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Everybody was now at Jaylen new house because he wanted all us over here.

So me and the girls were cooking everybody decided and agreed upon soul food.

I made majority of the food while Chey and Essence taste tested in their words.

I made majority of the food while Chey and Essence taste tested in their words

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"Wash y'all hands and come get this food." I yelled."

" y'all fixing y'all own food since I cooked." I said.

" Baby I'll fix your food!" Jaylen said.

" I'm not hungry right now" I said.

"Baby you need to eat everybody else eating!" Jaylen said fixing our plates.

"Damn sis I ain't know you can cook like this." Trey said.

" Get you a girl that can cook I know you tired of eating noodles and fast food!" Jaylen said.

"Nigga what you was eating before you met her? Ight now shut up!" Trey said laughing.

"Jaylen stfu I cook what I eat!" Essence said defending her self.

" y'all funny asf" I said.

" So Jameria what you doing for your 20th birthday?" Chey said.

"Nothing sit in the house and watch movies with Cocoa!" I said.

"Oh bitch no your not we going somewhere." Chey said.

"she know damn well I ain't letting her stay in the house." Jaylen said rubbing my thigh.

Update on me.

I moved to Atlanta and March. And I met everyone except Jaylen the same day. A month later I then met Jaylen when he came to my store. I then did Chey hair and didn't find out Jaylen and Chey were siblings till the day I did her hair. I got into with Destiny because I rode with Jaylen to a restaurant. After we left the restaurant we talked and I gave him my Instagram we being talking through Instagram until I decided to give him my number. We stopped talking when I found out he was still fucking Destiny. I didn't talk to him in a month. We begin back talking as friends going on dates until he asked me to be his girlfriend.

We have been dating for 6 months and I still haven't had sex with him. Because I want a healthy relationship first before jumping right into sex. And plus I was still a virgin at 19.

Me and the girls played uno while the boys went to smoke and talk about the play they gotta make.

Even though I already met Jaylen's mother he took me to meet her again as his "girlfriend." And I meeting his nana at the cookout next week.

Everybody eventually left and me and Jaylen were now watching tv.

"Baby let's go get in the bed!" I said.

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