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Jaylen Robinson

I was walking out the barbershop shop when this black impala came and let down it's window letting off shots. Next thing  I remember is me falling and blacking out.

"lord please let my baby get up!" My mama said crying.

I then woke up to bright ass lights in my eyes.

"Ma stop crying!" I said.

"Omg you up!" She yelled.

Then the nurses ran in and checked me to see if I was ok and left out.

"Don't you ever scare me like that anymore!" Cheyenne said.

"Where Jameria?" I asked.

I wondered if she knew or if she even gave a fuck.

"She said she's on her way!" Cheyenne said.

"Speaking of that you see how even though she's mad at you she still dropped what she's doing to come 2 hours to check up on you!" My ma said.

"Yeah you need to fix that!" Cheyenne said.

"Man ik bro everytime we get right I'm always fucking something up!" I said.

"Well you need change and focus on the fact that this girl love you and is bringing your son in this world!" My ma said.

"Cause all this fucking up you doing it wouldn't be surprised if y'all just co-parent because you can only take so much!" Chey said.

"And I'm not just saying this cause I like her. She actually is a good girl don't ruin that just because you wanted to be a whore!" My ma said.

What they was saying was true asf but I ain't wanna think about the fact of her saying we just need to co-parent and not be together!

"Where trey?" I asked.

"Him and Essence went and got everybody food!" My mama said.

30 minutes Trey, Essence , Q, Chey, my mama, pops were all at the hospital. I don't know how they all got passed the nurses but shit they did.

I was starting to worry if Jameria was actually on her way! She hasn't responded to anyone messages.

1 hour later Jameria came walking through the door.

Looking good asf pregnant and all.

                           Jameria POV

When Cheyenne called I immediately jumped up and put on me a grey dress and left my mama house fast asf trying to get back to Atlanta.

When Cheyenne called I immediately jumped up and put on me a grey dress and left my mama house fast asf trying to get back to Atlanta

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