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It was 4;30 in the morning when I was woken up by hearing Amir crying

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It was 4;30 in the morning when I was woken up by hearing Amir crying. I was extremely tired because it felt like I just had put him to sleep.

I noticed Jaylen wasn't in the bed and that instantly pissed me off because he didn't say he was leaving to go anywhere.

He's been leaving the house all times of the night lately and had me questioning where he was going.

I got Amir out the bassinet and got back in the bed to feed him. I was finally able to get him to latch on to breastfeed.

I was feeding my baby when I heard the sound of the stairs creaking. And I noticed it was Jaylen but I ignored his presence.

I caught my self crying out of nowhere lately and feeling different types of emotions. Only person I actually wanted right now is my son but being home everyday alone was becoming overwhelming.

I knew it was Postpartum Depression but I knew I didn't have time to cry or feel bad for myself because I had a child to take care of. So I recently hid how I felt because I didn't want an argument.

I smelt the scent of weed and alcohol when Jaylen came to his side of the bed.

"Wassup ma!" I heard Jaylen say while poking his lips out like he wanted a kiss.

I stared at him for a moment without saying anything and proceeded to burp Amir.

"Damn what's wrong with you? He slurred."

"Nothing." I said blatantly

"Something gotta be wrong you rolling your eyes and shìt. He semi yelled."

"Can you not? You're drunk and he's sleepy." I said getting out of the bed.

"Why you acting like that?" He asked.

Amir was finally sleeping so I put him in his bassinet and left out our bedroom leaving Jaylen in the bed dumbfounded.

I was going downstairs to the kitchen when I seen Jaylen following after me.

The fuck is your problem bae?" He said yanking my arm making me face him.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I slapped him hard in the face.

I was completely heartbroken because I never thought I'll be at the point where I would snap or put my hands on anyone.

I completely blacked out and start punching Jaylen while crying until he grabbed me to stop me.

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