to those who were favored by Lu Xiao.

Now Lu Xiao trusts him more and more, and Xiao Ran also knows a lot of inside information that he didn't know before.

For example, Lu Xiao served as a hookup for the Xu brothers and was a supplier to many people in the industry. He would often hold parties, invite newcomers who had just entered the industry, and tempt them to become addicted to drugs.

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