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Jaylen and Jameria had left her apartment and was on their way to Jaylen parents house when Jaylen noticed Jameria needed gas in her car.

"You want something out the store?" Jaylen asked.

"Yea just get me a blue slushy and flaming hot
Doritos please!" Jameria said.

"Ight lock the door!" Jaylen said grabbing his gun.

Jaylen got out of the car and Jameria locked the door once he got out.

Jaylen's POV

I made my way into the store and got Jameria stuff that she wanted and I heard the bell ring and I noticed it was Destiny coming in with big mike.

I got Jameria stuff and proceeded to walk to the register.

"So you had me jumped for beating your bitch ass!" Destiny said.

"Bitch if youn get out my face with that bullshit and from what I seen you the one that got they ass beat!" I said.

"Really Jaylen that's how you do me after I do everything for you?" Destiny said.

"Bitch yeen did shìt for me!" I said.

"Ayeee come get yo side bitch before I call Linda up here!" I said.

"Who the hell is a side bitch? I ain't never been a side bitch to you or him get the fuck on!" Destiny said.

Lina was Big Mike wife and she ain't play no games in Atlanta.

"Aye chill out bitch get your shit and let's go! Mike yelled.

I payed for Jameria stuff and walked out the store and put the bags in the car and started pumping her gas.

                       JAMERIA'S POV

I was at the store with Jaylen when I noticed I seen Destiny with my old manger Mike. And I could've sworn my ex co-workers said Mike was married.

This bitch always fucking on somebody damn man community pussy ass bitch.

Jaylen had came out the store after being in there for a good lil minute and stared pumping the gas.

After he got in the car I started drinking my slushy.

"I could've sworn my old coworkers said Mike was married?" I said.

"He is that nigga cheating wait till Linda found Ight she go kill they ass!" He said.

"Niggas ain't shit !" I said eating my Doritos.

"I ain't nìggas!" He said.

"You right with them!" I said.

"I was but I ain't now!" He said

I then put music on and ate my snacks until we got to Jaylen parents house.

"Go knock on the door bae!" I said.

"Man what you would've did if I ain't come?" He said.

Man come on scary ass!"he said.

"Bro shut up!" I said.

"Damn you getting bigger girl!" James said.

"Dang I look big foreal? I said.

"Damn da chill out she ain't finna let that go!" He said.

Glad he know cause why you ain't tell me I look big and let me come out the house like this.

"I was just playing smiley!" He said

"Yea ok!" I said.

"Hey baby!" Ma Angie said walking into the living room.

"Hey!" I said smiling.

"Come on!" Ma Angie said to me.

So I got up and followed her until we got to her work office.

"You can sit down on that couch!" She said.

"How you been?" She asked.

"I've been good recently and Jaylen been helping more which is good I guess!" I said.

It's crazy that I could talk to my boyfriend's mom about my problems and not my mama. But I'm not going to stress it long as I got somebody I actually trust telling my problems to. And they listen and not judge me like my mother use to do.

"I'm just making sure you're okay because I know how depression can just creep up on you. I want you to know I'm here for you. Not just because your friends with my daughter or you dating my son!" She said.

"I'm okay and I'm very appreciative that I can always talk to you about my feelings. Because sometimes I have trouble opening up about my feelings." I said.

"And that's fine sometimes it's okay to keep your feelings aside until you ready to express them!" She said.

We talked about our problems and about my Amir until she had to be at her bestfriend house for her hair appointment.

"Baby you ready to go?"jaylen asked.

"Yea!" I said.

We then left his parents house and I noticed he wasn't going the way we usually go when we're going to my house.

"Where we going?" I asked.

"Hush and ride!" He said.

"Well ok then!" I said.

I then got on my phone and started reading this book I found on wattpad called "Committed." And when I say that book is good asf it's good asf.

It's was getting dark and we pulled up to jaylen house. I've been here recently but I haven't stayed over night since I bleached his clothes.

"You got something you wanna talk about?" He asked.

And I did have things I had to say to him and I decided to tell him how I felt.

"Yes! I know that you say your here for me and Amir but I just don't want you to be here cause I'm pregnant. I want you to be here because this is where you want to be!" I said.

"I want to be here, I love you and my son so much and you one of the reasons why I look at things so differently now you taught me how to love and the love you give me everyday is unmatched! Why wouldn't I want to be here?" He said.

"I love you too!" I said wiping my face.

"Why you crying baby?" He asked wiping my tears.

"I don't know I just needed that reassurance because sometimes my mind can start making up things that causes me to start questioning myself!" I said.

"Well now you know Jameria Ashlyn Wright I love you, I'm in love with you I don't want nobody else but you."he said.

We got out the car and went inside his house and took a shower and watched reruns of All American until he fell asleep and eventually I fell asleep too.

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