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I was chilling when I got a text from Cheyenne asking if I could do her hair and makeup today.
Yes Cheyenne, Essence, and I got close. Mainly because we have all of the same college classes together and we helped each other out when we needed it.

So I got out of my bed and yawned cause I'm tired as freak I had to close the store down and do college work also!

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So I got out of my bed and yawned cause I'm tired as freak I had to close the store down and do college work also!

I went to my bathroom and put the water on hot. Cause who don't love a hot shower?

I got in the shower and did what I had to do and got out and brushed my teeth. Once I got done brushing my teeth I went into my closet and found me something to wear.

And one thing I learned from my mama was " not to go outside looking a mess cause you'll never know who you'll run into."

And it's a coincidence every-time you come outside looking like a bum you see everybody.

But I decided to put on a black bodysuit with my Rick Owens.

I then took my flexi rods out my hair and I applied some lip gloss cause natural face is the best face.

Cheyenne sent me the address so I put it on my gps and played "Heartless" by King Von.  And pulled out my apartment complex.

*20 minutes later *

I pulled up to this big house and it had hella decent cars in the driveway.

I then texted Cheyenne letting her know I was outside and to come get me cause it was cars in the driveway and I was scared to come in

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I then texted Cheyenne letting her know I was outside and to come get me cause it was cars in the driveway and I was scared to come in.

I got out my car and went to the backseat to get my makeup and hair bag and begin walking towards the front door.

I reached the front door and rung the door bell and someone opened the front door and there was the dude who came to my job with his loud girlfriend.

" Hey I'm here to do Cheyenne hair and makeup." I said nervously.

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