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"These niggas got my homie kilt you think I'm finna let this shìt slide!" A unknown person said.

"I heard his bitch pregnant too!" Another unknown voice said.

"Naw we ain't go fuck with her just get him!" Boss said.

"Ight!" The unknown voice said.

"If you can't get that nigga we'll have to get his bitch!" Boss said.

"I'll get him and his bitch boss!" An unknown female said.


Every since me and Jaylen fucked that night I've been sore because he was being so rough.

"You still sore baby?" He asked.

"Yea ima have to call my doctor!" I said getting up putting on clothes.

"If you would've stopped being rough I wouldn't be in pain." I said.

"I wasn't even that rough!" He said.

"Let's go she already called back and said she only has one opening because I wasn't supposed to come today!" I said.

I was dead ass hungry and I knew if we would've stopped I wouldn't make it to the doctor on time.
So I just let him continue driving to the doctors appointment.

We arrived at the doctors and it was packed with people but I was saved because my doctor immediately came and got me once I checked in at the front desk.

"What's wrong with you today mama!" My nurse said.

"We had sex a couple nights ago and every since then I've been hurting and I started spotting this morning." I said.

"Can you take your bottoms off so I can get a look at you!" She said washing her hands and putting on gloves.

"Well everything looks fine down there but stop the rough sex. Because it looks as if it's bleeding from the roughness. It's completely fine to have sex while pregnant but not rough sex." She said.

"You heard her?" I asked Jaylen and he thought it was so funny that he's the reason why I'm here.

"Yes stop the roughness but he's looking to be here in 2 weeks instead of 4." My nurse said.

"Well he need to hurry up so I can see him!" I said.

We did another ultrasound to hear the baby heartbeat and to make sure he was okay. And we left and decided to get some food while we were out before going over to Chey house.

"Bae you see that car? I asked Jaylen.

Because I noticed the same car has been directly behind us since we left the wing place.

"Hell yea I see it I'm calling Trey them now!" He said.

Jaylens POV

I knew it was a matter of time before them nawf side boys came back for me since I killed one their homies for killing mines.

But I was hoping I wasn't with my girl or baby when that time came. So I called Trey while driving around and making sure the car kept up with me too.

"Hello!" Trey said.

"We on MLK bout 20 minutes from the stash I got somebody on my trail I need y'all to handle it." I said.

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